Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.
Ok, so should the passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim?
Only if we get a list of all the racists on board too.

Which race is islam dingbat?
Not the white one dingbat.

Really? There are no white koranimals? That's news to me!
No they are just not Christians. That is another hate topic. The point here is there has not been anything presented so far that the guy was a Muslim. Until it is you are just making shit up in order to take a shot at a religion or race you don't like.
... not true
Can you please cite an example of a AIRLINE that was deliberately crashed, and piloted by a non-muslim?

I can do better than that:

ASN News List of aircraft accidents caused by pilot suicide
This doesn't say what religion, only what country the plane is from. I fly often, internationally. Most of the time, the pilot may not be a native of the country the airline is. That is, a pilot for Indonesian Airlines may be Western and from America. A pilot for any airline is not necessarily a person of the same religion or ethnic background as the airline itself. The article you cite doesn't say anything about the pilot's nationality or religion.

From the link:

26 September 1976 – 12 fatalities
A Russian pilot stole an Antonov 2 airplane directed his aircraft into the block of flats in Novosibirsk where his divorced wife lived. (ASN Accident Description)

I suspect it is a good bet this guy wasn't a Muslim. Just a guess.

Or this one:

22 August 1979 – 4 fatalities
A 23 year old male mechanic who had just been fired entered a hangar at Bogotá Airport, Colombia and stole a military HS-748 transport plane. He took off and crashed the plane in a residential area. (ASN Accident Description).

This one as well:

13 July 1994 – 1 fatality
A Russian Air Force engineer stole the aircraft at the Kubinka AFB to commit suicide. The aircraft crashed when there was no more fuel left. (ASN Accident Description)
The Russian ones are probably not Muslim. The other one, probably also not Muslim. I am certainly not siding with these idiots who say most pilot suicides have been Muslims, but my point is that the information we have does not pinpoint any of the pilots' religions. That's all.

It doesn't matter what their religion is.
"Our holy martyr Lubitz died for the prophet". Religion of Peace indeed!
Can you please cite an example of a AIRLINE that was deliberately crashed, and piloted by a non-muslim?

I can do better than that:

ASN News List of aircraft accidents caused by pilot suicide
This doesn't say what religion, only what country the plane is from. I fly often, internationally. Most of the time, the pilot may not be a native of the country the airline is. That is, a pilot for Indonesian Airlines may be Western and from America. A pilot for any airline is not necessarily a person of the same religion or ethnic background as the airline itself. The article you cite doesn't say anything about the pilot's nationality or religion.

From the link:

26 September 1976 – 12 fatalities
A Russian pilot stole an Antonov 2 airplane directed his aircraft into the block of flats in Novosibirsk where his divorced wife lived. (ASN Accident Description)

I suspect it is a good bet this guy wasn't a Muslim. Just a guess.

Or this one:

22 August 1979 – 4 fatalities
A 23 year old male mechanic who had just been fired entered a hangar at Bogotá Airport, Colombia and stole a military HS-748 transport plane. He took off and crashed the plane in a residential area. (ASN Accident Description).

This one as well:

13 July 1994 – 1 fatality
A Russian Air Force engineer stole the aircraft at the Kubinka AFB to commit suicide. The aircraft crashed when there was no more fuel left. (ASN Accident Description)
The Russian ones are probably not Muslim. The other one, probably also not Muslim. I am certainly not siding with these idiots who say most pilot suicides have been Muslims, but my point is that the information we have does not pinpoint any of the pilots' religions. That's all.

It doesn't matter what their religion is.
Islam is a culture of violence. If you could consider it a religion, it would be the religion of the Devil.
I think passengers should be allowed to be armed so that one of them could have blasted their way into the cockpit, shot the raghead pilot, hauled his carcasse out of the seat and sat down, admitted with an ironic quip and raised eyebrow to the attractive flight attendant that I (erm...HE) had no idea how to fly these things, managed to get it down onto the runway with instructions from the tower but skidding uncontrollably with the me (umm..the heroic passenger) wrestling the controls all the way until it came to rest teetering over a precipice in eery silence.
Then, after a few seconds, one of the wings would drop off and the passengers would erupt into cheers.
Raghead pilot. LOL He was a German...white...Christian. You guys are funny.
I don't think you are correct there.
Can you please cite an example of a AIRLINE that was deliberately crashed, and piloted by a non-muslim?

I can do better than that:

ASN News List of aircraft accidents caused by pilot suicide
This doesn't say what religion, only what country the plane is from. I fly often, internationally. Most of the time, the pilot may not be a native of the country the airline is. That is, a pilot for Indonesian Airlines may be Western and from America. A pilot for any airline is not necessarily a person of the same religion or ethnic background as the airline itself. The article you cite doesn't say anything about the pilot's nationality or religion.

From the link:

26 September 1976 – 12 fatalities
A Russian pilot stole an Antonov 2 airplane directed his aircraft into the block of flats in Novosibirsk where his divorced wife lived. (ASN Accident Description)

I suspect it is a good bet this guy wasn't a Muslim. Just a guess.

Or this one:

22 August 1979 – 4 fatalities
A 23 year old male mechanic who had just been fired entered a hangar at Bogotá Airport, Colombia and stole a military HS-748 transport plane. He took off and crashed the plane in a residential area. (ASN Accident Description).

