Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Buttress means to support. Was that an attempt at an insult? You don’t even know what the word means. Idiot. Economy is collapsing? So unemployment is rising? Please show a link. Thanks.

HP Is laying off 9000 people.... um, yeah, we are going into recession, buddy.

HP Layoffs 2019: 7,000 to 9,000 Staff Cuts Through Fiscal 2022 - ChannelE2E

Over three years. And? Those people can find jobs elsewhere. Here is the thing, you should read your own link. New CEOs generally restructure aka lay people off. Are they freezing hiring?
You gave examples of criminal trials of murder to this? Idiocy 101. Dershowitz is a constitutional expert and Trump is not his client unlike those in your examples. False equivalency but par for the course for you. He didn’t threaten to hold up aid. A threat is “give me your information or no money” not “you will get your money now that the other nations are holding up their fair share, finally. On another note, looks like you’re trying to clean up the corruption, do me a favor and see what happened with the Biden situation when he was VP”

no QPQ. It has to be overt. Here is the thing, you’re dumb.

Guy, when a couple of guys with broken noses walk into your store and say,"Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it", there was no QPQ, but anyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on.

Trump held up aid. Then he said, "Do me a favor, look into Biden". Come on, any sensible person would realize what was going on.

Oh, BTW, DershaSHITZ also said Clinton was innocent.

“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

If Mr. Nadler had 2 cents worth of decency, he would have already recused himself from the matter.

The FACTS are that Mr. Nadler has history with Mr. Trump that long precedes the latter disembarking from the Golden Escalator at his humble domicile in Nadler's home town.

Trump proposed and implemented Tremendous redevelopment plans in Nadler's district, and Nadler opposed the idea and fought Trump every step of the way. Trump, of course prevailed over the Pathetic Loser Nadler. But Nadler has refused to let it go. He has no impartiality.
You gave examples of criminal trials of murder to this? Idiocy 101. Dershowitz is a constitutional expert and Trump is not his client unlike those in your examples. False equivalency but par for the course for you. He didn’t threaten to hold up aid. A threat is “give me your information or no money” not “you will get your money now that the other nations are holding up their fair share, finally. On another note, looks like you’re trying to clean up the corruption, do me a favor and see what happened with the Biden situation when he was VP”

no QPQ. It has to be overt. Here is the thing, you’re dumb.

Guy, when a couple of guys with broken noses walk into your store and say,"Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it", there was no QPQ, but anyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on.

Trump held up aid. Then he said, "Do me a favor, look into Biden". Come on, any sensible person would realize what was going on.

Oh, BTW, DershaSHITZ also said Clinton was innocent.

“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics
In a perfect world, wait, in even any normal country run by a dictator, the DNC would be disbanded, their leaders sent to the gibbet and their funds confiscated. If any leftards think this is harsh, here's what we would tell you in the Marines: TOUGH SHIT.
You gave examples of criminal trials of murder to this? Idiocy 101. Dershowitz is a constitutional expert and Trump is not his client unlike those in your examples. False equivalency but par for the course for you. He didn’t threaten to hold up aid. A threat is “give me your information or no money” not “you will get your money now that the other nations are holding up their fair share, finally. On another note, looks like you’re trying to clean up the corruption, do me a favor and see what happened with the Biden situation when he was VP”

no QPQ. It has to be overt. Here is the thing, you’re dumb.

Guy, when a couple of guys with broken noses walk into your store and say,"Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it", there was no QPQ, but anyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on.

Trump held up aid. Then he said, "Do me a favor, look into Biden". Come on, any sensible person would realize what was going on.

Oh, BTW, DershaSHITZ also said Clinton was innocent.

“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics

read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.
Let me straighten you out on something. Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen. What we have now are allegations credible enough to investigate and serious enough for it to be done as an impeachment inquiry. This is not Russia where leaders can just call someone a criminal and it then have the force of law. Due process is being followed here.
Occupied sez: Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen.
You're the blamer, doll. You said this: "Trump's disregard of the law" OK, braino what law did he disregard since he was cleared of wrongdoing by the Attorney General of the United States.

Your failure to name any law Trump broke or "disregarded" as you claimed tells me you don't have a clue what you implied.

I reiterate: Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's final report cleared him of all charges.

And because of that and a few lies thrown by the leftist press, Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi took it upon themselves to launch yet another impeachment hearing against President Trump because their intentions were anything but justice, and all about getting Trump, which they failed to do and are still failing to do.

It's time for them to stop the damn bullshit and start behaving like dignified individuals Congressmen are called to be in representing their states. They departed from dignity when they preannounced before President Trump took office that they were going to ensnare him with an impeachment, mainly because they felt like it after Hillary lost the presidency that they were counting on to communize this free nation.

