Should people who chose to not vaccinate get preference?

Actually not. Doctors perform triage. And the criteria could include how much the patient tried to help himself. Look at the list for liver transplants. Alcoholics are put at the bottom of the list if at all.

The most common reasons patients were denied listing for OLT included active ethanol consumption (35%), moribund state considered too unstable for surgery (25%), transplant evaluation in progress, but incomplete (14%), known malignancy (9%), sepsis (5%), and advanced age (4%).
That's not how they conduct triage. You're mixing apples and oranges. Donor candidacy is a completely different issue.
Believe us when we say, "All you vaccinated automatons out there do not want to start classifying us unvaccinated as a separate class of human beings." You'll be very, very sorry Charlie.
Why? What would you do?

Too late anyway ---- how can you not have noticed that the non-vaxxed are the goats and everyone else is a sheep?

Goats are so difficult. At least sheep flock and herd cooperatively, right into the shearing equipment. ;)
They’re far less likely to be infected in the first place.

Which one of these is you?

This is ultimately forcing people to get vaccinated under threat of death. I wonder if there is an argument that hospitals should not be given that much power - the power to refuse you medical treatment for not taking a specific action.

They already do. They won't perform a liver transplant (medical treatment) if the patient won't stop drinking (specific action)
They already do. They won't perform a liver transplant (medical treatment) if the patient won't stop drinking (specific action)
I love how you idiots always go to the most extreme of examples when discussing minor issues,,,

like the nuclear weapons argument with the 2nd A,,,
But even if I think the unvaccinated are stupid, people have a constitutional right to be stupid even if they have avg IQ.

So, no. We can't withhold care.
Drunk bums show up every night in Emergency rooms all over the country to get out the cold and get some attention. They get it, too. They can't pay anything, of course. If hospitals have to care for them, I don't see how anyone can refuse care to an unvaxed covid person. These docs staging a stupid and rude walkout in Florida against the unvaxxed are just nasty no-goods, IMO.
They already do. They won't perform a liver transplant (medical treatment) if the patient won't stop drinking (specific action)
That's different. They won't do serious elective surgery on obese people, either, often. It's because the likelihood of the person dying is high and they don't want the risk. I can understand that.
Drunk bums show up every night in Emergency rooms all over the country to get out the cold and get some attention. They get it, too. They can't pay anything, of course. If hospitals have to care for them, I don't see how anyone can refuse care to an unvaxed covid person. These docs staging a stupid and rude walkout in Florida against the unvaxxed are just nasty no-goods, IMO.
I agree, and the docs' walkout is inexcusable. Each of them took an oath to treat sick people. Viruses are not political. I disagree with people who don't get vaccinated, but they have every right to make that choice without fear that they'll be denied the same care I'd get.

And we should simply treat people with different views a civilly as we'd like to be treated. And both "sides" fail in that.
You read that graph wrong.

This is what you're looking for:

View attachment 530204

I was stating that the problem is with white people being the majority of unvaccinated people in the country. If the goal is to get as many people vaccinated, then the biggest target should be the priority .

If native Hawaiins were the most hesitant group, getting 100% of them vaccinated wouldn't even move the needle on the unvaccinated population numbers.
That's different. They won't do serious elective surgery on obese people, either, often. It's because the likelihood of the person dying is high and they don't want the risk. I can understand that.
Likelihood of someone dying of COVID if they’re unvaccinated is higher too.
Likelihood of someone dying of COVID if they’re unvaccinated is higher too.
Good point, but NOT because of the treatment --------- unless they put them on a respirator, that is. Murder devices, IMO.
There are about ten million (undocumented) illegal aliens in the U.S. and more arriving every day who receive free treatment in any hospital for any ailment including covid. Nobody on the left objects. The question is why would lefties want to consider whether or not to treat U.S. citizens who opt not to be vaccinated for personal or medical or religious reasons? Is it about punishment or political expediency? What?

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