Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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He's an ineffectual twat regardless. I wish the entire admin would go on perpetual maternity leave.
Ask some of the animals in this thread that question.
What he is doing is harmless. People who keep people away from the care I talk about are not harmless. Money itself makes people to harm people. Missinformation is propagated to make money, not help people. People who don't have money are put in places where people who have money, don't want to be. Rich people say: I will live in this nice non toxic environment. Poor people live in a toxic environment. They that are rich in money are not behaving like Jesus. It is hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God. Not impossible, just hard.
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It's a traffic jam.

What's he going to do? Get out and direct traffic?
Cut government pay for people who have jobs such as as those as the crane operaters and truck drivers and others involved in shipping supplies? The traffic jam for shipping is BIDEN caused...
Isnt that what I was asking?

Buttigeg and his sex partner both getting paid leave when neither of them was in the hospital delivering a baby

I dont object to mothers getting a couple of weeks off

But libs aways take things too far
OK how about we have a federal policy on paid time off for mothers? I'd go along with that. Do you agree?
Speaking as a leftist, I think it's great we live in a country that can afford so much paid time off for sake of satisfying personal desirables.

Thanks to COVID we've realized our true potential, my labor is worth twice the offering, and who knows, maybe my husband will have a baby someday, so I need twice the benefits too. I refuse to return to work until these demands are met.

It's attitudes like mine that allows the US to be competitive.
Question for you, who runs a cabinet position of the largest economy in the world and takes 2-3 months
off and leaves no one to delegate the day to day operation of said cabinet?
Oh....and comes back from the 2-3 months off and instead of taking care of a crisis, runs off to a Climate Change summit in Glasgow?
john doe 101

Do you honestly believe that Pete isn't working from home? Please :rolleyes-41:
Speaking as a leftist, I think it's great we live in a country that can afford so much paid time off for sake of satisfying personal desirables.

Thanks to COVID we've realized our true potential, my labor is worth twice the offering, and who knows, maybe my husband will have a baby someday, I need twice the benefits too. I refuse to return to work until these demands are met.

It's attitudes like mine that allows the US to be competitive.
Odd that other countries can do it and remain competitive.

Thanks to Covid, people are finally waking up. The CEO of John Deere got a 160% pay jump during the pandemic. Shareholders got an 18% dividend increase. Everyone getting paid substantially more.....except the workers.
Bootyfudge should be fired for incompetence before this latest silliness. Taking that much time of for maternity leave is weak.

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