Should Sara Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Did little Sarah deserve to die?

  • Yes, she should have waited in line like everyone else, I feel sorry for the guy who got bumped.

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • No, she deserved to live

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Enough of this. I now know where everyone stands. I will gladly take up the banner as the minority opinion in this issue. Men have their advocates, and children should have theirs also. So be it.

the person who was the best match should have gotten the cannot do this by public opinion

i take it templar you are NOT a doctor but do enjoy running your mouth....

so be it? lol think you are now a childrens advocate....what else do you do for the children?

I an the eldest of four brothers, one of them them is still a child. I have a step sister in Maine right now. I do a lot for children actually. I helped raise one of them. Yes indeed.

What I'd like to see from you is how it's fair to make a little girl wait 18 months for a pair of lungs? EIGHTEEN MONTHS! One other thing you can pony up is the person who was supposedly next on the list who was denied his/her transplant by her making it up the list. That'd be great. And uh yeah, I've been studying medicine for a long while. I will gladly support the fight against age discrimination, since little Sarah had to wait over a year to get the lungs she needed. News reports say that nobody was passed up for her, they go by who is the sickest, and it was apparent SHE WAS THE SICKEST! Many children die on this list all the time because healthier adults get the transplants over these poor little ones.
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Not very easy is it?

Easy for you to admit that you would prefer the adult die instead?

You would rather kill the child, make the poor little girl "mind her manners" as the life slowly vacated her body. Yes, kill the girl, let her die. How barbaric!

Which isn't what she said, but you have serious reading comprehension problems.

Adult organs should be put into adults. They are too large to fit in a child, and while doing such an operation might be emotionally satisfying for the few extra days she lives, it isn't medically or scientifically sound.

The Hippocratic Oath- Do no Harm.
the lungs should be given to the person who matches up best....anti rejection drugs are hard enough with the best match....

you do realize that if this child is given lungs from a 30 yr old..when she is 20 the lungs will be 40 and so on and so forth....

medical decisions should not be done by public opinion

it is sad anyone has to wait so long for organ transplants but the majority of americans are not organ donors...

it is sad that children are beaten to death daily in this country the list just goes on and on
i keep forgetting school is out.....the eldest of 4 brothers makes you what?

So now you resort to insulting me? I'm 25 years of age, if you really need to know. I have been wrecking people three times my age on forums similar to this one, for the better part of three years now.

The list is does not work on a matchmaking basis, it works on a first come first serve basis, it also works on on a situational basis, Sarah's was the more dire of anyone on the list, so she got the lungs first. That DOES NOT necessarily mean someone died as a result.
[That'd be great. And uh yeah, I've been studying medicine for a long while. I

Ever notice that TEmplarKrazy claims to be an expert on everything.

Now he's a medical expert, more knowledgable than these doctors, apparently...

So now you resort to insulting me? I'm 25 years of age, if you really need to know. I have been wrecking people three times my age on forums similar to this one, for the better part of three years now.


Guy, declaring victory in an argument where you repeated the same tired talking point 30 times doesn't "wreck" anyone.

Actually, you aren't even a particularly strong conservative poster. But of course, the problem is, the Right Wing has been overtaken by crazies, so you guys are running low on good advocates.

I walked out right after the right wing decided "rape" needed to have an adjective in front of it.
Enough of this. I now know where everyone stands. I will gladly take up the banner as the minority opinion in this issue. Men have their advocates, and children should have theirs also. So be it.

the person who was the best match should have gotten the cannot do this by public opinion

i take it templar you are NOT a doctor but do enjoy running your mouth....

so be it? lol think you are now a childrens advocate....what else do you do for the children?

I an the eldest of four brothers, one of them them is still a child. I have a step sister in Maine right now. I do a lot for children actually. I helped raise one of them. Yes indeed.

