Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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Let’s solve this by getting truckers and unloaders back to work:

1. Drop the requirement for truckers to be vaxxed. They spend 95% of their time alone in the cab of the truck.

2. Stop any unemployment benefits for unemployed truckers IMMEDIATELY. These funds are supposed to be paid only when one cannot find a job.

3. Drop any requirement that only overpaid Union workers are hired.
So basically let people suffer.
Speaking of castrated menstruating pussies, why do bloody tampons like Dr. Love, choose to hide behind a thumbs down, hit and run, than debate you and form a cogent argument as to why they disagree with you?

Because they are castrated menstruating pussies.
So basically let people suffer.
We'd never be able to fight WWII with today's castrated estrogen charged menstruating pussies who still think they are men.

Suffer? Get me my belt boy, or go mow the lawn!

That's your choice of suffering.

Damn panty soiling soy drinking weepy assed woosies.
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WTF? Just because they manage Dept of Transportation does not make them omnipotent. These are private companies dealing with huge logistical issues after Covid and administration has gotten some commitment from them to extend their operations round-the-clock. But they can't just wave their hands and make it disapear (if they could you'd never give them credit for it anyway).

Bottom line is that you've asserted that the Secretary failed to deligate the management of the DoT during his maternal leave and there is absolutely no evidence of that.
A Dildo could do a better job than the pole smokers in charge of this yellow bellied, tampon wearing, feelings in my vagina regime.

F'n Maternal Leave, for a prolapsed anus with a Mangina who is NOT A MOTHER?

That disgusts me so much I am tempted to go smoke some Marlboros and drink some rot gut whiskey, spit and cuss, and wrestle a bear that's so geigh.
Well, after that 9 month pregnancy of his and all the stress to his body from delivery, not to mention to the hormonal upheavel he experienced as a resuly of his pregnancy, he NEEDED that time to recover.
OK how about we have a federal policy on paid time off for mothers? I'd go along with that. Do you agree?
Its not my highest priority but I wont object to two weeks with pay for businesses with 100 or more women employees

For small business your idea could mean 50-100% of the workforce on paid maternity leave
WTF? Just because they manage Dept of Transportation does not make them omnipotent. These are private companies dealing with huge logistical issues after Covid and administration has gotten some commitment from them to extend their operations round-the-clock. But they can't just wave their hands and make it disapear (if they could you'd never give them credit for it anyway).

Bottom line is that you've asserted that the Secretary failed to deligate the management of the DoT during his maternal leave and there is absolutely no evidence of that.
Other than what we are witnessing? :eusa_whistle:
Its not my highest priority but I wont object to two weeks with pay for businesses with 100 or more women employees

For small business your idea could mean 50-100% of the workforce on paid maternity leave
LOL 2 weeks. Because of course a. all women can get pregnant and b. all of them that can get pregnant will do so at the exact same time.
Seeing what you want to see is not witnessing.

Your suggestion that privately operated port back-ups are due to Pete being on maternity is straight stupid. Maybe you like that look.
Where is Pete now?
It does seem to me too bad that Biden has so many true weirdos in his cabinet! It's really a freak show. I can remember when those were restricted to the carnival --- now they are meeting in the White House! It's sad and disgusting.
Seeing what you want to see is not witnessing.

Your suggestion that privately operated port back-ups are due to Pete being on maternity is straight stupid. Maybe you like that look.
LOL Port Back Ups and Pete Butt Gig.

You cannot make this shit up.

I have to go wrestle a gorilla, take a hunk of chew, spit on the sidewalk and slap a whore's ass now, cuz your geigh might have contaminated me.

Typical republican. Only when something affects them do they understand what other people go through.
Older generations manned it up. They worked through their wives child birth even, if they had to. This is not a Republican thing. This is a national thing. The advent of feminism with many women in the workplace to extreme feminism that at times seems has gone of the rails has affected a lot of ways of living. We are fracturing as a nation.
It does seem to me too bad that Biden has so many true weirdos in his cabinet! It's really a freak show. I can remember when those were restricted to the carnival --- now they are meeting in the White House! It's sad and disgusting.
No Freaks to see here. Not sure which knob slobberer on our board is this guy. Probably Blind Boo reach around, or gay putin 5000.

Caring for newborn twins is not "playing house." Moreover, Buttigieg's parent project must have started long before anyone was talking about a supply-chain "crisis." Stop the nonsense about breast-feeding. It's really childish.

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