Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?


hmmm...that graph isn't shown on the link listed.

In fact, the wikipedia page states:

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (August 2014)

hmmm...that graph isn't shown on the link listed.

In fact, the wikipedia page states:

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (August 2014)
And yet the graph is not wrong. About 98 out of a hundred terrorist attacks are motivated by Islam. It's sadly funny how you on the Left keep trying to make the absurd case that all ideologies are equal in terrorist expression. You know it's a lie, but you keep telling it.

hmmm...that graph isn't shown on the link listed.

In fact, the wikipedia page states:

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (August 2014)
And yet the graph is not wrong. About 98 out of a hundred terrorist attacks are motivated by Islam. It's sadly funny how you on the Left keep trying to make the absurd case that all ideologies are equal in terrorist expression. You know it's a lie, but you keep telling it.


hmmm...that graph isn't shown on the link listed.

In fact, the wikipedia page states:

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (August 2014)
And yet the graph is not wrong. About 98 out of a hundred terrorist attacks are motivated by Islam. It's sadly funny how you on the Left keep trying to make the absurd case that all ideologies are equal in terrorist expression. You know it's a lie, but you keep telling it.



You got me again. Here's the real breakdown:


hmmm...that graph isn't shown on the link listed.

In fact, the wikipedia page states:

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (August 2014)
And yet the graph is not wrong. About 98 out of a hundred terrorist attacks are motivated by Islam. It's sadly funny how you on the Left keep trying to make the absurd case that all ideologies are equal in terrorist expression. You know it's a lie, but you keep telling it.



You got me again. Here's the real breakdown:


You just made me spew my wine! :lmao:

If I had rep I'd rep you! :D

Best post ever!
It boggles my mind, it makes my head explode, how can anyone in the United States argue about who the terrorists are. They are Muslims. What has happened to your brains that you can't see muslims commit terrorist acts over and over, and still you deny it? Remember the DC sniper? I was living in Washington DC during their reign. Some "fbi profiler" said it was white skin-heads. I told everyone I knew, "when they catch the guys they won't be white skin heads, and one of them will be named mohamed". Well guess what?

What do you think is the most common first name of terrorists? I'll bet it's mohamed.
It boggles my mind, it makes my head explode, how can anyone in the United States argue about who the terrorists are. They are Muslims. What has happened to your brains that you can't see muslims commit terrorist acts over and over, and still you deny it? Remember the DC sniper? I was living in Washington DC during their reign. Some "fbi profiler" said it was white skin-heads. I told everyone I knew, "when they catch the guys they won't be white skin heads, and one of them will be named mohamed". Well guess what?

What do you think is the most common first name of terrorists? I'll bet it's mohamed.
LOL no shit!

It boggles my mind, it makes my head explode, how can anyone in the United States argue about who the terrorists are. They are Muslims. What has happened to your brains that you can't see muslims commit terrorist acts over and over, and still you deny it? Remember the DC sniper? I was living in Washington DC during their reign. Some "fbi profiler" said it was white skin-heads. I told everyone I knew, "when they catch the guys they won't be white skin heads, and one of them will be named mohamed". Well guess what?

What do you think is the most common first name of terrorists? I'll bet it's mohamed.

It boggles my mind, it makes my head explode, how can anyone in the United States argue about who the terrorists are. They are Muslims. What has happened to your brains that you can't see muslims commit terrorist acts over and over, and still you deny it? Remember the DC sniper? I was living in Washington DC during their reign. Some "fbi profiler" said it was white skin-heads. I told everyone I knew, "when they catch the guys they won't be white skin heads, and one of them will be named mohamed". Well guess what?

What do you think is the most common first name of terrorists? I'll bet it's mohamed.
The argument is not about who commits terrorism. It is your idiotic insistence that this guy was one.
What if this guy turns out to have been a Christian. Should we then also not allow Christians to be airline pilots?
Ravi, surely you understand why what you say is a non sequitur. Christianity does not teach to kill everyone who doesn't follow the doctrine, islam does. We haven't had a rash of christians crash planes on purpose, we have with muslims. I know of no christian leaders calling for death and destruction for innocent people, there are many such muslim leaders. Surely you understand this.

