Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think this all is going to end like Watergate....with a Presidential resignation.

No way, Trump is too delusional to know when to cut the losses and too self-absorbed to do what is best for the country.
/—-/ Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself rather than any Trump Supporters.

Dumbass, I'm replying to someone who is clearly anti-Trump. Where did you get an idea that I'm saying this to Trump supporters?
I think this all is going to end like Watergate....with a Presidential resignation. The Trump fans will still love him...and see him as a victim...thus he will still have power..of a sort. Pence is nicely positioned..and the Dems got nobody..really..that excites the American people. By leaving without forcing a vote..he saves the Republicans from having to make a painful and possibly career-ending choice.

Of course, Trump is the wild card..he may take it to the bitter end..and he may be retained in office...but he will never be exonerated. In truth, while maybe not illegal, his exhorting China to investigate his political rival is in such poor taste....has lost whatever respect that I had for the man. I'm still against impeachment though////I think it hurts our country...I would prefer an election..and if Trump wins be it.

It is clear that he cares nothing about this country or how we look to others as long as he can have his petulant say. He calls for Civil War and his fans howl...pathetic.

Yes..i know many of you will blame your favorite boogieman..the Dems..but in truth..Trump is crass and boorish...and, perhaps most of all...he's dirt dumb....he is not a fit representative of our country...IMO.
/—-/ A TDS wet dream.
Naw..the TDS wet dream would be Trump, Barr and Giuliani doing a perp walk on their way to the Jail...followed by a midnight shower visit from Bubba!

Me...I think that if Trump remains..and even if he is reelected..the country and the Govt. will survive. I do not want Impeachment..i want the country to soundly reject everything he stands for..that's what i want.

But Trump is not the be all and the end all..of what is going on in the world. The world will not end if he triumphs...we'll just have a bigger mess to clean up..that's all.

But go with TDS if you like...if it comforts you in some fashion...LOL!~
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President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
I say that Trump should resign before he threatens additional Congressional members with prosecution for Treason.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?
Oversight does not mean harassment.
Congress has no legal power over the executive branch. Read the constitution particularly concerning separation of powers.

IMHO the Constitution says that "oversight" means that Congress needs to audit how the Executive is enforcing existing laws, Congress is not the Executive's boss.
The Executive’s actions fall under legitimate Congressional oversight. That doesn’t make Congress the Executive’s boss but it does keep the Executive accountable.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?

He is the President so not exactly the same oversight. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, a Clinton supporter and one of the preeminent constitution experts and a famous attorney and a law professor at Harvard states that Trump didn’t break any laws. Are you more of an expert on law and the constitution than he is? If so please explain how?

Thank you
Is Alan Dershowitz the only expert on this? He is one person giving one opinion. Others give different opinions. No one knows for sure what the facts are, including you.

I don’t know how you rationalize this, but in my view, the POTUS, using the power of his political office, and withholding aid to another country to force them to find or manufacture dirt on his ELECTORAL really really dirty. It is for personal benefit. It is really wrong. I don’t think you would be so sanguine if it were a D President.
Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert in the country. I care what he thinks, Antosha. You're a leftist traitorous troll.

According to WHO?

I don't give a shit who he is, what he advocates is pure swamp where President can obstruct the investigations with impunity, fire officers of the law who happen to investigate his people left and right, order people to enter false records to coverup his actions, pressure other nations with foreign aid into investigating his personal political opponents.

The only reason Dershowitz's garbage is not laughed off the stage is because the case law is so slim. Not many presidents crooked enough, and not many prosecutors bold enough to really test those Constitutional bounds in court.

You lay out the evidence against Trump to any jury with half a common sense and he would be convicted in all of half an hour. They won't give a shit who Dershowitz is.
Bullshit Antosha. Simple bullshit. Happy to compare resumes vs you. Education, employment or anything else you like. You traitor.

ooook, let’s just put away the tape measure, because no one cares and you are just an idiot with a dick out.

Lack of any coherent argument from you speaks for itself.

Then stop broad brushing all those that disagree with you politically. Antosha, you’re a pussy. Man up.

You need some A.D.D meds, can't even keep a conversation with your random tangents.

I tell you to quit dick measuring with strangers online and your reply is "then stop broadbrushing"...what the f? Walk around with your silly dick out, what do I care.

