Should refugees who break the law be deported?

Post examples with links of this happening.

You that far out of any reality loop? Not surprising.

You made a statement, so I asked you to post examples with links of what you said frequently happens.

You're just doing what you always do Fentun Lum and that's Trolling.

Why should some wacked out austrian get shit to say about who america lets in hon? Trolling? You just can't handle not being agreed with.

This illustrates you have lost the argument you never even had, launching a personal attack.

You made a ridiculous comparison that has nothing to do with the OP topic, then you made another ridiculous statement about the UN, I asked you to post examples with links about the UN statement you made, something you can't do.

You're not an american but you think you get to have a say in who comes into our country. I simply can't take you seriously hon, that's all. Nothing personal about it.

The objective is to flood as many Western nations with Muslims, so it affects everyone.

You being a Globalist worshipping Troll of course love the idea of Western nations getting swamped with Third Worlders. From the OP the Muslim when he was arrested shouted "Fuck you, Fuck you America", they want to be in Western nations, but they hate Western nations and our values systems.

So why do you want hostile Muslims in your nation?
So much outrage so little time.

So, why are you so outraged about a simple 'yes or no' question? You can't just answer and explain why or why not you think refugee criminals should be deported. Instead, you dance around and try to attack me for asking a perfectly reasonable question.
So much outrage so little time.

So, why are you so outraged about a simple 'yes or no' question? You can't just answer and explain why or why not you think refugee criminals should be deported. Instead, you dance around and try to attack me for asking a perfectly reasonable question.

Because that's not what the thread is about, obviously. Look at the "contributions".

"Because that's not what the thread is about, obviously."

The OP question is easy, should refugees who break the law be deported, it's a simple yes or no?

I already answered the OP question with my post # 3.

Should refugees who break the law be deported?

"Look at the "contributions"

Well I've been here longer than you have and I've contributed plenty to this forum, unlike you.
I'm sorry you're offended, it's just very difficult to take you seriously.

Still deflecting and refuse to answer the question, eh? Well, piss off then. Can't take you seriously when a simple question brings on your inane posts.

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