Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended ... ?

If you spend your days walking down the street worried somebody is going to off themselves and take you with them, you have more problems than guns. As many guns there are now, how do you suppose you aren't dead yet? Why do you want to take a gun away from guy who won't do any harm to you. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Let people have their guns. Nobody is forcing you to own one.

I don't spend my day doing that because I live in a country that has hardly any firearms. I don't expect to die via a firearm, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of people in the US don't either. However, I don't understand why there can't be certain restrictions on some types of firearms like assault weapons.

Think about this, when it comes to firearms the US has more in common with the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Angola etc than it does with Canada, Australia, UK, France etc. Tell me, of those two groups of societies, which one would you live in?
For the same reason there are restrictions on cars.

Oh, I would dearly love to have my concealed carry rights treated like a drivers license, sure. Able to carry anywhere in public I want to go, recognised in EVERY state without exception.

Yeah, treat CCW like a drivers license; sign me up.
Oh, I would dearly love to have my concealed carry rights treated like a drivers license, sure. Able to carry anywhere in public I want to go, recognised in EVERY state without exception.

Yeah, treat CCW like a drivers license; sign me up.

And did they just hand out the license to you, or did you have to do a test to get it?
If you spend your days walking down the street worried somebody is going to off themselves and take you with them, you have more problems than guns. As many guns there are now, how do you suppose you aren't dead yet? Why do you want to take a gun away from guy who won't do any harm to you. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Let people have their guns. Nobody is forcing you to own one.

I don't spend my day doing that because I live in a country that has hardly any firearms. I don't expect to die via a firearm, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of people in the US don't either. However, I don't understand why there can't be certain restrictions on some types of firearms like assault weapons.

Think about this, when it comes to firearms the US has more in common with the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Angola etc than it does with Canada, Australia, UK, France etc. Tell me, of those two groups of societies, which one would you live in?

What a dummy ^^^

LMAO............there are already 300 million guns in America and a lot of those are assault weapons. In some states like NY and Ct., they banned "assault" weapons....people had to go register them. LMAO.....virtually nobody did in either state!:coffee:

I don't spend my day doing that because I live in a country that has hardly any firearms. I don't expect to die via a firearm, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of people in the US don't either. However, I don't understand why there can't be certain restrictions on some types of firearms like assault weapons.

There are, but I bet you dont know what an assault weapon is, dude, just like I bet you dont have any clue how many guns are in your country....which would be what anyway? Andora?

Think about this, when it comes to firearms the US has more in common with the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Angola etc than it does with Canada, Australia, UK, France etc. Tell me, of those two groups of societies, which one would you live in?

Lolololol, you libtards have to go back to veiled racism every time. Now why is that?
If you spend your days walking down the street worried somebody is going to off themselves and take you with them, you have more problems than guns. As many guns there are now, how do you suppose you aren't dead yet? Why do you want to take a gun away from guy who won't do any harm to you. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Let people have their guns. Nobody is forcing you to own one.

I don't spend my day doing that because I live in a country that has hardly any firearms. I don't expect to die via a firearm, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of people in the US don't either. However, I don't understand why there can't be certain restrictions on some types of firearms like assault weapons.

Think about this, when it comes to firearms the US has more in common with the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Angola etc than it does with Canada, Australia, UK, France etc. Tell me, of those two groups of societies, which one would you live in?
I knew it. You're not an American. You have no say regarding our 2nd Amendment rights. Blow off sucka!
It stands to reason that if guns are actually the problem rather than people, then their gun crime arguments should be advanced by gun crimes per gun, rather than gun crimes per capita.

It's the gun and the people that are the problem..
Fact 1: Just get rid of the people who have an over-developed sense of entitlement to use violence against their fellows: problem solved.

Fact 2: Just get rid of guns: problem remains.

The "gun problem" is a problem only for who have an over-developed sense of entitlement to use violence against their fellows; guns are a problem that only the criminally violent have to overcome... for OBVIOUS reasons.
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Tell us then how my ownership/possession of firearms harms you or places you in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
You personally? It doesn't.
Since my ownership/possession of firearms neither harms anyone nor places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger, on what basis should that simple ownership/possession be restricted?
For the same reason there are restrictions on cars.
Please note that you did not answer my "on what basis" question.

That said:
I do not need a license to buy, own or possess a car, or drive it on private property.
I do not need to register a car once I buy it, to own it, to possess it, or drive it on private property.
That being the case, I can only assume you believe that licensing and registration, as applied to cars, should similarly apply to guns.
To me it is just common sense.
How it it "common sense" to restrict the exercise of a right when that exercise does not harm anyone or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger?
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It stands to reason that if guns are actually the problem rather than people, then their gun crime arguments should be advanced by gun crimes per gun, rather than gun crimes per capita.
It's the gun and the people that are the problem..
You agreed that simple ownership/possession of a firearm does not harm you or place you in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
How, specifically, are gun and the people that are the problem?
I don't spend my day doing that because I live in a country that has hardly any firearms. I don't expect to die via a firearm, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of people in the US don't either. However, I don't understand why there can't be certain restrictions on some types of firearms like assault weapons.
Simple: there's no soundly demonstrable need for such restrictions; any such "need" can only be backed by emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
We are comparing western countries for a reason, idiot....

Yeah, and that reason is that the left thinks that nonWestern countries are never going to live up to Western standards, so the libtards like you always want to leave them out.
"Think about this, when it comes to firearms the US has more in common with the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Angola etc than it does with Canada, Australia, UK, France etc. Tell me, of those two groups of societies, which one would you live in?"

I'm not willing to allow any of those countries to overrule my basic right to defend myself, my family, and my property. The decisions on how to do that belong to me; not any government. Tyranny is not a new concept and it is no less nasty now than it ever was.
Three questions for you to answer -- won't happen, of course:
-What % of guns in the US are involved in a murder each year?
-What is the ratio of the number of guns involved in a murder to the number of guns that are not?
-How does this compare to the rest of the :developed countries"?

I have answered this question more times than I care to remember on this board. The questions are false ones. It's like saying how much snow does it take to freeze you to death. It doesnt matter. You're dead.

At the end of the day, you have a gun culture out of control and the vast majority of Americans are kowtowing to a group of bully boys who are still living in the past.

Ah, so since the answers don't support your position, you ignore the question. Nothing more is needed to see how vacuous your position is.
Tell us then how my ownership/possession of firearms harms you or places you in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
You personally? It doesn't.
Since my ownership/possession of firearms neither harms anyone nor places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger, on what basis should that simple ownership/possession be restricted?

For the same reason there are restrictions on cars. My 13 isn't allowed to drive way. In civilised societies people believe there should be laws surrounding access to certain types of things. To me it is just common sense.

I realize you aren't a citizen, but in the United States, there is no right to drive and regulations exist to regulate driving. Owning firearms is a right that shall not be infringed. Just as voting is a right.

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