CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?

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Just because someone was caught and convicted for burglary does not mean that’s they’re only crime. That’s only what they got caught doing.
Violence will now increase and you fuckheads will scream for more gun grabbing.

Unlikely. Also, we don't put people in jail for what they might have done.

Point being, if locking people up and arming everyone reduced violence, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

We have high crime because you vermin keep letting criminals go free.

No, we have crime because of wealth inequality, racism and easy access to guns.
We have crime because vermin like you keep letting violent criminals go free. You don't know anything about prisons and even less about crime. In other words, you're a liar.
Yep, the topic is never about innocent people going to prison, it’s always about overcrowded prisons to let the guilty go free to commit more crimes. The only things the left refuse to spend money on - more prison space and infrastructure.
Just because someone was caught and convicted for burglary does not mean that’s they’re only crime. That’s only what they got caught doing.
Violence will now increase and you fuckheads will scream for more gun grabbing.

Unlikely. Also, we don't put people in jail for what they might have done.

Point being, if locking people up and arming everyone reduced violence, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

We have high crime because you vermin keep letting criminals go free.

No, we have crime because of wealth inequality, racism and easy access to guns.
We have crime because vermin like you keep letting violent criminals go free. You don't know anything about prisons and even less about crime. In other words, you're a liar.
Yep, the topic is never about innocent people going to prison, it’s always about overcrowded prisons to let the guilty go free to commit more crimes. The only things the left refuse to spend money on - more prison space and infrastructure.
Where I worked we had a revolving door. We had cons that had been in the same unit 2 to 4 times. And they bragged about it.
That you hate the USA and want more criminals released to prey upon the law abiding.

Uh, guy, the Prison-Industrial Complex creates more criminals, more than anything else.

Okay, I realize you are a bit slow, and as Upton Sinclair observed, you can't get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.

We have grinding poverty and racism, which we try to control by creating fear through a Prison-Industrial Complex. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, we have 100 million Americans with "Criminal" records.

Compare that to Japan and the European countries. They lock up less than 100,000 people. (78K in Germany, 69K in Japan, 68K in the United Kingdom). They have extensive job and social programs. They treat addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one. And, oh, yeah, you can't get a gun unless you have a damned good reason to have one.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world, they have the lowest.

And they have had vastly different cultures than we do and they had a massive killing off of their male populations in World War 2.........throw in histories of social compliance and obedience....massive obedience, to authority and you have the reason...........all crime in Japan is low because they worship authority, conformity and obedience.........we don't do that here.....In Europe they had kings and queens long after we had independence........

Their culture, in the past, created low crime societies.....that is now changing......fatherless homes....the primary driver of crime in a society is increasing in Europe, and they have imported violent males from the 3rd world.....who now control the drug trade in those countries and they are controlling it with more and more violence........crime is going up in Europe, not down....
Who, other than JoeB131, didn't know or care that this was going to be the result of this insane policy?

A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man — who was so scared of getting the ailment he refused to take the money back when cops made an arrest.

Expect much more of this and worse.

NYC prisoner released by state over coronavirus charged with robbery
That you hate the USA and want more criminals released to prey upon the law abiding.

Uh, guy, the Prison-Industrial Complex creates more criminals, more than anything else.

Okay, I realize you are a bit slow, and as Upton Sinclair observed, you can't get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.

We have grinding poverty and racism, which we try to control by creating fear through a Prison-Industrial Complex. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, we have 100 million Americans with "Criminal" records.

Compare that to Japan and the European countries. They lock up less than 100,000 people. (78K in Germany, 69K in Japan, 68K in the United Kingdom). They have extensive job and social programs. They treat addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one. And, oh, yeah, you can't get a gun unless you have a damned good reason to have one.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world, they have the lowest.
You keep repeating the same lie like the vile liar you are. I don't have a job liar, so I don't get a paycheck. We have a high crime rate because filth like you let violent criminals go free. You know nothing about prisons and you have proven that. You are a shill liar that wants to hurt this country. So, stop letting criminals go, and if you don't I pray you meet a violent recent parolee.
Who, other than @JoeB131, didn't know or care that this was going to be the result of this insane policy?

A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man — who was so scared of getting the ailment he refused to take the money back when cops made an arrest.
Expect much more of this and worse.

So... out of 1100 prisoners, 1 has gotten into trouble?

How many would have died if they stayed in prison, spreading the disease to each other, employees and families.

Cost benefit analysis.

You keep repeating the same lie like the vile liar you are. I don't have a job liar, so I don't get a paycheck.

You also didn't get the point of the quote, but never mind.

