Should muslims be allowed to be airline pilots?

you are just making shit up in order to take a shot at a religion or race you don't like.
You make it sound so bigoted. Ok, how's this: I'm such a bigot that I hate ALL religions that advocate cutting heads off innocent people and flying planes into buildings and gang raping women who are in pubic without a male relative. Of course I only know of one such "religion". I suppose someone as enlightened as you has no problems with such religions?
Islam does not advocate cutting off peoples' heads. Islam does not advocate gang raping women. Islam does not advocate people flying planes into buildings. You are an idiot.
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.
Do you know what critical thinking skills are? I'd like to hear you explain it. Here's an example of what I understand critical thinking skills to be: WHAT research shows racists and bigots have lower intelligence? Was that research valid? How do they measure "intelligence"?
The research that shows people who are racists and bigots has been posted on this board repeatedly. I suggest you look it up. At this point, I am not interested in posting it yet again. How is intelligence measured? Is that a serious question? You appear to be ignorant, uneducated, and simple minded.

I got your back. :)


Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist Daily Mail Online
Islam does not advocate cutting off peoples' heads. Islam does not advocate gang raping women. Islam does not advocate people flying planes into buildings. You are an idiot.
I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)
A muslim woman out in public without a male relative was gang raped in Saudi Arabia. There was a trial, and she was found guilty, of being in public alone and tempting her rapists. Surely you know about this. If you don't, try a google search on "islam gang rape".
Islam does not advocate cutting off peoples' heads. Islam does not advocate gang raping women. Islam does not advocate people flying planes into buildings. You are an idiot.
I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)
A muslim woman out in public without a male relative was gang raped in Saudi Arabia. There was a trial, and she was found guilty, of being in public alone and tempting her rapists. Surely you know about this. If you don't, try a google search on "islam gang rape".
Saudi Arabia is a very small country. It's population of Muslims represents a tiny, tiny fraction of the billions of Muslims who live on this planet. Find another example of the gang rape being accepted, in any other country. Also, there are many things in the Bible that say to do awful things to people, like 'an eye for an eye.' Modern people don't abide by those things, neither in Islam or in Christianity. You are still an idiot--uneducated, bigoted and just plain stupid.
Saudi Arabia is a very small country. It's population of Muslims represents a tiny, tiny fraction of the billions of Muslims who live on this planet. Find another example of the gang rape being accepted, in any other country. Also, there are many things in the Bible that say to do awful things to people, like 'an eye for an eye.' Modern people don't abide by those things, neither in Islam or in Christianity. You are still an idiot--uneducated, bigoted and just plain stupid.
Lara Logan, in Egypt. There are countless stories of gang rapes in other countries. The old testament advocates stoning, etc, but jews have not stoned anyone for thousands of years. Muslims stone people, behead people, gang rape people, on a daily basis. I'm not going to stoop to your level of name-calling because I have too much class.

However, I will no longer acknowledge anything you post.
I'm going to hold my opinion about whether or not this was a terrorist act for when more information is released. We certainly cannot rule out anything at this time, IMO.

If it wasn't terrorism, then this person was just a horrible, rotten and incredibly selfish person. I can understand if a person wants to commit suicide, but to take 150 INNOCENT lives with you? What a POS.
It seems almost certain that he had mental issues and committed a mass murder and suicide.

I know that doesn't help you in your quest to help the terrorists terrorize, but I'm sure they appreciate your efforts.

How does posting links, that are starting to paint him in an islamic light help terrorists terrorize? You on drugs?
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.
Do you know what critical thinking skills are? I'd like to hear you explain it. Here's an example of what I understand critical thinking skills to be: WHAT research shows racists and bigots have lower intelligence? Was that research valid? How do they measure "intelligence"?
The research that shows people who are racists and bigots has been posted on this board repeatedly. I suggest you look it up. At this point, I am not interested in posting it yet again. How is intelligence measured? Is that a serious question? You appear to be ignorant, uneducated, and simple minded.

