Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Congress spends the money, not the president.
He can't spend one penny without their approval.

Unless he declares a his policy agenda a 'National Emergency' to access the power to re-allocate spending.

That's a Gene we should want to put back in the bottle, but I have a feeling we wont.
But in declaring a national emergency and reallocating some money, he followed laws passed by Congress, so it is really Congress that is building the border fence, just as the proposed doing in 2013 (Senate bill, S. 744).

Exactly. The National Emergency act should have been declared unconstitutional because it doesn't clearly define what constitutes a national emergency. Because it allows a president to decide, at his whim alone, what constitutes a national emergency. Put that Genie back in the bottle. Trumpybear exposed the flaw. Neither party should have that power.

I think Admiral Maquire stated it pretty well when he called all this Unprecedented. Only Rump would have the balls to push it this far and expect to get away scott free.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.
Let me straighten you out on something. Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen. What we have now are allegations credible enough to investigate and serious enough for it to be done as an impeachment inquiry. This is not Russia where leaders can just call someone a criminal and it then have the force of law. Due process is being followed here.
Occupied sez: Before anyone can definitively say a law has been broken an investigation has to happen.
You're the blamer, doll. You said this: "Trump's disregard of the law" OK, braino what law did he disregard since he was cleared of wrongdoing by the Attorney General of the United States.

Your failure to name any law Trump broke or "disregarded" as you claimed tells me you don't have a clue what you implied.

I reiterate: Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's final report cleared him of all charges.

And because of that and a few lies thrown by the leftist press, Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi took it upon themselves to launch yet another impeachment hearing against President Trump because their intentions were anything but justice, and all about getting Trump, which they failed to do and are still failing to do.

It's time for them to stop the damn bullshit and start behaving like dignified individuals Congressmen are called to be in representing their states. They departed from dignity when they preannounced before President Trump took office that they were going to ensnare him with an impeachment, mainly because they felt like it after Hillary lost the presidency that they were counting on to communize this free nation.

I will not have my father's country turned into a communist hellhole by your Democrat leaders, and you can take that refusal to your sorry gimme-gimme Democrat legacy of horrors hall, because there are no accomplishments there due to the Pelosi Congress' obsession with "getting President Donald Trump out of office," the man the American voters put in that office.

^ 'I will not have my father's country turned into a communist hellhole by your Democrat leaders, and you can take that refusal to your sorry gimme-gimme Democrat legacy of horrors hall, because there are no accomplishments there due to the Pelosi Congress' obsession with "getting President Donald Trump out of office," the man the American voters put in that office.'

MY father fought against fascism during WW2 & he would be revolted at the current
' commander in chief ' because he would see the writing on the wall.
history will repeat itself if you let it.
All progressives are fucked in the head especially career politicians

you're an idiot.
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

What you think it means.

You used the word. You tell me. Trolling again, Taz?
You getting frustrated that you're whining about me is being ignored?

Schiff is doing a great job, btw, the Cheeto -in-Chief is blowing a few fuses. Funny stuff. Much funnier then Obummer.

Again what did you mean by exploding? Your word. Or are you not proficient in linguistics?
Look it up, in what's called a called a dictionary.

Burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely.

That is the definition so you tell me, how is our debt "exploding" under Trump?
Yes. Absolutely.
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

Wow you are out on the moon if you seriously think that is what’s going on. Maybe you Trumpsters should get together and just establish a colony Trump Tower out there.
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You used the word. You tell me. Trolling again, Taz?
You getting frustrated that you're whining about me is being ignored?

Schiff is doing a great job, btw, the Cheeto -in-Chief is blowing a few fuses. Funny stuff. Much funnier then Obummer.

Again what did you mean by exploding? Your word. Or are you not proficient in linguistics?
Look it up, in what's called a called a dictionary.

Burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely.

That is the definition so you tell me, how is our debt "exploding" under Trump?
Yes. Absolutely.

So under DJT our debt is decomposing or getting smaller? LOL
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

Wow you are out on the moon if you seriously think that is what’s going on. Maybe you Trumpsters should get together and just establish a colony Trump Tower out there.

Antosha, it is shocking to me that you're a Leftist when your parents came from a place to escape such ideologies.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
The Congress falsified the charges against President Trump, and there is no getting around that elephant in the living room. President broke no law whatever, and the Mueller report made that crystal clear, regardless of the bru-ha-ha that Mueller created by turning over a second opinion to his staff and not even knowing what they wrote before he signed onto it. That should have disqualified the entire $45,000,000 Mueller Report, because it was a disgrace that Mueller as chairman of the Special Council didn't even know what was in the report that bears his name, and he had all the time in the world to know what his fellow inspectors adden-dumb said.

Where is the credible link proving congress falsified the charges?
Stop pretending you don't know what the deep state is, that you're a poor little sheep that doesn't understand the depth of depravity of the Communistic Democrat truth-wreckers and attention whores. The American people have had quite enough of them.

Can't find a credible link can you? So you're just full of bullshit that comes from the right.
Oh.....only the right is Bullshit?
I guess the left is full of puss then.

So no credible link.
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

Wow you are out on the moon if you seriously think that is what’s going on. Maybe you Trumpsters should get together and just establish a colony Trump Tower out there.

Antosha, it is shocking to me that you're a Leftist when your parents came from a place to escape such ideologies.

Ignoramus, what ideologies? I'm a mixed-market capitalist.

Russia is a near-third-world corrupt shithole rulled by lawless autocrats.

That was the case under communism and it is the case under capitalism. Their problems are far deeper than just economic models.
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

Wow you are out on the moon if you seriously think that is what’s going on. Maybe you Trumpsters should get together and just establish a colony Trump Tower out there.