You know nothing about prisons and you have proven that. You are a shill liar that wants to hurt this country. So, stop letting criminals go, and if you don't I pray you meet a violent recent parolee.

Again, most of them stay out of trouble when released, but again, we were talking about NON-violent offenders, not violent ones.
Who, other than @JoeB131, didn't know or care that this was going to be the result of this insane policy?

A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man — who was so scared of getting the ailment he refused to take the money back when cops made an arrest.
Expect much more of this and worse.

So... out of 1100 prisoners, 1 has gotten into trouble?

How many would have died if they stayed in prison, spreading the disease to each other, employees and families.

Cost benefit analysis.

You keep repeating the same lie like the vile liar you are. I don't have a job liar, so I don't get a paycheck.

You also didn't get the point of the quote, but never mind.

You know nothing about prisons and you have proven that. You are a shill liar that wants to hurt this country. So, stop letting criminals go, and if you don't I pray you meet a violent recent parolee.

Again, most of them stay out of trouble when released, but again, we were talking about NON-violent offenders, not violent ones.
“The BJS study found that about 50 and 55 percent of state prisoners returned to prison within three and five years, respectively.”

Because it took 3-5 years to finally catch them while they raped and pillaged.
Again, most of them stay out of trouble when released, but again, we were talking about NON-violent offenders, not violent ones.

No liar, I have been talking about VIOLENT criminals that your kind releases all over this country!
“The BJS study found that about 50 and 55 percent of state prisoners returned to prison within three and five years, respectively.”

Because it took 3-5 years to finally catch them while they raped and pillaged.

Our study found that among those released after serving a sentence for a violent crime, about one of every 10 releasees was sent back to prison for any new crime within the next three years. Only one of every 20 had another violent crime in three years. In fact, re-offense rates have been consistently shown to be lower for people released after serving sentences for violent crimes than those released for nonviolent crimes.

Crime rates are even lower if you look at older prisoners—the ones most seriously threatened by COVID-19. We looked at more than 7,000 individuals over age 55 who had served at least five years in state prisons for a violent offense. Fewer than 1 percent of such individuals were re-incarcerated for any new crime in the three years after release, and fewer than 0.5 percent for another violent crime.
Who, other than @JoeB131, didn't know or care that this was going to be the result of this insane policy?

A Bronx man released from prison by Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month amid the spread of the coronavirus has been charged with beating and robbing a 62-year-old man — who was so scared of getting the ailment he refused to take the money back when cops made an arrest.
Expect much more of this and worse.

So... out of 1100 prisoners, 1 has gotten into trouble?

How many would have died if they stayed in prison, spreading the disease to each other, employees and families.

Cost benefit analysis.

You keep repeating the same lie like the vile liar you are. I don't have a job liar, so I don't get a paycheck.

You also didn't get the point of the quote, but never mind.

You know nothing about prisons and you have proven that. You are a shill liar that wants to hurt this country. So, stop letting criminals go, and if you don't I pray you meet a violent recent parolee.

Again, most of them stay out of trouble when released, but again, we were talking about NON-violent offenders, not violent ones.
How many would have died?
How many are 60+ and require Life Saving medication?
That's the answer to your question.
The rest will get a fever, a ventilator for a week or so...and continue living in prison.
No liar, I have been talking about VIOLENT criminals that your kind releases all over this country!

Guy, the reality- We don't have enough prison space to hold the people we lock up now, much less everyone we COULD lock up if we didn't have probation, parole and bail.

You whine about the hole that the Prison Industrial Complex has dug, that paid your paycheck for many years, and now you want to whine about the situation you've created.
How many would have died?
How many are 60+ and require Life Saving medication?
That's the answer to your question.
The rest will get a fever, a ventilator for a week or so...and continue living in prison.

Or because of the density of people in prison, it'll spread faster than we can cope with.

WE ALREADY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VENTILATORS TO GO AROUND. You are really going to give a ventilator to some prison and let Granny die? Get real.
How many would have died?
How many are 60+ and require Life Saving medication?
That's the answer to your question.
The rest will get a fever, a ventilator for a week or so...and continue living in prison.

Or because of the density of people in prison, it'll spread faster than we can cope with.

WE ALREADY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VENTILATORS TO GO AROUND. You are really going to give a ventilator to some prison and let Granny die? Get real.
Nobody says it won't spread.
It's spread throughout hospitals and I know a shitload of people who have died...all 60+ and require Life Saving medication.
So take the shit out of your ears and face the fact that your hysteria is based on bullshit news sites that want your click, not based on knowing hundreds of families who have members who have gone through this ordeal and dozens who are going through it now.
“The BJS study found that about 50 and 55 percent of state prisoners returned to prison within three and five years, respectively.”

