Should Obama be able to run for a 3rd term?

Should Obama be permitted to run for a Third Term?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 100.0%

  • Total voters
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

22nd Amendment says no...

List of amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But do Democrats believe the 22nd Amendment should be abolished? What about Republicans? What do they think, Bruce? That is the premise of the question and one I've been wondering about for some time. Would the American people agree to the 22nd Amendment being abolished in order to elect Obama for a third term.

Obama recently stated in an interview that he wasn't quitting his job. He was being forced out. Clearly the thought has occurred to him.

Do you know the first President to which the 22nd applied?

He's neither quitting nor being forced out. It's more like someone coming to the end of a contract that isn't going to be renewed. Either one would mean he could legally continue to do the job after 1/20/2017.

I'm not quite sure I get what you mean. Can you explain that to me? I'd appreciate it. Thanks. In the meantime, my mother in law sent me a story about the upcoming election. What do you think about this? Is this possible? I have no idea.

This is the story she sent me.

Here’s a very scary thought…………..

Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told me his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government. At first I thought it a bit far-fetched. But as I listened to him it began to make sense, scary sense…

“I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November,” Pete began. “Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted. The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.”

“Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency.”

“The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.”

Pete believes Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate.

If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.

The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge.

Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if Pete is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying changing the country to fit his stated goals.

What do you think about that? Is this possible?


The 20th amendment covers the death or lack of qualification of a president elect. In that situation the vice president elect becomes president.

I asked what he meant by "emergency situation".
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

22nd Amendment says no...

List of amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But do Democrats believe the 22nd Amendment should be abolished? What about Republicans? What do they think, Bruce? That is the premise of the question and one I've been wondering about for some time. Would the American people agree to the 22nd Amendment being abolished in order to elect Obama for a third term.

Obama recently stated in an interview that he wasn't quitting his job. He was being forced out. Clearly the thought has occurred to him.

Do you know the first President to which the 22nd applied?

He's neither quitting nor being forced out. It's more like someone coming to the end of a contract that isn't going to be renewed. Either one would mean he could legally continue to do the job after 1/20/2017.

I'm not quite sure I get what you mean. Can you explain that to me? I'd appreciate it. Thanks. In the meantime, my mother in law sent me a story about the upcoming election. What do you think about this? Is this possible? I have no idea.

This is the story she sent me.

Here’s a very scary thought…………..

Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told me his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government. At first I thought it a bit far-fetched. But as I listened to him it began to make sense, scary sense…

“I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November,” Pete began. “Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted. The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.”

“Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency.”

“The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.”

Pete believes Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate.

If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.

The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge.

Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if Pete is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying changing the country to fit his stated goals.

What do you think about that? Is this possible?

It's like someone graduating from college. When the person reaches the day of graduation getting a diploma, they didn't quit. That they aren't coming back because they got their diploma doesn't mean the school forced them out. It's a timer and the time ran out.

As far as your scenario, define "emergency situation".

As far as Kaine not becoming President under your scenario of Hillary being indicted, that isn't true. Hillary would not be President but when Kaine was sworn in as VP, because the the person that was supposed to be President unable to fill the position, the VP becomes President. At that point, Kaine would appoint a VP.

Use the Nixon example. Although not in the same order, Nixon appointed Ford as VP when Agnew resigned. When Nixon resigned, in other words no longer able to to do the job, Ford became President. Ford then appointed a VP.
Thank you.
But do Democrats believe the 22nd Amendment should be abolished? What about Republicans? What do they think, Bruce? That is the premise of the question and one I've been wondering about for some time. Would the American people agree to the 22nd Amendment being abolished in order to elect Obama for a third term.

Obama recently stated in an interview that he wasn't quitting his job. He was being forced out. Clearly the thought has occurred to him.

Do you know the first President to which the 22nd applied?

He's neither quitting nor being forced out. It's more like someone coming to the end of a contract that isn't going to be renewed. Either one would mean he could legally continue to do the job after 1/20/2017.

I'm not quite sure I get what you mean. Can you explain that to me? I'd appreciate it. Thanks. In the meantime, my mother in law sent me a story about the upcoming election. What do you think about this? Is this possible? I have no idea.

This is the story she sent me.

Here’s a very scary thought…………..

Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told me his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government. At first I thought it a bit far-fetched. But as I listened to him it began to make sense, scary sense…

“I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November,” Pete began. “Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted. The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.”

“Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency.”

“The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.”

Pete believes Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate.

If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.

The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge.

Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if Pete is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying changing the country to fit his stated goals.

What do you think about that? Is this possible?

It's like someone graduating from college. When the person reaches the day of graduation getting a diploma, they didn't quit. That they aren't coming back because they got their diploma doesn't mean the school forced them out. It's a timer and the time ran out.

As far as your scenario, define "emergency situation".

