Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

What about doctors? Do you have the right to ask to see his license for whatever it is he specializes in? Do you have the right to ask for a second opinion if given a diagnosis you think may be incorrect?

It is all geared about safety. Airlines should be no different.
you would seem like a freak wanting to know your doctors religion
or claiming a pilots faith was a safety issue
I don't care what my doctors faith is. I do care if the pilot flying a deadly weapon is extremist. You'd be a freak not to care.
A person's religion has no bearing on safety.
Do you honestly believe that? Suppose his religion is one that teaches that he MUST do all he can to kill as many infidels as possible. That would have no bearing on safety? Suppose he has made speaches urging people to kill as many as possible, would you STILL let him pilot an airline? Before you make blanket statements, you might want to think it out first. Just an idea.
It's one thing to take a chance on flying having to deal with weather,mechanical failure or what have you.
Then we need to consider a muslim or muslim wanna be going Allar Arkbar on our asses and flying the plane into the side of a mountain
because he heeds the call of Islam....

Maybe that does not apply here but it has to make people wonder the next time they board their plane...
Then don't go anywhere you fucking moron. :cuckoo:
A person's religion has no bearing on safety.
Do you honestly believe that? Suppose his religion is one that teaches that he MUST do all he can to kill as many infidels as possible. That would have no bearing on safety? Suppose he has made speaches urging people to kill as many as possible, would you STILL let him pilot an airline? Before you make blanket statements, you might want to think it out first. Just an idea.
Muslim pilots fly over this country all day everyday you loon
complete historonics
Yes, don't want to get all worked up just because a hundred people are murdered. What's the big deal? Same thing with the beheadings. A little beheading and people get all worked up. How about that sixty minutes reporter (Lara Logan) being gang raped in the street by muslims? What's the big deal.
..Those are the words of a true coward...
No, those are the words of a Realist, who points out the historical precedent, and the requisite legal mechanisms, and who serves-up a warning that it can happen again. your case the terrorists have already won.
The terrorists win when we're dead, or when we abandon our global interests and become introverts again.
Maybe a good solution would be to make sure there are always THREE pilots in the cockpit at all times. Regardless of religious faith. There are only two now, right? Pilot and co pilot. So if one goes wacko while the other is taking a pee break, the other co pilot is there as back up. 3. At all times. Never just ONE in the cockpit.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

Not only is that not true, it is against federal law to discriminate in the workplace and in job placement based on one's religious affiliation. It is unconstitutional.

We'll need to make an exception for Muzzies.

Says the man who promotes child abuse by posting pictures of children giving the finger.
complete historonics
Yes, don't want to get all worked up just because a hundred people are murdered. What's the big deal? Same thing with the beheadings. A little beheading and people get all worked up. How about that sixty minutes reporter (Lara Logan) being gang raped in the street by muslims? What's the big deal.
The guy was German chicken little
Maybe a good solution would be to make sure there are always THREE pilots in the cockpit at all times. Regardless of religious faith. There are only two now, right? Pilot and co pilot. So if one goes wacko while the other is taking a pee break, the other co pilot is there as back up. 3. At all times. Never just ONE in the cockpit.
Maybe a good solution would be to make sure there are always THREE pilots in the cockpit at all times. Regardless of religious faith. There are only two now, right? Pilot and co pilot. So if one goes wacko while the other is taking a pee break, the other co pilot is there as back up. 3. At all times. Never just ONE in the cockpit.
Yes for an event almost as rare as unicorn sightings we will put three pilots in every plane...good lord woman
Hmmm. My inclination is to say no. Why? For the same reasons of what SJ just said. BUT...on the other hand, not all muslims are murderers or extremists. Then again, the risk that one IS an extremist and has such a weapon in his hands...but then thats painting all of them with a very broad brush....however, is the glass half empty or half full?