Because it took 3-5 years to finally catch them while they raped and pillaged.

Our study found that among those released after serving a sentence for a violent crime, about one of every 10 releasees was sent back to prison for any new crime within the next three years. Only one of every 20 had another violent crime in three years. In fact, re-offense rates have been consistently shown to be lower for people released after serving sentences for violent crimes than those released for nonviolent crimes.

Crime rates are even lower if you look at older prisoners—the ones most seriously threatened by COVID-19. We looked at more than 7,000 individuals over age 55 who had served at least five years in state prisons for a violent offense. Fewer than 1 percent of such individuals were re-incarcerated for any new crime in the three years after release, and fewer than 0.5 percent for another violent crime.
Half of all criminals are back in prison within a few years.
That’s why the Left love turning them lose on innocent Americans.
How many would have died?
How many are 60+ and require Life Saving medication?
That's the answer to your question.
The rest will get a fever, a ventilator for a week or so...and continue living in prison.

Or because of the density of people in prison, it'll spread faster than we can cope with.

WE ALREADY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VENTILATORS TO GO AROUND. You are really going to give a ventilator to some prison and let Granny die? Get real.
  • Offenders convicted of a violent offense returned to prison at a higher rate (32% of releases) than those convicted of a property (17%), public-order (15%), or drug (13%) offense.

And then we have the plea bargain, where a criminal is arrested for a burglary and also has possession of illegal drugs. But he's only been arrested 7 other times for various offenses and the DA wants to add another felony conviction to his record so he can get reelected, so they offer the defense a deal where the criminal agrees to accept prison time and a reduced sentence for the DA dropping the burglary charge, and the case never goes to trial and the criminal does a year maybe and gets back out and starts committing crime again. This is the reality of why we have so much crime. I knew several cons that stated that very thing happened to them and people they knew. And you know what's worse than these criminals? Democrats and rinos.
How many would have died?
How many are 60+ and require Life Saving medication?
That's the answer to your question.
The rest will get a fever, a ventilator for a week or so...and continue living in prison.

Or because of the density of people in prison, it'll spread faster than we can cope with.

WE ALREADY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VENTILATORS TO GO AROUND. You are really going to give a ventilator to some prison and let Granny die? Get real.
  • Offenders convicted of a violent offense returned to prison at a higher rate (32% of releases) than those convicted of a property (17%), public-order (15%), or drug (13%) offense.

That's aside from the point that any given prison population does not fit the "Fatality" category posed by C19.
And then we have the plea bargain, where a criminal is arrested for a burglary and also has possession of illegal drugs. But he's only been arrested 7 other times for various offenses and the DA wants to add another felony conviction to his record so he can get reelected, so they offer the defense a deal where the criminal agrees to accept prison time and a reduced sentence for the DA dropping the burglary charge, and the case never goes to trial and the criminal does a year maybe and gets back out and starts committing crime again. This is the reality of why we have so much crime. I knew several cons that stated that very thing happened to them and people they knew. And you know what's worse than these criminals? Democrats and rinos.
Damn! You get the best Avatars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody says it won't spread.
It's spread throughout hospitals and I know a shitload of people who have died...all 60+ and require Life Saving medication.
So take the shit out of your ears and face the fact that your hysteria is based on bullshit news sites that want your click, not based on knowing hundreds of families who have members who have gone through this ordeal and dozens who are going through it now.

You don't create a situation where it will spread faster, and overcrowded jails is a place that can happen.

That's the whole point here.

Offenders convicted of a violent offense returned to prison at a higher rate (32% of releases) than those convicted of a property (17%), public-order (15%), or drug (13%) offense.

As I said, you've got your figures, I have mine.

And then we have the plea bargain, where a criminal is arrested for a burglary and also has possession of illegal drugs. But he's only been arrested 7 other times for various offenses and the DA wants to add another felony conviction to his record so he can get reelected, so they offer the defense a deal where the criminal agrees to accept prison time and a reduced sentence for the DA dropping the burglary charge, and the case never goes to trial and the criminal does a year maybe and gets back out and starts committing crime again. This is the reality of why we have so much crime. I knew several cons that stated that very thing happened to them and people they knew. And you know what's worse than these criminals? Democrats and rinos.

The thing is, he shouldn't really be going to jail for drug possession, and burglary he should just be forced to make restitution. Jail should be for VIOLENT offenders. Instead we take some kid who they bust for having some pot, and throw him in with rapists and murderers, put a felony conviction on his record that makes him largely unemployable, and then wonder why he turns to a life of crime.

Again- the Europeans don't do this shit. They have LESS crime than we do. But it's hard to get someone to understand a problem when they are getting a paycheck from it.
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