This one as well:

13 July 1994 – 1 fatality
A Russian Air Force engineer stole the aircraft at the Kubinka AFB to commit suicide. The aircraft crashed when there was no more fuel left. (ASN Accident Description)
Those are not comparable incidents - they were not passenger laden aircraft that killed over a hundred people.
I'm not saying any were Muslim. That was not my point at all. Use some reading comprehension. I am saying that of all records we have of those pilots who committed suicide by downing a plane, we do not know their religion. My guess is that they were not Muslim, maybe one or two. But we don't have the facts on that because that is not how the information has been gathered, not according to the site cited.

I am certainly not siding with these idiots who are saying the co-pilot who intentionally downed this plane had to be Muslim or that most pilots who do so are Muslim.
I did not say that you were. YOU use some reading comprehension. The incidents are not comparable no matter what your point was.
Ok, so should the passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim?
Do they have a right to know if the pilot is a Jew?
Oh come on. Jews don't fly planes in to towers or divebomb in the Indian Ocean or smack into the alps, etc. I never heard of a jewish suicide bomber either. Jews are not waging war on infidels. Muslims are. Well, some.
Was the guy who crashed the German plane in the Alps a Muslim, or are you just making this up?
you are just making shit up in order to take a shot at a religion or race you don't like.
You make it sound so bigoted. Ok, how's this: I'm such a bigot that I hate ALL religions that advocate cutting heads off innocent people and flying planes into buildings and gang raping women who are in pubic without a male relative. Of course I only know of one such "religion". I suppose someone as enlightened as you has no problems with such religions?
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.
Do you know what critical thinking skills are? I'd like to hear you explain it. Here's an example of what I understand critical thinking skills to be: WHAT research shows racists and bigots have lower intelligence? Was that research valid? How do they measure "intelligence"?
MSNBC's Maddow had a great segment about pilot suicides over the past few decades. No rhyme or reason to it and rarely seemed to have anything to do with religion. The worst-ever, Egypt Air seemed to be, the pilot saying 6 times 'I rely on God' being the only apparent religious motivated one.

Other commentary on think it was CNN or HLN said in instances of murder-suicides, the primary motive is the suicide, not the murders. Which makes sense since suicide is the ultimate selfish act. "I want to die, I don't care if you guys don't want me to, or to come along with me." in effect.
Other commentary on think it was CNN or HLN said in instances of murder-suicides, the primary motive is the suicide, not the murders. Which makes sense since suicide is the ultimate selfish act. "I want to die, I don't care if you guys don't want me to, or to come along with me." in effect.
I think that is incorrect. Lots of people put a gun to their head and blow their brains out WITHOUT first killing their family or shooting up the post office. I think in that case it's the murder that is the primary motive, they then kill themselves because they don't want to face the consequences of their murders.

The 9-11 terrorists were "pilots", as they were flying the planes, and they were motivated my islam, so they should be included.

I think we've had LOTS of suicides by muslims where the primary motive was NOT the suicide, but the murder. They usually aren't done by crashing airplanes, because there are usually more convenient methods.

What is truly amazing to me is how many people have the position that these people (suicidal muslim terrorists) are just like the rest of us, and islam is like the other religions. How can they be so sure of their critical thinking ability that they can ignore so many facts? It just convinces me that western civilization is doomed, and I don't mean in the next 100 years, I mean the next 10-20 years.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar did a fine job in the cockpit in the movie Airplane, until he had the bad fish that is.
Can you please cite an example of a AIRLINE that was deliberately crashed, and piloted by a non-muslim?

I can do better than that:

ASN News List of aircraft accidents caused by pilot suicide
This doesn't say what religion, only what country the plane is from. I fly often, internationally. Most of the time, the pilot may not be a native of the country the airline is. That is, a pilot for Indonesian Airlines may be Western and from America. A pilot for any airline is not necessarily a person of the same religion or ethnic background as the airline itself. The article you cite doesn't say anything about the pilot's nationality or religion.

From the link:

26 September 1976 – 12 fatalities
A Russian pilot stole an Antonov 2 airplane directed his aircraft into the block of flats in Novosibirsk where his divorced wife lived. (ASN Accident Description)

I suspect it is a good bet this guy wasn't a Muslim. Just a guess.

Or this one:

22 August 1979 – 4 fatalities
A 23 year old male mechanic who had just been fired entered a hangar at Bogotá Airport, Colombia and stole a military HS-748 transport plane. He took off and crashed the plane in a residential area. (ASN Accident Description).

This one as well:

13 July 1994 – 1 fatality
A Russian Air Force engineer stole the aircraft at the Kubinka AFB to commit suicide. The aircraft crashed when there was no more fuel left. (ASN Accident Description)
The Russian ones are probably not Muslim. The other one, probably also not Muslim. I am certainly not siding with these idiots who say most pilot suicides have been Muslims, but my point is that the information we have does not pinpoint any of the pilots' religions. That's all.

It doesn't matter what their religion is.
Duh. I am responding to the OP. What are you responding to?
Ok, so should the passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim?
Do they have a right to know if the pilot is a Jew?
Oh come on. Jews don't fly planes in to towers or divebomb in the Indian Ocean or smack into the alps, etc. I never heard of a jewish suicide bomber either. Jews are not waging war on infidels. Muslims are. Well, some.
Was the guy who crashed the German plane in the Alps a Muslim, or are you just making this up?
Gracie's just stupid and nuts.
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.
Do you know what critical thinking skills are? I'd like to hear you explain it. Here's an example of what I understand critical thinking skills to be: WHAT research shows racists and bigots have lower intelligence? Was that research valid? How do they measure "intelligence"?
The research that shows people who are racists and bigots has been posted on this board repeatedly. I suggest you look it up. At this point, I am not interested in posting it yet again. How is intelligence measured? Is that a serious question? You appear to be ignorant, uneducated, and simple minded.

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