Should soldiers be armed?

There is a reason the military believes that to be a bad idea. The military puts a great deal of stress on many of those who serve, many of them being very young. On top of that, drug use in the military is quite high. Yes, they kick them out if they are on drugs, but sometimes it takes a while. I think having everyone armed on base would lead to more multiple shootings where our own soldiers just go off and lose it. I might be wrong, but I do think that this is the reasoning behind them not being permitted to carry firearms. In this most recent incident, I don't think it would have mattered as this guy was shooting from his car.

This is an absolutely bullshit liberal reply,

The truth is simple: urged by his military hating wife, Bill Clinton issued an executive order denying military personnel from carrying weapons on AND OFF base in 1992. Only security forces carry weapons and only a few of them are actually ready to fire! Most carry empty weapons with the clips in their belt pouches.

Get it right or shut up!

You get it right jackass. It was GH Bush who implemented this. It just didn't take affect until after Clinton took office. Do you have any more stupid comments to make? :asshole:

And since obama is the only one who actually had a muslim attack on an American military installation inside the United States, revealing a level of vulnerability the other Presidents didn't have.....and still has refused to change the policy, it is on him.
This is an absolutely bullshit liberal reply,

The truth is simple: urged by his military hating wife, Bill Clinton issued an executive order denying military personnel from carrying weapons on AND OFF base in 1992. Only security forces carry weapons and only a few of them are actually ready to fire! Most carry empty weapons with the clips in their belt pouches.

Get it right or shut up!

You get it right jackass. It was GH Bush who implemented this. It just didn't take affect until after Clinton took office. Do you have any more stupid comments to make? :asshole:
What difference does it make?
A lot, since the OP is blaming the wrong President and political party. He's also not man enough to admit that BTW...

Yeah, he needs to blame obama and the democrats....since they actually had muslim terrorism happen at fort hood and still didn't change the policy....thanks for bringing up that point.
The change is up to the DOD. It's their policy. How unfortunate for you that the US military are big fans of gun control...

Sad for all of our soldiers, sailors and marines who have been murdered without being able to defend themselves...of course the very people making that decision have armed, personal security......goody for them......
MP's could handle the job and already get the training.

I really like the fact that there are some gun-ho kick-assed soldiers that are really awesome when you hand them a weapon and point them in the direction of the enemy ... But giving them weapons and live ammunition to walk around in Times Square might not be the best idea.


Yes....having people who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and who have actual training is so much worse than the criminals who walk around with guns today. Why do you guys not trust these people? And are the ones who say only the police and military should have guns.......

The left are batshit crazy....
You get it right jackass. It was GH Bush who implemented this. It just didn't take affect until after Clinton took office. Do you have any more stupid comments to make? :asshole:
What difference does it make?
A lot, since the OP is blaming the wrong President and political party. He's also not man enough to admit that BTW...

Yeah, he needs to blame obama and the democrats....since they actually had muslim terrorism happen at fort hood and still didn't change the policy....thanks for bringing up that point.
The change is up to the DOD. It's their policy. How unfortunate for you that the US military are big fans of gun control...

Sad for all of our soldiers, sailors and marines who have been murdered without being able to defend themselves...of course the very people making that decision have armed, personal security......goody for them......
The DOD makes the decisions. Take it up with them.
MP's could handle the job and already get the training.

I really like the fact that there are some gun-ho kick-assed soldiers that are really awesome when you hand them a weapon and point them in the direction of the enemy ... But giving them weapons and live ammunition to walk around in Times Square might not be the best idea.


Yes....having people who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and who have actual training is so much worse than the criminals who walk around with guns today. Why do you guys not trust these people? And are the ones who say only the police and military should have guns.......

The left are batshit crazy....
The DOD is who doesn't trust them there little friend. You know, the people they report to?
What difference does it make?
A lot, since the OP is blaming the wrong President and political party. He's also not man enough to admit that BTW...

Yeah, he needs to blame obama and the democrats....since they actually had muslim terrorism happen at fort hood and still didn't change the policy....thanks for bringing up that point.
The change is up to the DOD. It's their policy. How unfortunate for you that the US military are big fans of gun control...

Sad for all of our soldiers, sailors and marines who have been murdered without being able to defend themselves...of course the very people making that decision have armed, personal security......goody for them......
The DOD makes the decisions. Take it up with them.
Go google yourself, Lester.
The wake of the September 2013 fatal shooting of 12 people by a civilian military contractor who went on a rampage at Washington Navy Yard saw the recirculation of a rumor that gained currency after the November 2009 fatal shooting of 13 people by a U.S. Army psychiatrist at Fort Hood, Texas: that one of the reasons these mass shooters had not been stopped earlier in their killing sprees was because President Bill Clinton had issued an executive order back in 1993 that prohibited personnel on military bases from carrying firearms while on duty.

While there was at least a small kernel of real information underlying such claims, the gist of the rumor was wrong on two major counts.

It was during the presidency of George H.W. Bush, not Bill Clinton, that the U.S. Department of Defense issued a directive in February 1992 affecting the carrying of firearms on bases by military personnel. That directive was eventually implemented through a regulation 190-14 issued by the Department of the Army (not via executive order) in March 1993, just two months after President Clinton assumed office.