Antosha, take a Midol.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?

He is the President so not exactly the same oversight. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, a Clinton supporter and one of the preeminent constitution experts and a famous attorney and a law professor at Harvard states that Trump didn’t break any laws. Are you more of an expert on law and the constitution than he is? If so please explain how?

Thank you
Is Alan Dershowitz the only expert on this? He is one person giving one opinion. Others give different opinions. No one knows for sure what the facts are, including you.

I don’t know how you rationalize this, but in my view, the POTUS, using the power of his political office, and withholding aid to another country to force them to find or manufacture dirt on his ELECTORAL really really dirty. It is for personal benefit. It is really wrong. I don’t think you would be so sanguine if it were a D President.

I am Not an expert. Dershowitz is. His opinion on this matters more to me than yours. I never Once attacked BHO for how he dealt with other nations even though I disagreed with how he did it many times. I ll Tell you this. We impeach over BS like this then this country is done.
Screw letting them walk on their own. They should be indicted for Fraud, Conspiracy, Abusing their power, Sedition, & Treason for knowingly falsely attempting to affect a political coup!
I think this all is going to end like Watergate....with a Presidential resignation. The Trump fans will still love him...and see him as a victim...thus he will still have power..of a sort. Pence is nicely positioned..and the Dems got nobody..really..that excites the American people. By leaving without forcing a vote..he saves the Republicans from having to make a painful and possibly career-ending choice.

Of course, Trump is the wild card..he may take it to the bitter end..and he may be retained in office...but he will never be exonerated. In truth, while maybe not illegal, his exhorting China to investigate his political rival is in such poor taste....has lost whatever respect that I had for the man. I'm still against impeachment though////I think it hurts our country...I would prefer an election..and if Trump wins be it.

It is clear that he cares nothing about this country or how we look to others as long as he can have his petulant say. He calls for Civil War and his fans howl...pathetic.

Yes..i know many of you will blame your favorite boogieman..the Dems..but in truth..Trump is crass and boorish...and, perhaps most of all...he's dirt dumb....he is not a fit representative of our country...IMO.
/—-/ A TDS wet dream.

Now that Rump needs a new Rep in Ukrania, I guess you have to just create one.

President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?
Oversight does not mean harassment.
Congress has no legal power over the executive branch. Read the constitution particularly concerning separation of powers.

IMHO the Constitution says that "oversight" means that Congress needs to audit how the Executive is enforcing existing laws, Congress is not the Executive's boss.
The Executive’s actions fall under legitimate Congressional oversight. That doesn’t make Congress the Executive’s boss but it does keep the Executive accountable.
It doesn't mean that they can harass the administration to influence the election.
There is nothing that Democrats are doing that is legit.
Every crime they've accused Trump of.....they themselves are guilty of.
They're conspiring to create crimes rather than providing the oversight that they are tasked with by law.
It's like putting Whitey Bulger in charge of the task force to fight organized crime.
They are organized crime.
I don't like or respect any of them but it wouldn't be fair to kick them out. Without Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff who would represent the mentally unhinged bigots?
Hands down, AOC. :eek:
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

& president tinkles knows that if he loses, then NYS has him by his orange cheeto balls; which is why he's desperate to hang onto his presidency. poor poor tribbles, i wonder if they will let him have a hair stylist in federal prison or will he be forced to show what it looks like without major help everyday? :lmao:
What are they going to do? Fry his accountants and lawyers? I don't think so. President Trump has been caught playing fair and square on all counts lately. Why, after a lifetime of building a good reputation would he even think about blowing it? I really don't see how the Democrats can push communism to the max, and then draw back. It's like watching too much war games and doing the country wrong.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
The Congress falsified the charges against President Trump, and there is no getting around that elephant in the living room. President broke no law whatever, and the Mueller report made that crystal clear, regardless of the bru-ha-ha that Mueller created by turning over a second opinion to his staff and not even knowing what they wrote before he signed onto it. That should have disqualified the entire $45,000,000 Mueller Report, because it was a disgrace that Mueller as chairman of the Special Council didn't even know what was in the report that bears his name, and he had all the time in the world to know what his fellow inspectors adden-dumb said.

