Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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Imagine the women who actually went through child birth and all the hardships that entails.

Now Imagine their unique sacrifice being belittled by mentally unstable people by allowing men to claim this status.

Women's rights being squandered by sick leftists
What’s sick is the right’s unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

What’s sick is the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.
You're probably the same guy who thinks people should work hard at a job and get paid so little they have to get welfare. You also are probably still questioning why we have child labor laws.
I do not. For everything we give a softening agenda to, for some reason it is abused and becomes expensive. We are finding more and more difficult to compete with rising nations. The real bottom line.
I have a GREAT relationship with my children and I worked everyday but the day they were born and the following day.

This is the kind of crap we have to deal with trying to make believe men can be women. They can’t. No matter how many dicks you suck you will never compare to a straight woman. I stayed home two days when our kid was born. You know who actually did all the work? My wife, her mom and my mom. Not some convoluted gay clusterfuck.
What’s sick is the right’s unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

What’s sick is the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.
Preaching the gospel of hairy man butt sex to kids in school and all across the country is not an expression of individual liberty. It is intentionally spreading a mental disease that undermines societal and cultural, and yes nature's norms.
Lessons learned.

1- It takes two faggots two months to figure out how to bottle feed a newborn when it takes a straight female about ten minutes.

2- Two faggots can’t come to terms with how to care for a child while a straight female gets it under control and sends her real man back to work after two days.

3- Learned from 1 and 2, Queers aren’t qualified to be parents.

4- Hiring people for needed positions for their sexual preferences or any other reason but qualifications is a recipe for disaster.
Humph, it doesn't take us long to figure out how to breast feed, either, but that is something male "mommies" can't learn. It's sad for these babies to be in such a --- queer --- situation. They can't possibly grow up normal.
Was the AH you support fired for going out and playing golf for more than 300 days bringing his security with him and ripping off the gov't for their staying with him?
What's it like to be so totally confounded that you have an inability to post on topic? Are you OCD or ADHD by chance?
I'm not implying a jobs pay doesn't change over time ya nut. If we raised the labor for a fry cook based on the fluctuations in the economy it would price your French Fries out of your budget. In the 80's a cheeseburger combo at McDonald's was 3 bucks. Depending on region its now 5 or 6. Had you raised that cooks salary to coincide with the economy that same meal would cost you what now? 15 bucks? 20 bucks? For McDonald's....

That's what I mean by every job has a cap. In the early 90's I was paying guys 12 bucks an hour TO PUSH A BROOM on commercial jobsites. Adjust that to today and it's 25.00.

YOu dumb piece of shit. In Scandanavia, McDonalds workers make between $14-$22 an hour. Big Macs cost like $.50 more in countries like Sweden and Norway while in countries like Denmark, a Big Mac costs LESS than in the US. So get out of here with your ignorant bullshit.
YOu dumb piece of shit. In Scandanavia, McDonalds workers make between $14-$22 an hour. Big Macs cost like $.50 more in countries like Sweden and Norway while in countries like Denmark, a Big Mac costs LESS than in the US. So get out of here with your ignorant bullshit.
This isn't Sweden lol. Apples and oranges as our economies are nothing alike. Sweden has a partial socialist economy mixed with free economics.

Go peddle your bullshit at the kiddie table

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