Difficult question. I'm not sure how to answer because I just flat don't know the answer to it.
Would you feel comfortable boarding a plane with 5 or 6 muslims getting on in front of you? Sorry, but I don't feel obligated to put give any of them the benefit of the doubt, especially when NONE of them will denounce Islamic terrorism.
We were posting at the same time. Yeah...I'm pretty much in agreement with you but I have no clue why I feel kinda guilty thinking it.

Maybe you feel guilty because it's a super shitty thing to think?
Israel Matzav Gee do you think this is relevant Germanwings co-pilot reported to be a recent convert to Islam

It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends.

One said that Lubitz had broken off the relationship after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah.

We do know that Lubitz trained at the Lufthansa Flight Training School in Bremen, Germany.

Bremen is home to the Mosque Masjidu-l-Furqan Mosque:

This Mosque was raided by the police in December 2014

BERLIN, Dec 5 (KUNA) — German authorities have closed a mosque in the northern city of Bremen, after it was accused of encouraging youth to join the extremist Islamic State group (known as ISIL), which is carrying out violent killings across Syria and Iraq.

In unprecedented circumstances, more than 100 German police personnel carried out a search of Masjidu-l-Furqan and its accompanying cultural office, which had both been under police radar since 2007.

The decision comes amid the fight against ISIL ideology, Bremen Interior Secretary Ulrich Maurer said, accusing the mosque’s management of promoting ISIL values and encouraging young Muslims in the city to travel to Syria and Iraq, and join the ranks of the group, along with Al-Nusra Front – another extremist group in Syria.

The centre have so far succeeded in inspiring a total eight men, seven women and 11 juveniles to travel to Syria and join ISIL, according to the official.Lubitz did his time in Bremen when the Mosque was under surveillance.


Lubitz converted to Islam during his break.
Not every Muslim is a terrorist, on a suicide mission, or a threat to public safety.
I'm sorry, but your mind is not functioning correctly. Not all muslims crash airplanes, but every pilot who deliberately crashes airplanes IS A MUSLIM.

Here's how the logic works:

1) We want to stop pilots from crashing planes full of innocent people.
2) Every pilot who has deliberately crashed a plane full of innocent people has been a muslim.
3) Conclusion: if we don't allow muslims to be airline pilots, the deliberate crashing of airplanes will stop.

Do you know any other solution that will work? My solution is guaranteed to work. Or do you think it's more important not to offend muslims than it is to save innocent lives?

Let me give you another scenario. Most of the serial killers are white. Is that mean we should not let whites run around so they don't kill innocent people? Is that acceptable to you?
Not every Muslim is a terrorist, on a suicide mission, or a threat to public safety.
I'm sorry, but your mind is not functioning correctly. Not all muslims crash airplanes, but every pilot who deliberately crashes airplanes IS A MUSLIM.

Here's how the logic works:

1) We want to stop pilots from crashing planes full of innocent people.
2) Every pilot who has deliberately crashed a plane full of innocent people has been a muslim.
3) Conclusion: if we don't allow muslims to be airline pilots, the deliberate crashing of airplanes will stop.

Do you know any other solution that will work? My solution is guaranteed to work. Or do you think it's more important not to offend muslims than it is to save innocent lives?

Let me give you another scenario. Most of the serial killers are white. Is that mean we should not let whites run around so they don't kill innocent people? Is that acceptable to you?
If it's true that every pilot that deliberately crashes a plane is a pilot...we should stop pilots from flying planes.
Maybe a good solution would be to make sure there are always THREE pilots in the cockpit at all times. Regardless of religious faith. There are only two now, right? Pilot and co pilot. So if one goes wacko while the other is taking a pee break, the other co pilot is there as back up. 3. At all times. Never just ONE in the cockpit.
Maybe a good solution would be to make sure there are always THREE pilots in the cockpit at all times. Regardless of religious faith. There are only two now, right? Pilot and co pilot. So if one goes wacko while the other is taking a pee break, the other co pilot is there as back up. 3. At all times. Never just ONE in the cockpit.
Yes for an event almost as rare as unicorn sightings we will put three pilots in every plane...good lord woman
So what the fuck do you suggest, sparky?

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