I got your back. :)


Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist Daily Mail Online

Laughable at best!
you are just making shit up in order to take a shot at a religion or race you don't like.
You make it sound so bigoted. Ok, how's this: I'm such a bigot that I hate ALL religions that advocate cutting heads off innocent people and flying planes into buildings and gang raping women who are in pubic without a male relative. Of course I only know of one such "religion". I suppose someone as enlightened as you has no problems with such religions?
Islam does not advocate cutting off peoples' heads. Islam does not advocate gang raping women. Islam does not advocate people flying planes into buildings. You are an idiot.

You should probably read the koran, all I have to say.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.

The ones with low intelligence, are the ones who aren't keeping one eye on the cult of blood. I don't know Bruce, but he has swamped you in the area of intelligence, with very little effort I would guess.
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?

Were you born like this? Or were you dropped on your head later?
Given their history of murdering innocent people, usually through the practice of hijacking planes, the answer to your question is a definite and resounding NO! In fact, they shouldn't be allowed to even board planes as passengers.

Have you ever wondered why you aren't smarter? You should think about that, because it seems to be a real problem.
Hmmm. My inclination is to say no. Why? For the same reasons of what SJ just said. BUT...on the other hand, not all muslims are murderers or extremists. Then again, the risk that one IS an extremist and has such a weapon in his hands...but then thats painting all of them with a very broad brush....however, is the glass half empty or half full?

Difficult question. I'm not sure how to answer because I just flat don't know the answer to it.

This is the easiest question you will ever have to answer - your religious beliefs are not subject to arbitrary governmental oversight - PERIOD. Do you also want the constitution simply done away with?
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

If we are doing (or allowing) something that is extremely dangerous and detrimental to the public safety, a way will be found to squash it.

Even if it means bending the rules a bit in order to shoehorn-in the legal mechanism(s) by which that squashing would be accomplished.


Because, when safety and Constitutionality are in conflict in times of extremis, safety wins, nearly every time.

Don't believe that?

Just ask the Japanese-Americans of our West Coast during the 1941-1945 time frame - still within Living Memory.

Or those incarcerated by the LIncoln Administration in the 1860s during the Civil War, after the suspension of habeus corpus, once the shooting started.

Shit happens.

We can continue to hope that that particular type of shit does not manifest.

But we should not fool ourselves that The Nation and The People would not act, should the situation worsen to that point of extreme danger.

Where's the good part in any of those examples? Which one's should this country be proud of?
How many people have to die before we figure this out? All the planes that are deliberately crashed have had muslim pilots. Are we so afraid of hurting their feelings that we'll continue to sacrifice innocent lives, including children? Should passengers be allowed to know if their pilot is muslim? If not, why not?
This is what we are talking about has far as having critical thinking skills: you don't have any. You are the perfect example to support the research that shows racists and bigots are of lower intelligence and lower education than the average person.

The ones with low intelligence, are the ones who aren't keeping one eye on the cult of blood. I don't know Bruce, but he has swamped you in the area of intelligence, with very little effort I would guess.

You think his remarks are intelligent. What do you think that says about you?
View attachment 38635 "Our holy martyr Lubitz died for the prophet". Religion of Peace indeed!
why would his facebook page be in english ?
where is the link?

It's not his page, it's a tribute page. He seems to have some real nice friends.:splat:

Pretty odd that people would be posting such things about this murderer. This is why we need to keep an open mind. I would like to hear more about his supposed connections if there are any.
View attachment 38635 "Our holy martyr Lubitz died for the prophet". Religion of Peace indeed!
why would his facebook page be in english ?
where is the link?

It's not his page, it's a tribute page. He seems to have some real nice friends.:splat:
he is from Germany why are his friends all English..clearly it is fake

An obvious fake too. Who could be stupid enough to post a link like that?

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