Should Obama nominate a justice or not?

OOoooo Your playing the RACE CARD.. Blacks, Latinos, and every other AMERICAN CITIZEN (male or female) has the right to vote the day they turn 18.. Only convicted felons serving time are not allowed to vote, for good reason.

Your straw man is on fire...

Actually NO...It was Scalia who brought up the "Race Card".....It was the "beloved" Scalia who offered his assessment of a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. He called it a “perpetuation of racial entitlement.”


Never meant to imply that "dark skinned persons" were NOT as dumb as lighter skinned ones.

Exactly WHO has caused your "brilliant" endeavor to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION?

For all you "caps-challenged" right wingers who massage your guns for sexual gratification, the 2nd amendment actually states:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Which means that all you gun-toting charmers should sign up to join a militia and be "well regulated:.........LOL

So your historically challenged as well... WE THE PEOPLE are the militia.. An armed populace was the founding fathers answer to stopping would be kings and runaway government. But alas another left wing fool who is ignorant of history is spouting crap again..
OOoooo Your playing the RACE CARD.. Blacks, Latinos, and every other AMERICAN CITIZEN (male or female) has the right to vote the day they turn 18.. Only convicted felons serving time are not allowed to vote, for good reason.

Your straw man is on fire...

Actually NO...It was Scalia who brought up the "Race Card".....It was the "beloved" Scalia who offered his assessment of a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. He called it a “perpetuation of racial entitlement.”
What an ignorant ass.. Scalia didn't go for your race card bull shit.. He never did.. What Scalia did say was that no race was more important than any other under the Constitution as written. Your ignorance of history is glaring.. Your rewriting of it, using partial quotes out of context is nothing short of bigotry.

For all you "caps-challenged" right wingers who massage your guns for sexual gratification, the 2nd amendment actually states:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Which means that all you gun-toting charmers should sign up to join a militia and be "well regulated:.........LOL

So your historically challenged as well... WE THE PEOPLE are the militia.. An armed populace was the founding fathers answer to stopping would be kings and runaway government. But alas another left wing fool who is ignorant of history is spouting crap again..
And the government is "regulating" you. So what's the problem?
Rejecting a SCOTUS nominee is not a "do nothing" senate. They ARE doing their jobs, according to the Constitution.

If Obama doesn't select a person worthy of passing the nomination process he is the one that is blockading the nomination.

The founders certainly didn't put the senate in the picture to become a rubber stamp method of the presidents choice.


Well, got it all wrong......I agree that the senate has every constitutional right to reject even Jesus as Obama's nominee......BUT, I'm reacting to every GOP candidate and Sen. McConnell's "warning" for Obama to NOT even come up with a nominee.


Obama is going to nominate someone who is very qualified who is just left of center... This will cause a problem to the Senate... Refusals to confirm President's nomination hurts the GOP Senate... Despite what the jackasses here say, the senate need a good reason to not rubber stamp the Presidental nomination...
So your historically challenged as well... WE THE PEOPLE are the militia.. An armed populace was the founding fathers answer to stopping would be kings and runaway government. But alas another left wing fool who is ignorant of history is spouting crap again..

You're as dumb as a box of bent nails....but you're funny.....Like I said, stroke your guns and wait to "rise up" to defeat kings and run-a-way governments:....

Just don't breed and don't vote...... :asshole:
nothing short of bigotry.

I'd readily admit that I am a bit of a bigot against morons..Scalia was the "dog whistler" justice ...

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s reprehensible suugestion that affirmative action harms blacks by offering opportunities that transcend their intellectual talents and abilities exemplifies the crisis of institutional racism at the heart of American democracy.

That a sitting Supreme Court justice could feel emboldened enough to articulate the kind of boldfaced belief in white supremacy thought to have ended with formal racial segregation illustrates the contours of the nation’s New Jim Crow, a system that justifies the dearth of African-American bodies in predominantly white spaces by questioning whether they truly belong there in the first place.
Why bother?