As far as Kaine not becoming President under your scenario of Hillary being indicted, that isn't true. Hillary would not be President but when Kaine was sworn in as VP, because the the person that was supposed to be President unable to fill the position, the VP becomes President. At that point, Kaine would appoint a VP.

Use the Nixon example. Although not in the same order, Nixon appointed Ford as VP when Agnew resigned. When Nixon resigned, in other words no longer able to to do the job, Ford became President. Ford then appointed a VP.
Thank you.

You're welcome. The president answer came straight from the Constitution.

The school is example is mine.
With 20 people voting against Obama being permitted to run for a 3rd term and 0 people (not a single Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent) in favor of permitting Obama to remain in office - it does appear that the poll indicates people are ready for Barack Obama to leave office.

Thank you for your participation in this poll.
It was quite revealing!
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.

Spiritual extortion! Anyhoot, I just asked my magic 8 ball if Hillary is going to drop out while she's ahead and it said definitely not!

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.

Spiritual extortion! Anyhoot, I just asked my magic 8 ball if Hillary is going to drop out while she's ahead and it said definitely not!

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
That's witchcraft too and will send you to hell as quickly as the other will, Carla. Considering that there are no rewards in hell, no future immortality, or god /goddess status awaiting any of you - why not get out now and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ so that He can forgive you of your sins and save you from eternal torment in hell?
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

That would be unconstitutional and Hillary will not be dropping out of the race. She will be inaugurated in January.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.

Spiritual extortion! Anyhoot, I just asked my magic 8 ball if Hillary is going to drop out while she's ahead and it said definitely not!

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
That's witchcraft too and will send you to hell as quickly as the other will, Carla. Considering that there are no rewards in hell, no future immortality, or god /goddess status awaiting any of you - why not get out now and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ so that He can forgive you of your sins and save you from eternal torment in hell?

You worry about your sins, and I'll worry about mine. :)
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

I'm pretty sure the constitution answered that question already.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

I'm pretty sure the constitution answered that question already.
The constitution doesn't permit UN troops to police America's streets but that has become a reality nonetheless. Never say never. In Obama's world it's, Yes, we can.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.

Spiritual extortion! Anyhoot, I just asked my magic 8 ball if Hillary is going to drop out while she's ahead and it said definitely not!

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
That's witchcraft too and will send you to hell as quickly as the other will, Carla. Considering that there are no rewards in hell, no future immortality, or god /goddess status awaiting any of you - why not get out now and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ so that He can forgive you of your sins and save you from eternal torment in hell?

You worry about your sins, and I'll worry about mine. :)
You do not appear worried though. One would think that the fear and torment you live in would be enough to convince you that something is wrong, Carla.
In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?

I'm pretty sure the constitution answered that question already.
The constitution doesn't permit UN troops to police America's streets but that has become a reality nonetheless. Never say never. In Obama's world it's, Yes, we can.

Where have UN Troops had policing authority in the US?

And you do realize that the whole 'he's gonna take a 3rd term in defiance of the constitution' is just rewarmed horseshit from 2008.

In the event that Hillary Clinton drops out of the race, should Barack Obama be permitted to run for a 3rd term and take her place as the Democrat Nominee? All are invited to vote on this poll. What say you? Yes or no?
He could run. He just couldn't be elected. It would violate the constitution - not that he would care.
Hillary is not going to drop out, so why even ask?
How do you know she isn't going to drop out, Carla? Is that what your crystal ball is telling you? While I know you're a big fan of the witch I have news for you. The devil doesn't know the future and therein he couldn't tell you if he wanted to. Only God knows the future and He is in full control of what is going on. Not Lucifer.

I saw a tweet by Hillary the other night and she signed it: H. The first word that came to my mind was Hell. I'm thinking Hillary and Hell are destined to meet one day. She's made her choice albeit a stupid one. Be careful, Carla. Eternity is a long time and there are no rewards in hell no matter how much you've been told to the contrary. There are no rewards, no gods, goddesses, no rulership positions, no gift of immortality - living forever in bliss - all lies... you've been duped. Wake up.

Spiritual extortion! Anyhoot, I just asked my magic 8 ball if Hillary is going to drop out while she's ahead and it said definitely not!

They can go fuck themselves if they don't like Palin. Oh and btw her son serves asswipe.
That's witchcraft too and will send you to hell as quickly as the other will, Carla. Considering that there are no rewards in hell, no future immortality, or god /goddess status awaiting any of you - why not get out now and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ so that He can forgive you of your sins and save you from eternal torment in hell?

You worry about your sins, and I'll worry about mine. :)
You do not appear worried though. One would think that the fear and torment you live in would be enough to convince you that something is wrong, Carla.

I don't live in fear and torment.
If he were to win a third term I am thinking there would be no need for a fourth.

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