Antosha, it is shocking to me that you're a Leftist when your parents came from a place to escape such ideologies.

Ignoramus, what ideologies? I'm a mixed-market capitalist.

Russia is a near-third-world corrupt shithole rulled by lawless autocrats. That was the case under communism and it is the case under capitalism. Their problems are far deeper than just economic model.

So would you vote for Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren? Aka communists?
Congress spends the money, not the president.
He can't spend one penny without their approval.

Unless he declares a his policy agenda a 'National Emergency' to access the power to re-allocate spending.

That's a Gene we should want to put back in the bottle, but I have a feeling we wont.
But in declaring a national emergency and reallocating some money, he followed laws passed by Congress, so it is really Congress that is building the border fence, just as the proposed doing in 2013 (Senate bill, S. 744).

Exactly. The National Emergency act should have been declared unconstitutional because it doesn't clearly define what constitutes a national emergency. Because it allows a president to decide, at his whim alone, what constitutes a national emergency. Put that Genie back in the bottle. Trumpybear exposed the flaw. Neither party should have that power.
lol You can't just call things unConstitutional because you don't like them..There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents the President from declaring a national emergency if he follows the laws Congress has passed.
Let's package the whole political scene in a way that even Democrats can understand, and call it:

TRUMP 101:

Democrats are like the big, fat, dumb man who stupidly pokes around where he doesn't belong thinking he runs the show.

Trump is like the lone wasp that provoked, will come back to bite you hard in the ass for messing with him.

But democrats always learn things the hard way:

Wow you are out on the moon if you seriously think that is what’s going on. Maybe you Trumpsters should get together and just establish a colony Trump Tower out there.

Antosha, it is shocking to me that you're a Leftist when your parents came from a place to escape such ideologies.

Ignoramus, what ideologies? I'm a mixed-market capitalist.

Russia is a near-third-world corrupt shithole rulled by lawless autocrats. That was the case under communism and it is the case under capitalism. Their problems are far deeper than just economic model.

So would you vote for Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren? Aka communists?

You don't know wtf you are even talking about. they are both Capitalists because niether advocates nationalizing all means of production (definition of socialism)

You must not know the difference between western Democratic Socialists Bernie bunches himself with and ACTUAL socialists in the good ol' USSR, Cuba and Red China.

As far as who I will vote vote for? I will vote for an honest liberal/conservative/socialist/capitalist/green/blue/yellow party candidate over Trump 7 days a week, because like with Russia's economy the problems with this corrupt swamper are far beyond just classic left-right ideologies.
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One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.

No, he didn't. Libs keep lying about this. They had nothing on russia. They can not stand that Trump won the election. Their stated goal was to impeach him EVEN before he took office.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
/—-/ Maybe you’ll enjoy Trump Act 2 better. It’s running form 2020 to 2024.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Alan Dershowitz says you are wrong. Trump committed no crimes.

Thats great, remind me again what Court or Congress Dershowitz actually serves on? Oh wait, he is just another mouthpiece.

You like those? Ok well here is another FOX legal analyst that says Dershowitz is full of it:

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Trump's Ukraine call was both criminal and impeachable
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Alan Dershowitz says you are wrong. Trump committed no crimes.

Thats great, remind me again what Court or Congress Dershowitz actually serves on for anyone to give a shit about what he thinks?

Here is another FOX legal analyst that says Dershowitz is full of it:

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Trump's Ukraine call was both criminal and impeachable

Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert in the country. I care what he thinks, Antosha. You're a leftist traitorous troll.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Alan Dershowitz says you are wrong. Trump committed no crimes.

Thats great, remind me again what Court or Congress Dershowitz actually serves on for anyone to give a shit about what he thinks?

Here is another FOX legal analyst that says Dershowitz is full of it:

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Trump's Ukraine call was both criminal and impeachable

Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert in the country. I care what he thinks, Antosha. You're a leftist traitorous troll.

According to WHO?

I don't give a shit who he is, what he advocates is pure swamp where President can obstruct the investigations with impunity, fire officers of the law who happen to investigate his people left and right, order people to enter false records to coverup his actions, pressure other nations with foreign aid into investigating his personal political opponents.

The only reason Dershowitz's garbage is not laughed off the stage is because the case law is so slim. Not many presidents crooked enough, and not many prosecutors bold enough to really test those Constitutional bounds in court.

You lay out the evidence against Trump to any jury with half a common sense and he would be convicted in all of half an hour. They won't give a shit who Dershowitz is.
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You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Alan Dershowitz says you are wrong. Trump committed no crimes.

Thats great, remind me again what Court or Congress Dershowitz actually serves on? Oh wait, he is just another mouthpiece.

You like those? Ok well here is another FOX legal analyst that says Dershowitz is full of it:

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Trump's Ukraine call was both criminal and impeachable
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law[1][2] who has been described as a "noted civil libertarian".[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

Trump should be impeached, Pence should be impeached. Pelosi should be acting president, with Hillary being appointed under the 25th Amendment as Vice President and then she should step down.

That would fix the problem.

Now that we are both done with our fantasy scenarios... here's the problem your movement has. You've sacrificed all your values and principles to a Pussy-Grabbing Con Man, and now you are kind of stuck with him.

Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.
so for you all GOPs should be impeached? take your meds today? dude, do you hear yourself. you shouldn't handle sharp items.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Alan Dershowitz says you are wrong. Trump committed no crimes.

Thats great, remind me again what Court or Congress Dershowitz actually serves on? Oh wait, he is just another mouthpiece.

You like those? Ok well here is another FOX legal analyst that says Dershowitz is full of it:

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Trump's Ukraine call was both criminal and impeachable
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law[1][2] who has been described as a "noted civil libertarian".[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

Oh my, how impressive. :rolleyes:

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