The Senate does not seem in a mood to ratify anything that His Imperial Majesty is likely to offer up as a nominee...

Does that mean that we can save some money on the salaries of the entire senate since (especially Rubio) this "illustrious" chamber has NO intention of doing any work for this entire year?

Oh, come on. It is hard work keeping the Senate "in session" while no one is there, lest a recess appointment might slip through.
Oh, come on. It is hard work keeping the Senate "in session" while no one is there, lest a recess appointment might slip through.

As I've posted before, it'll be rather "fun" to watch a republican senator (24 of them) up for re-election telling whomever would listen, "re-elect me for having done nothing since I've mastered the art of obstructionism..."
Oh, come on. It is hard work keeping the Senate "in session" while no one is there, lest a recess appointment might slip through.

As I've posted before, it'll be rather "fun" to watch a republican senator (24 of them) up for re-election telling whomever would listen, "re-elect me for having done nothing since I've mastered the art of obstructionism..."

Doesn't work as well in Senate campaigns as in the gerrymandered house districts. Yeah.
Doesn't work as well in Senate campaigns as in the gerrymandered house districts. Yeah.

Indeed, the House will remain in GOP hands,,,,,BUT, with 5 of 24 needed democrat seats to switch the senate's majority, republicans are facing an impossible task.....

For all you "caps-challenged" right wingers who massage your guns for sexual gratification, the 2nd amendment actually states:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Which means that all you gun-toting charmers should sign up to join a militia and be "well regulated:.........LOL

So your historically challenged as well... WE THE PEOPLE are the militia.. An armed populace was the founding fathers answer to stopping would be kings and runaway government. But alas another left wing fool who is ignorant of history is spouting crap again..
And the government is "regulating" you. So what's the problem?

Are your reading impaired? What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand? IT means NO, you cant touch this, its off limits to regulation or legislation...
He'll nominate one, knowing the Republicans will hold it up or shoot it down, and he'll hope for some political mileage out of that in November.

Such is politics.
It's his responsibility as president.

Besides, with the court tied 4 to 4, it's as if they didn't exist. Lower court rulings stand. On everything from abortion, to assault weapons, to unions dues, to gay rights and so on. What ever the lower court ruled, it stands.
Absolute? As a non-law enforcement:

Can you bring a gun into the SCOTUS chamber if you are lucky enough to secure a seat?

Can you bring one into your state government buildings where legislators meet?

Can you bring one into any courtroom in America?

I'm curious.....Can you bring an assault weapon into a GOP candidates' debate?

For all you "caps-challenged" right wingers who massage your guns for sexual gratification, the 2nd amendment actually states:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Which means that all you gun-toting charmers should sign up to join a militia and be "well regulated:.........LOL

So your historically challenged as well... WE THE PEOPLE are the militia.. An armed populace was the founding fathers answer to stopping would be kings and runaway government. But alas another left wing fool who is ignorant of history is spouting crap again..
And the government is "regulating" you. So what's the problem?

Are your reading impaired? What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand? IT means NO, you cant touch this, its off limits to regulation or legislation...

Why does it matter what a bunch of guys said 200 years ago... They stated at the time that there views should not be taken forever...

I think if the founding fathers know that you are using their words to allow thousands to be killed each year...
First let me state (and I can say this as a fellow Sicilian-American) that Scalia will be regarded as one of the most acerbic, often mean-spirited, partisan in the modern Supreme Court.

But the question asked should be answered. Should Obama nominate to the Senate his choice to fill Scalia's seat? Bear in mind that there are still 11 months before a new president enters the oval office.

Regardless of the upcoming turbulent months, we should be mindful of the many changes that 2017 will usher to the political status quo: A new President......a new Senate makeup, and, of course, a much different Supreme Court in its ideological leanings.

Since he's anything but a lame duck, he should jump on it....with relish. I bet you he's dancing in circles and snapping his fingers right now, grinning ear to ear.

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