Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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Odd that other countries can do it and remain competitive.

Thanks to Covid, people are finally waking up. The CEO of John Deere got a 160% pay jump during the pandemic. Shareholders got an 18% dividend increase. Everyone getting paid substantially more.....except the workers.

Your COVID & view of entitlements is shredding small business & middle class creating the perfect environment for oligarchy and monopolies. Bezos and China sure appreciate your approval however, so does Obama (180 M and climbing fast), who has about doubled his worth since COVID, all because he's just a mouth for the global elite.
Can't expect the Science Denying Mayor to fix anything when he cannot even fix his confusion about what bathroom to use. Why should he bother with work when he can go home and play gag me with a spoon and get paid to do it?
Your COVID & view of entitlements is shredding small business & middle class creating the perfect environment for oligarchy and monopolies. Bezos and China sure appreciate your approval however, so does Obama (180 M and climbing fast), who has about doubled his worth since COVID, all because he's just a mouth for the global elite.
Stop repurchasing shares and increasing dividends, while giving your CEO a 160% raise and letting your workers have to use government welfare to survive. There hasnt been a middle class for a while, dipshit. Only in America would you get some idiot saying a living wage is an "entitlement". You complain about giving people wage increases and you complain people are on welfare. You dont really want a solution, do you?
I think you meant inept - But even then I don't agree. The guy is doing a decent job
With inflation at 6%, gas prices climbing, and Places like New York and California intentionally forcing thousands of ships to anchor off of their coasts for months at a time, I have to say that the only Job the flaming Mayor is good at is giving Joe a Blow Job to keep his job.
Good luck training scabs up to run everything...I bet you think it's all unskilled labor con-struction is.
Whatever you say scab face. Is that why you import 20 Million Illegals so you can put them as under paid scabs in construction jobs while Americans have to go jobless?
With inflation at 6%, gas prices climbing, and Places like New York and California intentionally forcing thousands of ships to anchor off of their coasts for months at a time, I have to say that the only Job the flaming Mayor is good at is giving Joe a Blow Job to keep his job.
The shipping issue is a worldwide problem. Has very little if anything to do with Biden policy.
Stay on topic going forward, thanks in advance
Stop repurchasing shares and increasing dividends, while giving your CEO a 160% raise and letting your workers have to use government welfare to survive. There hasnt been a middle class for a while, dipshit. Only in America would you get some idiot saying a living wage is an "entitlement". You complain about giving people wage increases and you complain people are on welfare. You dont really want a solution, do you?

Here's what I learned from John Doe, mystery name for a mysterious mind......

Monopolies create competition and hence higher wages and entitlements.

The middle class no longer exists, you're an idiot if you failed to recognize the medium has already made the way of the dinosaur.

The best method for a brighter labor future are monopolies & entitlements to compete in a global market which drives up wages and decreases inflation, like magic.

You know, magic, like having twins through a Buttberg's bunghole - take a class how to breast feed, that's going to require a lot of education before the milk begins to flow.

Let’s solve this by getting truckers and unloaders back to work:

1. Drop the requirement for truckers to be vaxxed. They spend 95% of their time alone in the cab of the truck.

2. Stop any unemployment benefits for unemployed truckers IMMEDIATELY. These funds are supposed to be paid only when one cannot find a job.

3. Drop any requirement that only overpaid Union workers are hired.
The shipping issue is a worldwide problem. Has very little if anything to do with Biden policy.
The shipping issue is an Estrogen problem caused by men without courage who knuckled under to the CCP instead of stood their ground against the Faux Rona.
The shipping issue is a manufactured issue and can be overturned in one night by anyone who still has some testosterone in their veins.

Y'all become a bunch of pissing in your panties effeminate cowards, and over what?

A Fricking Flu bug that only impacted a little more over 1/10th of 1% of The Population?

Freaking McDonald's Jack Daniels and Marlboros kill more than that you castrated menstruating pussies!
Where was she? How much authority did she have? Why the Log jam in Long Beach?
Why nothing was being addressed? There WAS nobody

WTF? Just because they manage Dept of Transportation does not make them omnipotent. These are private companies dealing with huge logistical issues after Covid and administration has gotten some commitment from them to extend their operations round-the-clock. But they can't just wave their hands and make it disapear (if they could you'd never give them credit for it anyway).

Bottom line is that you've asserted that the Secretary failed to deligate the management of the DoT during his maternal leave and there is absolutely no evidence of that.

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