You didn't read the Mueller report nor did you listen to the Mueller testimony. And you didn't read the report that is before the House today put out by the NDA IG. You turned on your Rightwingnutjob talking heads and they told you what to believe. Rump is in serious trouble. The House is just now compiling it all. And it's damning for Rump as all get out. Your Talking Heads only presented cut and paste and you didn't listen to the whole thing. Fine. But you can bet that your lying Rump did and he knows he depends on you to be ignorant. Glad to see you haven't let him down.


Your Signature says:

I don't have to look at shamefully ugly messages about the leader of my country. That's why we have Ignore list.
The Congress falsified the charges against President Trump, and there is no getting around that elephant in the living room. President broke no law whatever, and the Mueller report made that crystal clear, regardless of the bru-ha-ha that Mueller created by turning over a second opinion to his staff and not even knowing what they wrote before he signed onto it. That should have disqualified the entire $45,000,000 Mueller Report, because it was a disgrace that Mueller as chairman of the Special Council didn't even know what was in the report that bears his name, and he had all the time in the world to know what his fellow inspectors adden-dumb said.

Where is the credible link proving congress falsified the charges?
Stop pretending you don't know what the deep state is, that you're a poor little sheep that doesn't understand the depth of depravity of the Communistic Democrat truth-wreckers and attention whores. The American people have had quite enough of them.

Can't find a credible link can you? So you're just full of bullshit that comes from the right.
Oh.....only the right is Bullshit?
I guess the left is full of puss then.

So no credible link.
Their repetitive Alzheimer-like beating the impeachment dead horse is credible enough. Your choice to blindfold yourself to your party's failed lies and your use of female body parts ("puss") has earned you a place on my ignore list for unmitigated mysogyny.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?

He is the President so not exactly the same oversight. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, a Clinton supporter and one of the preeminent constitution experts and a famous attorney and a law professor at Harvard states that Trump didn’t break any laws. Are you more of an expert on law and the constitution than he is? If so please explain how?

Thank you
Is Alan Dershowitz the only expert on this? He is one person giving one opinion. Others give different opinions. No one knows for sure what the facts are, including you.

I don’t know how you rationalize this, but in my view, the POTUS, using the power of his political office, and withholding aid to another country to force them to find or manufacture dirt on his ELECTORAL really really dirty. It is for personal benefit. It is really wrong. I don’t think you would be so sanguine if it were a D President.
/——/ Except he didn’t. It’s all made up Liberal Bullshyt. But what Joe Biden did was extortion and illegal.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
/——/ Now Schiff-face is stacking the deck and preventing the GOP from equal time in the hearings. Now tell us again libtards, how fair minded you are.
GOP demands 'equal playing field' ahead of former Ukraine envoy Volker's scheduled testimony
The House must vote for an impeachment inquiry. Without the vote democrats can withhold due process from Trump and Republicans who would seek to bring in witnesses and use subpoena powers that are afforded both sides of an investigation. Right now it is wholly one sided and unconstitutional.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.

This long.....?

What about Bob Mueller.

You pricks have been on the hunt since the day he was elected.

The senate will never convict him.

Bill Clinton was guilty of lying under oath....he should never have gone to trial.
LMAO What do you mean looking for dirt on Joe??

Biden bragged about what he did for his son on National televison. No one needed to dig up dirt. Joe provided it.

Then why call the guy, and threaten to hold up aid?

Trump is admitting he tried to dig up dirt. He's now asking China to do the same.

The DOJ clearded Trump of any wrong doing.

I'm interested on what the AG is digging up right now. That should be one very interesting series of reports

Naw, you guys have been threatening to get the goods for three years now... it ain't happening.

You a lawyer? Alan Dershowitz states Trump didn’t break any laws. You’re more educated on law and the constitution than him? Please explain

Alan Dershawitz is the same guy who used a bullshit appeal to get blatant evidence against Claus von Bulow thrown out on a technicality.

He's the one who got on TV every night and argued that even though OJ was totally drenched in Nicole's blood, someone else did it and the cops were framing him

if Jeff Dahmner had money, Dershy would declare him innocent while he was chewing on his arm.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.

Bill Clinton was treated just as bad, I don't recall him threatening to execute anyone.

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