I will not have my father's country turned into a communist hellhole by your Democrat leaders, and you can take that refusal to your sorry gimme-gimme Democrat legacy of horrors hall, because there are no accomplishments there due to the Pelosi Congress' obsession with "getting President Donald Trump out of office," the man the American voters put in that office.
Bea, the Attorney General is Barr. Barr is one of the people who Trump told the Ukranian president would "help" with the investigation against Biden. Barr is in this up to his neck. What do you think he is going to find when asked if Trump did anything wrong?
Please be sensible about this, at least. All the rest of it--your crazy conspiracy theories that the Democrats are communists out to destroy the country because they are minions of Beezlebub--I leave you to.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.
Let me straighten you out on something. Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen. What we have now are allegations credible enough to investigate and serious enough for it to be done as an impeachment inquiry. This is not Russia where leaders can just call someone a criminal and it then have the force of law. Due process is being followed here.
Occupied sez: Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen.
You're the blamer, doll. You said this: "Trump's disregard of the law" OK, braino what law did he disregard since he was cleared of wrongdoing by the Attorney General of the United States.

Your failure to name any law Trump broke or "disregarded" as you claimed tells me you don't have a clue what you implied.

I reiterate: Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's final report cleared him of all charges.

And because of that and a few lies thrown by the leftist press, Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi took it upon themselves to launch yet another impeachment hearing against President Trump because their intentions were anything but justice, and all about getting Trump, which they failed to do and are still failing to do.

It's time for them to stop the damn bullshit and start behaving like dignified individuals Congressmen are called to be in representing their states. They departed from dignity when they preannounced before President Trump took office that they were going to ensnare him with an impeachment, mainly because they felt like it after Hillary lost the presidency that they were counting on to communize this free nation.

I will not have my father's country turned into a communist hellhole by your Democrat leaders, and you can take that refusal to your sorry gimme-gimme Democrat legacy of horrors hall, because there are no accomplishments there due to the Pelosi Congress' obsession with "getting President Donald Trump out of office," the man the American voters put in that office.
Bea, the Attorney General is Barr. Barr is one of the people who Trump told the Ukranian president would "help" with the investigation against Biden. Barr is in this up to his neck. What do you think he is going to find when asked if Trump did anything wrong?
Please be sensible about this, at least. All the rest of it--your crazy conspiracy theories that the Democrats are communists out to destroy the country because they are minions of Beezlebub--I leave you to.

Are the Bidens exempt from the Laws of the Land, just because the patriarch of the clan declared his presidential candidacy?
President Trump has been pushed to his limit...
True. And beyond. The Orange Creature is increasingly unhinged, as the wheels come off his fantasy world.

They should probably get the Twenty-Fifth Amendment warming-up in the bullpen, as well. Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach...
Fortunately, he has now given them both cause and irrefutable public admission of his guilt - the arrogant, ignorant fool.

...and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General...
The Attorney General has been investigating the Summer 2019 Ukraine Incident for three years? Time machine, anyone?

...yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now...
Yes. The Orange Creature is putting on quite a show. More like "the inmates are running the asylum."

...What say you?
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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President Trump has been pushed to his limit...
True. And beyond. The Orange Creature is increasingly unhinged, as the wheels come off his fantasy world. Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach...
Fortunately, he has now given them both cause and irrefutable public admission of his guilt - the arrogant, ignorant fool.

...and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General...
The Attorney General has been investigating the Summer 2019 Ukraine Incident for three years? Time machine, anyone?

...yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now...
Yes. The Orange Creature is putting on quite a show. More like "the inmates are running the asylum."

...What say you?
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

President Trump is not only not going to be impeached and removed from office, he's going to be reelected. And succeeded by 2 terms with our first Jewish President , President Kushner.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit...
True. And beyond. The Orange Creature is increasingly unhinged, as the wheels come off his fantasy world. Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach...
Fortunately, he has now given them both cause and irrefutable public admission of his guilt - the arrogant, ignorant fool.

...and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General...
The Attorney General has been investigating the Summer 2019 Ukraine Incident for three years? Time machine, anyone?

...yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now...
Yes. The Orange Creature is putting on quite a show. More like "the inmates are running the asylum."

...What say you?
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

President Trump is not only not going to be impeached and removed from office, he's going to be reelected. And succeeded by 2 terms with our first Jewish President , President Kushner.
You are delusional. Hell, Republicans themselves are distancing themselves from The Creature. Mitch is a good example.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.

Trump is the liar here. He's slandering the Bidens and lying about what happened. This is SOP for Trump. The "calumnies" are those Trump is telling about the Clintons and the Bidens. Trump is not giving a display of "righteous anger". He's flailing about because he's a frightened man and he's caught.

Trump has admitted he pressured Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Trump has been told by numerous advisors that these lies about the Bidens false, and that they are right wing conspiracy theories. They have already been debunked but Trump continues to lie about the Bidens and repeat these lies endlessly to the American people.

