Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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  • Hell yeah!

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Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
It was an act of surrender by Pelosi. After disgracing herself and her Party with the faux impeachment, she tore up the speech to acknowledge she has no answer to President Trump's success and his increasing popularity.

LOL sure- thats what it was.

And her simple gesture deflated Trump's entire speech.

It was masterful.
The President's speech was masterful, and it left Nancy nothing to do but mumble to herself and take out her shame and frustration on some papers. It was a powerful gesture of defeat.
It was a gesture of disdain
Well deserved
It was a petulant child having a mental breakdown in front of the entire nation.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
It was an act of surrender by Pelosi. After disgracing herself and her Party with the faux impeachment, she tore up the speech to acknowledge she has no answer to President Trump's success and his increasing popularity.

LOL sure- thats what it was.

And her simple gesture deflated Trump's entire speech.

It was masterful.
The President's speech was masterful, and it left Nancy nothing to do but mumble to herself and take out her shame and frustration on some papers. It was a powerful gesture of defeat.

The President's speech was his usual collection of boasts, lies and taking credit for what other people have done.

Really just the usual stuff.

But here we are days later- and no one is talking about his speech- we are all talking about Pelosi.

She is brilliant.
We'll let you repeat those words and eat them, once she drives the entire party over the cliff by losing the presidential election, giving the House back to the Republicans, and even more seats lost in the Senate, come this November. I doubt the Democratic Party as we know it will continue to exist in its current form. But then again, there's always the RUSSIANS to blame, isn't there?! :21:
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Pelosi is ending her career as a loser and an abject failure in the history of the left wing liberal cause..

She prefers to blame Trump rather than her poor judgement and vindictive nature.

Trump wins no matter what she does and she knows it..
Perhaps Pelosi sees the writing on the wall, she knows that Trump will be reelected, which means she's done with, regardless of whether the Dems keep the House or not.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.
are you saying the national archives are not digital and are on paper only?
No. He was saying that she destroyed a Document.

Speaking of destroying a document. I don't remember any of you Trumpskyites stomping your feet about your Dear Leader destroying official documents

Richard Nixon Is the Reason President Trump's Aides Have to Repair Documents He Rips Up
President Trump reportedly has a habit of ripping up documents after he’s done with them, a tendency that has sent aides scrambling to quite literally pick up the pieces.

“I had a letter from [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer — he tore it up,” Solomon Lartey, one of the officials in record management who restored the documents but was terminated this past spring, told Politico. “It was the craziest thing ever. He ripped papers into tiny pieces.”

Trump is required by law to preserve all documents he handles during his presidency. The Presidential Records Act mandates that presidents retain all “documentary material,” which includes documents, papers, books, pamphlets, audiotapes and videos, so that

Or Trump's head of EPA destroying documents
EPA chief of staff under investigation in document destruction
CNN Source? Or is it MSDNC?




These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
    Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check
Great! A biased source fact checking another biased source. Ya gotta love Leftist mentality!
Lol..Trump extorts a nation and Trumpers are fine with it: Pelosi tears up a piece of paper and Trumpers have accidents losing control of their bodily functions in outrage. You can’t make this up.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
It was an act of surrender by Pelosi. After disgracing herself and her Party with the faux impeachment, she tore up the speech to acknowledge she has no answer to President Trump's success and his increasing popularity.

LOL sure- thats what it was.

And her simple gesture deflated Trump's entire speech.

It was masterful.
The President's speech was masterful, and it left Nancy nothing to do but mumble to herself and take out her shame and frustration on some papers. It was a powerful gesture of defeat.
It was a gesture of disdain
Well deserved

Yes, Nancy hates winners.

So of course any loser like the, Dems, will show gestures of disdain at the President who "stays winning" each time Dems lose.
Lol..Trump extorts a nation and Trumpers are fine with it: Pelosi tears up a piece of paper and Trumpers have accidents losing control of their bodily functions in outrage. You can’t make this up.
Can't make this up either. Trump up 10 points in Polls. (snicker)
If nancy received that document, officially, then she is violation of the law by tearing it up. If the President or his aid or VP Pence just, handed it to her, then she is in the clear. But again, if it was delivered to her in an official capacity then she's cooked noodles ---and I will be emailing Trump, profusely, about making sure she is charged with a crime.

They already let the Dems off the hook by refusing to dismiss charges/let impeachment hoax go to a jury, so I hope they don't let Dems off the hook here.

They don't have a leg to stand on. There is no crime. It will only crime will be committed by Donald Trump. Even REPUBLICAN witness Jonathan Turley says there is no crime.
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Nancy Pelosi is not a federal employee. She is a elected official. There is a huge difference.
Crazy Nancy Pelosi who is infected "forever" with a severe case of TDS will be removed by voters come this November.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Republicans are concentrating on retaining the House and Democrat incumbents are outraising Republicans by a huge margin.
Trump has destroyed the Constitution


Trump got impeached for doing his, job, in terms of our foreign policy in Ukraine specifically to annihilate corruption. You didn't care. You only cared about your hatred for Trump, as you hated him for doing what the Comstitution reqd by exposing Biden corruption in Ukraine.

