Should Sara Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Did little Sarah deserve to die?

  • Yes, she should have waited in line like everyone else, I feel sorry for the guy who got bumped.

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • No, she deserved to live

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I'm not a donor simply because for some reason I don't like the idea of them taking my organs. I'm not sure I even have a rational explanation for that.

Would you accept an organ from someone else if you needed it?

I suppose I would.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I'm not a donor simply because for some reason I don't like the idea of them taking my organs. I'm not sure I even have a rational explanation for that.

You don't have one. It stems from your natural proclivity toward greed and stupidity.

The opt out system would make this far less of a supply problem.

Nutters think they'll be drinking wine with jeebus after they die so they'll need their kidneys and such.

You must be tire of having your stupid ass handed to you so now you have to take out your rage on posts that aren't directed at you. Again, you are talking out of your ass.

Dismissed, troll.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I am not a donor. I was born with my very own set of vital organs. My organs are not owned by the government. I believe in "my body my choice". It is not my fault that someone else has organs that don't work. No one is "entitled" to my functioning organs. I intend to be buried with them all.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I'm not a donor simply because for some reason I don't like the idea of them taking my organs. I'm not sure I even have a rational explanation for that.

You don't have one. It stems from your natural proclivity toward greed and stupidity.

The opt out system would make this far less of a supply problem.

Nutters think they'll be drinking wine with jeebus after they die so they'll need their kidneys and such.

The opt out system would never work. If you had a card, the card would just not be found in time. It would be a case of "My mistake, we didn't see the card. It's too late now, the deceased has already been dissected." People would have to be tattooed in a visible place that they aren't donors.

Now IF we had an opt out provision that if it is determined that the donor had no intention of donating and the organs had to be retrieved and properly disposed of, then I might be persuaded to support an opt out provision.
I'm not a donor simply because for some reason I don't like the idea of them taking my organs. I'm not sure I even have a rational explanation for that.

You don't have one. It stems from your natural proclivity toward greed and stupidity.

The opt out system would make this far less of a supply problem.

Nutters think they'll be drinking wine with jeebus after they die so they'll need their kidneys and such.

You must be tire of having your stupid ass handed to you so now you have to take out your rage on posts that aren't directed at you. Again, you are talking out of your ass.

Dismissed, troll.

The retards don't get to do the dismissing. You have never come close to handing anyone their ass. You said this was a death panel. That is retarded.
I'm lashing out at people like you, who would rather see her die, for the sake of another person who's situation is nowhere as dire as hers. You can insult me all you want, but those policies wound up saving her life. For that I am thankful, and I weep for those who had to die to make her life possible.

So if the adult on the list had one week to live instead of 48 hours like Sarah did, they are just not as sick?

That is just...wrong.

You have no idea what the scenario was.

Exactly. This is why these types of decisions aren't left to public opinion.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I am not a donor. I was born with my very own set of vital organs. My organs are not owned by the government. I believe in "my body my choice". It is not my fault that someone else has organs that don't work. No one is "entitled" to my functioning organs. I intend to be buried with them all.

It didn't seem to me that he was implying that donating organs be mandatory and controlled by the first. But seeing as how it's Luddley, maybe he did mean that.

My choice to not donate has nothing to do with government. I'm just not comfortable with the idea.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I am not a donor. I was born with my very own set of vital organs. My organs are not owned by the government. I believe in "my body my choice". It is not my fault that someone else has organs that don't work. No one is "entitled" to my functioning organs. I intend to be buried with them all.

Would you accept an organ from someone else if you needed one?
Since Kemplar is playing God who should be next in line for a transplant? By the way, her disease was killing her, not any human.
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Whoever is next in line. What does God have to do with anything and what part of next in line do you not understand?
Should Sarah Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Seeing as she was not first in line and was offered a donor lung yes.

They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

She was still not next in line.

That is NOT how it works. It isn't a first come, first sreved situation. It's more of a triage situation. Every time an organ comes up for transplant, each and every patient is evaluated according to need and benefit. That is the only fair way. Apparently she had the most urgent need and the greatest benefit.
If we didn't throw away millions of usable organs, the question need never to be asked.

Why isn't organ transplant common?

If we all were donors, it would be and we would never have to choose between a little girl and someone else.

Those who are not donors ... I would really like to know why.

I am not a donor. I was born with my very own set of vital organs. My organs are not owned by the government. I believe in "my body my choice". It is not my fault that someone else has organs that don't work. No one is "entitled" to my functioning organs. I intend to be buried with them all.

Would you accept an organ from someone else if you needed one?

No one knows exactly what they would do when faced with the specter of imminent death. I can sit here right now and say no. I would not want to go on with the knowledge that I had the body parts of a corpse keeping me alive. But when faced with an actuality, who knows. Do you want to live, at any price, or be a monster like Frankenstein depending on medications to keep those deceased organs functioning?
Should Sarah Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Seeing as she was not first in line and was offered a donor lung yes.

They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

She was still not next in line.

She had been waiting 18 months for a Lungs, she had close to 12 hours left to live. Since the list works on a situational basis, hers was the most dire. How long should she have waited? As I explained to Noomi, there was no "line" just a "list" So I guess little children deserve to wait, and die like good children are supposed to. I'm sure her parents would have been proud of her minding her manners.

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Should Sarah Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Seeing as she was not first in line and was offered a donor lung yes.

They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

She was still not next in line.

She had been waiting 18 months for a Lungs, she had close to 12 hours left to live. Since the list works on a situational basis, hers was the most dire. How long should she have waited? As I explained to Noomi, there was no "line" just a "list" So I guess little children deserve to wait, and die like good children are supposed to. I'm sure her parents would have been proud of her minding her manners.


If she had 12 hours left, the surgery would have been too risky, and wouldn't have gone ahead. If it did, the doctors would have been grossly irresponsible.
No one knows exactly what they would do when faced with the specter of imminent death. I can sit here right now and say no. I would not want to go on with the knowledge that I had the body parts of a corpse keeping me alive. But when faced with an actuality, who knows. Do you want to live, at any price, or be a monster like Frankenstein depending on medications to keep those deceased organs functioning?

Why die when you can accept that someone has given you the gift of life?

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