Trump has brought this impeachment on himself. He is corrupt to his core and just can't stop himself from lying, cheating, and behaving in an illegal and immoral manner. Trump has always been a bully, and this is a prime example of it.

You claim to be an evangelical Christian, and yet you come her and post lies, hate and slander yourself. A thousand posts a month. The ONLY people who are this prolific in their posting are those lying Russians, who pretend to be Americans but really want to destroy the USA.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
/——/ Now Schiff-face is stacking the deck and preventing the GOP from equal time in the hearings. Now tell us again libtards, how fair minded you are.
GOP demands 'equal playing field' ahead of former Ukraine envoy Volker's scheduled testimony
The House must vote for an impeachment inquiry. Without the vote democrats can withhold due process from Trump and Republicans who would seek to bring in witnesses and use subpoena powers that are afforded both sides of an investigation. Right now it is wholly one sided and unconstitutional.
Billy Bob quote: "The House must vote for an impeachment inquiry. Without the vote democrats can withhold due process from Trump and Republicans who would seek to bring in witnesses and use subpoena powers that are afforded both sides of an investigation. Right now it is wholly one sided and unconstitutional."
The left doesn't seem to know that, Billy Bob. It's like Nancy Pelosi riding a flying broom around and sprinkling sparkle dust with her tragic wand, and the DNC spirits rise to fight the bad fight with true overbearing execution of all that was right and with all their might. :rolleyes:

Actually they do know this. They choose to deprive the accused of the ability to defend himself just as they attempted to do to Kavenaugh. This is a contrived and planned deprivation of rights under the US Constitution. They are TRAITORS..
Trump has been caught playing fair and square on all counts lately.

Yeah, only you have to willingly ignore the parts where he illegally sought to shakedown foreign governments into starting fake investigations of his political rivals, other than that, it's all been fair and square.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.

This long.....?

What about Bob Mueller.

You pricks have been on the hunt since the day he was elected.

The senate will never convict him.

Bill Clinton was guilty of lying under oath....he should never have gone to trial.

Bob Mueller didn't work for Democrats or Congress. He worked for the Trump DOJ didn't he? Let Congress have the evidence collected in that DOJ investigation, and then lets see where that leads.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?
Oversight does not mean harassment.
Congress has no legal power over the executive branch. Read the constitution particularly concerning separation of powers.

IMHO the Constitution says that "oversight" means that Congress needs to audit how the Executive is enforcing existing laws, Congress is not the Executive's boss.
The Executive’s actions fall under legitimate Congressional oversight. That doesn’t make Congress the Executive’s boss but it does keep the Executive accountable.
I think this all is going to end like Watergate....with a Presidential resignation.

No way, Trump is too delusional to know when to cut the losses and too self-absorbed to do what is best for the country.
/—-/ Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself rather than any Trump Supporters.

Dumbass, I'm replying to someone who is clearly anti-Trump. Where did you get an idea that I'm saying this to Trump supporters?
/—-/ Saying Trump is delusional and self absorbed is clearly a message to discourage Trump supporters - which won’t work BTW.

Dummy, I said it because I BELIVE IT...crazy concept eh?
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Anyone listen to the Trump presser today?

He has a new play on what the f he is doing leveraging relations with foreign countries to get them to investigate his political opponents -

I'M A CORRUPTION FIGHTER! I don't care about politics! I'm just out there fighting corruption!"

When asked who except his political opponents Trump wanted investigated..he couldn't say, deffering to "my people will have to look into it" and how he was wronged by the Obama administration and Russia investigation.

TA DA! The corruption fighter.


This would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad for this country. This crazy toad is 100% getting impeached in the House and the only question left is how much heat Republicans are willing to take for their enabling of this swamp.
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If we are not will you promise to leave this board forever? You don’t even know the operational definition of recession.

Operationally, 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP Growth...

But true story, we are already heading into one. All the signs are there.

??? All the signs? Show some signs. I am glad you knew how to look up what a recession is on Google. Ask Apple if a recession is hitting.
Anyone listen to the Trump presser today?

He has a new play on what the f he is doing leveraging relations with foreign countries to get them to investigate his political opponents -

I'M A CORRUPTION FIGHTER! I don't care about politics! I'm just out there fighting corruption!"

When asked who except his political opponents Trump wanted investigated..he couldn't say, deffering to "my people will have to look into it" and how he was wronged by the Obama administration and Russia investigation.

TA DA! The corruption fighter.


This would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad for this country. This crazy toad is 100% getting impeached in the House and the only question left is how much heat Republicans are willing to take for their enabling of this swamp.

Trump owns a huge Trump Tower in your empty head, Antosha. You have your Liz Warren bumper sticker on your car?
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