Well there you go Ravi. The double standard insists that it is somehow "different".
I never doubted it :lol:
So these guys were pilots just not professional pilots? come on now lol. Of course the pilots in Arab countries will be Muslim but I dont think many of us have any vacations planned over there anytime soon.
So your answer is yes you would trust your family to Left wing "tolerance" when it can get them killed? I think it's an excellent test of your real convictions because even what you post here is no indicator to what you would really do in that situation. Somehow all that "vetting" would prove less than reassuring.

Wouldn't it?

No. That is *your* answer. I trust my family to the well-established safety records of the airlines I fly on, and the process by which pilots are trained and hired. If the pilot happened to be Muslim - yes, we would still fly. And *that* is what I would really do.

I don't believe you, but that is ultimately to your credit. I do believe that when you see that your airline pilot is a devout Muslim, you will grab your kids and high tail it out of there and book another flight...preferably with a Methodist....because they don't crash planes into buildings. Liberalism always breaks apart on the shoals of real life.

:lol: You are completely wrong. And it has never ever occurred to me to even think about a pilot's religion ;)

Come to think of it, maybe an athiest is the best pilot - they know that our life on earth now is the only life we'll have and might be less likely to end it

Atheists also don't anticipate eternal consequences for their actions as demonstrated by the 120 million people they killed in the 20th century.

And no I'm not completely wrong. I have the utmost faith that you will do the right thing if the situation actually arises. You'll probably manufacture an excuse that has nothing to do the pilot being Muslim. It really doesn't matter what reason you give because ultimately when you see this:


There's no way in Dante's Hell you're going to put your family on that plane, tolerant Leftist or not.

and yet you are absolutely wrong because I have flown on a plane that 99% is likely to have had a Muslim pilot and I never gave it a second thought :)
I have flown on countless such planes. There are many airlines likely to have Muslim pilots and/or co-pilots, and I have flown on many of them: Turkish Airlines, Emirates Airline, Etihad, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways...for example. Without any worries at all.The worst thing I've seen on any of these flights is Westerners behaving badly.
Is that a requirement for an ideology?

for organized and extensive ideology----of course-----
you want to refer to GOTH as a viable "ideology"?

They usually call themselves White Supremacists or variants there of.

ok-----they are organized enough to be considered a dangerous ideology------they do meet----they have publications and they even have a lingo-----we have a few on this board I would agree that neither white
supremacists nor members of the Ku Klux Klan should be airplane pilots. chefs have a lingo and literature and place for meetings-----but they are not known for terrorism. If they had a history of mass staphlycoccal food poisonings------I would say that they should not be either airplane pilots or stewardesses

I think it's a good idea to have a list of certain mentalities that should never be entrusted with a jumbo jet, but the Left would included white supremacists on that list, who have never crashed planes into buildings, and exclude Muslims, who have. It isn't about saving lives to them, ideology is supreme even over the facts.

1.57 billion Muslims around the world. 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into buildings. The Right would have us believe this is statistically relevant.
They have absolutely no perspective and do not operate with logic and reasoning.

BTW--I want some of that popcorn!
Depression doesn't cause people to crash airlines or commit mass murder, but extremely clinically depressed people do commit suicide sometimes. It is certainly a contributing factor. Depressed people are ill and should not be operating an aircraft or any other equipment/machinery that can do harm. We may not want to stigmatize people who are depressed, but seriously clinically depressed people can do harm, to themselves mostly, but also to others sometimes.
We may not want to stigmatize people who are depressed, but seriously clinically depressed people can do harm, to themselves mostly, but also to others sometimes.
Many, perhaps most murderers do not suffer from depression. Most depressed people do not murder. Some people are just plain evil (which would include most, perhaps all muslims).

Thanks for the link. I'm so glad I don't fly on commercial airlines. Jews, christians, jehovah's witnesses, can all be a big pain in the ass. But, at least they don't fly planes into buildings, cut people's heads off, stonen people, or gang rape women just because they can. NYC police should have been called, and those assholes should have all been arrested and hauled off the plane. But America is such a pussy country that didn't happen. Scenes like that don't happen in Russia or China, because in Russia or China they would have been hauled off the plane, arrested, and had a difficult time ever getting out. Others see this, and modify their behavior because of it.

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