What I'd like to see from you is how it's fair to make a little girl wait 18 months for a pair of lungs? EIGHTEEN MONTHS! One other thing you can pony up is the person who was supposedly next on the list who was denied his/her transplant by her making it up the list. That'd be great. And uh yeah, I've been studying medicine for a long while. I will gladly support the fight against age discrimination, since little Sarah had to wait over a year to get the lungs she needed. News reports say that nobody was passed up for her, they go by who is the sickest, and it was apparent SHE WAS THE SICKEST! Many children die on this list all the time because healthier adults get the transplants over these poor little ones.

Who knew. Templar was a big government man, giving a judge the power to decide who lives and who dies.
the person who was the best match should have gotten the cannot do this by public opinion

i take it templar you are NOT a doctor but do enjoy running your mouth....

so be it? lol think you are now a childrens advocate....what else do you do for the children?

I an the eldest of four brothers, one of them them is still a child. I have a step sister in Maine right now. I do a lot for children actually. I helped raise one of them. Yes indeed.

What I'd like to see from you is how it's fair to make a little girl wait 18 months for a pair of lungs? EIGHTEEN MONTHS! One other thing you can pony up is the person who was supposedly next on the list who was denied his/her transplant by her making it up the list. That'd be great. And uh yeah, I've been studying medicine for a long while. I will gladly support the fight against age discrimination, since little Sarah had to wait over a year to get the lungs she needed. News reports say that nobody was passed up for her, they go by who is the sickest, and it was apparent SHE WAS THE SICKEST! Many children die on this list all the time because healthier adults get the transplants over these poor little ones.

Who knew. Templar was a big government man, giving a judge the power to decide who lives and who dies.

Who knew Dutch was a troll? Who freaking knew? Everybody.
This is not a decision subject to manufacturing sympathy for children simply because they are children. There are good reasons for not putting an adult organ into the body of a child. The first criteria is not who is the sickest. The first criteria is the success of the procedure. They don't do "show" transplants, just to make an exhibition of how much they care. Putting full grown organs into the body cavity of a child doesn't work. There is an inherent danger into putting aged organs into a body still growing.

In Sarah's case, her doctors felt that they could trim down the lungs to fit. They said medical science had advanced beyond the rules. This deserves examination, but it doesn't change the medical fact that the organs need extensive alteration. She waited 18 months. She was placed on the list when she was 8 or 9, at that age she was never going to make the adult list anyway. The whole argument was that at 10, her doctors thought the procedure would be successful. It doesn't mean that it would have been when she was 8.
I don't know. See, I'm an adult. If it were between an adult or a child....I kind of think it would be fair for the child to at least experience some of the things of life that an adult already has.

What if it was between your mother or a child? or your adult daughter and a child?
Question. What would your reaction have been had she died waiting for that transplant?

What would your reaction have been if an adult had died waiting for those lungs?

Got an answer for that?

Do we know if anyone has died because because of not getting this transplant or is all of this just drama?

Not the point. People are asking what if Sarah died if she had to wait longer, but they refuse to consider the reverse - what if an adult died for her?
They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

No they can't. Children can't always accept adult lungs and an adult certainly can't accept a child's lungs.
What would your reaction have been if an adult had died waiting for those lungs?

Got an answer for that?

Do we know if anyone has died because because of not getting this transplant or is all of this just drama?

Not the point. People are asking what if Sarah died if she had to wait longer, but they refuse to consider the reverse - what if an adult died for her?

I look at the one most in need at the time, the rest is emotional BS.
Do we know if anyone has died because because of not getting this transplant or is all of this just drama?

Not the point. People are asking what if Sarah died if she had to wait longer, but they refuse to consider the reverse - what if an adult died for her?

I look at the one most in need at the time, the rest is emotional BS.

You are relying on your emotions by refusing to even consider letting the child die to save an adult who has a greater chance of survival.
For the girl and her family, I'm happy she's alive.

But I am HORRIFIED that her care was the object of a political process. This is a harbinger of what government run health care (rationing of scarce supply) will entail:

Politically connected and politically visible patients will get preference over the powerless and the anonymous.

This is not a good thing.

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