You destroyed the citizenrys' voice, in politics, when you used your voice to stay silent or you cheered for the Dem's lowdown illegal acts of 1)filing false docx with the FISA Court and 2)Impeaching a President because they hated for him to obey Article II of the U.S. Constitution with respect to USA foreign policies.

Trump was not doing his job. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a part of any legitimate foreign policy.
Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
It was an act of surrender by Pelosi. After disgracing herself and her Party with the faux impeachment, she tore up the speech to acknowledge she has no answer to President Trump's success and his increasing popularity.

LOL sure- thats what it was.

And her simple gesture deflated Trump's entire speech.

It was masterful.
The President's speech was masterful, and it left Nancy nothing to do but mumble to herself and take out her shame and frustration on some papers. It was a powerful gesture of defeat.
It was a gesture of disdain
Well deserved
It was a petulant child having a mental breakdown in front of the entire nation.

The only petulant child I saw was Donald Trump. He has long shown to be crazy.
In Trumpian America....

Demanding personal favors in return for military aid does not warrant removal from office

Tearing up a speech does
Is that your Trollholio?


It appears you are having a good time comparing apples to oranges. No doubt indeed. See, look:

Did he brag about how she grabs women by their pussies ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he mock someone for their disability ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he call an American judge a "Mexican" ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Do you see where this is going? In terms of how you compared apples to oranges here? Where you deluded to facts which proved that Trump has never, ever disrespected any human to the degree of what we saw from Nancy at the SOTU as she shamed all 'laws of adult behavior' ...


that's a giant earth toilet where you & yours get drawn into & flushed away to hell.

ba byyeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
are you saying the national archives are not digital and are on paper only?
No. He was saying that she destroyed a Document.

Speaking of destroying a document. I don't remember any of you Trumpskyites stomping your feet about your Dear Leader destroying official documents

Richard Nixon Is the Reason President Trump's Aides Have to Repair Documents He Rips Up
President Trump reportedly has a habit of ripping up documents after he’s done with them, a tendency that has sent aides scrambling to quite literally pick up the pieces.

“I had a letter from [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer — he tore it up,” Solomon Lartey, one of the officials in record management who restored the documents but was terminated this past spring, told Politico. “It was the craziest thing ever. He ripped papers into tiny pieces.”

Trump is required by law to preserve all documents he handles during his presidency. The Presidential Records Act mandates that presidents retain all “documentary material,” which includes documents, papers, books, pamphlets, audiotapes and videos, so that

Or Trump's head of EPA destroying documents
EPA chief of staff under investigation in document destruction
CNN Source? Or is it MSDNC?




These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Least Biased based on balanced coverage of news stories and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
    Politico - Media Bias/Fact Check
Great! A biased source fact checking another biased source. Ya gotta love Leftist mentality!

not really. they use international journalistic standards. why do they say MSNBC is to the left, then? are you saying they are wrong? you just don't like facts.
I will walk the New Garden of Eden and commune with God through my Faith in Yeshua, Messiah, Jesus The Christ who has paid the penalties for my Sins and who has justified me to God turning my unrighteousness, to righteousness before God.
Is that your Trollholio?


It appears you are having a good time comparing apples to oranges. No doubt indeed. See, look:

Did he brag about how she grabs women by their pussies ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he mock someone for their disability ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he call an American judge a "Mexican" ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Do you see where this is going? In terms of how you compared apples to oranges here? Where you deluded to facts which proved that Trump has never, ever disrespected any human to the degree of what we saw from Nancy at the SOTU as she shamed all 'laws of adult behavior' ...


that's a giant earth toilet where you & yours get drawn into & flushed away to hell.

ba byyeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
I will walk the New Garden of Eden and commune with God through my Faith in Yeshua, Messiah, Jesus The Christ who has paid the penalties for my Sins and who has justified me to God turning my unrighteousness, to righteousness before God.
Is that your Trollholio?


It appears you are having a good time comparing apples to oranges. No doubt indeed. See, look:

Did he brag about how she grabs women by their pussies ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he mock someone for their disability ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he call an American judge a "Mexican" ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Did he have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it ---while in the camera and sitting solo directly behind Nancy? as she spoke to 147 nations? Including our enemies watching and then, salivating, at the intergalactic-disrespect being shown by our nation's 3rd-in-charge onto our nation's 1st-in-charge?

Do you see where this is going? In terms of how you compared apples to oranges here? Where you deluded to facts which proved that Trump has never, ever disrespected any human to the degree of what we saw from Nancy at the SOTU as she shamed all 'laws of adult behavior' ...


that's a giant earth toilet where you & yours get drawn into & flushed away to hell.

ba byyeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............


as long as you are a supporter of the most evil vile creature walking this earth, you won't.

but satin wants you to believe you could.

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