Additionally, that change in regulations (which applied only to the Army, not other branches of the U.S. armed forces) did not ban the carrying of weapons by soldiers on Army bases; rather, it restricted the authorization to carry firearms to personnel engaged in law enforcement and security duties, and to personnel stationed at facilities where there was "a reasonable expectation that life or Army assets would be jeopardized if firearms were not carried":

a. The authorization to carry firearms will be issued only to qualified personnel when there is a reasonable expectation that life or Department of the Army (DA) assets will be jeopardized if firearms are not carried. Evaluation of the necessity to carry a firearm will be made considering this expectation weighed against the possible consequences of accidental or indiscriminate use of firearms.

b. DA personnel regularly engaged in law enforcement or security duties will be armed.

c. DA personnel are authorized to carry firearms while engaged in security duties, protecting personnel and vital Government assets, or guarding prisoners. Clinton Disarmed Soldiers on Military Bases

And after the Fort Hood shootings, both of them and the Navy Yard shooting, obama still has not changed the policy, and since neither bush or clinton, the serial rapist, had actually incidents of muslim terrorism to consider and obama does, it falls on obama, not them.
For that to happen, THE Obama would have to use the words "Muslim" & "terrorist" too close together in a sentence
I think the key factors in allowing citizens (not just police and military) to be armed if they so choose are a background devoid of any reasonable cause for denial, such as history of violent or felonious conduct, and completion of a rigorous training program emphasizing constraint and penalties for misuse and careless handling.

By rigorous I mean something similar to the firearms training police receive -- but with much greater emphasis on laws and regulations. I predict that a substantial percentage of those civilians who enroll in such training would change their minds about wanting to carry a gun. Those who complete the training would be effectively constrained in their handling and disposition re: use.

I believe the vast majority of gun accidents and misuse are a direct result of ignorance, a condition which is remediable by effective training. Too many Americans who own guns know nothing more about them than what they learn from movies, television, and friends who don't know what they are talking about.

Re: military personnel who are required to wear a uniform in public; denying them the right to be armed is an outrage under the existing potential for terrorist attacks. are wrong...very wrong. Any attempt to put in a pre condition on exercising a right is un Constitutional. And the police are some of the worst gun handlers around. And you revealed exactly why you want the keep people from getting screw you.

You realize that now.....with over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense, with current opportunities for training....our gun murder rate and our accidental gun death rate are going down, not up.

You really need to study gun owners and gun ownership, because if you did you wouldn't post this silliness. Most people with very little training if any, handle themselves and their weapons incredibly responsibly, as is shown in the gun murder rate and gun accident rate going down, not up as more Americans actually carry guns for self defense.

Sorry, your ideas are unnecessary and are seen for what they are, gun grabbing by proxy....
I think the key factors in allowing citizens (not just police and military) to be armed if they so choose are a background devoid of any reasonable cause for denial, such as history of violent or felonious conduct, and completion of a rigorous training program emphasizing constraint and penalties for misuse and careless handling.

By rigorous I mean something similar to the firearms training police receive -- but with much greater emphasis on laws and regulations. I predict that a substantial percentage of those civilians who enroll in such training would change their minds about wanting to carry a gun. Those who complete the training would be effectively constrained in their handling and disposition re: use.

I believe the vast majority of gun accidents and misuse are a direct result of ignorance, a condition which is remediable by effective training. Too many Americans who own guns know nothing more about them than what they learn from movies, television, and friends who don't know what they are talking about.

Re: military personnel who are required to wear a uniform in public; denying them the right to be armed is an outrage under the existing potential for terrorist attacks.

And to show how wrong you are...a lot of other things need more training before you get to guns....

Walking upright....more training is obviously needed...gravity killed 30,191 people in before people can walk upright they should be required to under go extensive tumbling exercises...right?

Plastic bags, rope, and car exhaust......suffocation...killed 5,622 extensive training with those items, maybe along the lines of police training but with shopping bags instead of guns...they could practice packing groceries, removing the groceries and then safely disposing of the lethal items...right?

Cars....don't get me started.....33,734 deaths...nothing less than NASCAR quality driving instruction before you can drive...and no one should be allowed to drive till they are at least 21 since cars are the leading cause of death among teenagers...right?

Guns.....according to the CDC for 2013...accidental gun deaths...505....

Why do we care who must be armed and who must not? Are we looking for a proper balance when people stop killing each other?
However I prefer nobody not to have a weapon in this country. Soldiers kill, criminals kill and cops kill. I do not see any difference.
Why do we care who must be armed and who must not? Are we looking for a proper balance when people stop killing each other?
However I prefer nobody not to have a weapon in this country. Soldiers kill, criminals kill and cops kill. I do not see any difference.

Then you should submit yourself for psychiatric evaluation before you hurt someone or yourself. If you can't tell the difference between a police officer killing a criminal and a criminal killing an innocent need help.
The wacko never entered the first site. Why would we change everything in the security of strip mall recruiting centers just because of some halfwit shooting at one place from the outside?

It's a stupid knee jerk reaction to go off half cocked every time something weird like this happens.

How it was handled by the local police is how it was supposed to be dealt with. The cops reacted swiftly and actually caught up with the loony by the time he made it to the military property. What there should have been is better training by the military on how to react to a breach of the security fence by a vehicle crashing into it. This is exactly how the horrible incident in Lebonen occurred when all those Marines got blown up by a car bomb breaching the security gate. The soldiers on site should have immediately found cover and clearly they did not.

The wackamo obviously attempted to get some kind of retaliatory reaction at the strip mall site and not seeing anyone come out with weapons he proceeded to the military base.

There was absolutely no way to predict where he would go next and what he would do.

It happened. It was tragic. There is no way to deal with off the wall attacks like this. Therefore there is no special need to do anything differently. We can't change procedure on account of every freak situation that happens.
Yes....having people who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and who have actual training is so much worse than the criminals who walk around with guns today. Why do you guys not trust these people? And are the ones who say only the police and military should have guns.......

The left are batshit crazy....

Get over yourself Peanut ... I am more Conservative than you will ever be and a veteran.
Which is probably why I wouldn't trust every soldier with a firearm in a civilian situation ... Boot Camp is not the Police Academy.


There is a reason the military believes that to be a bad idea. The military puts a great deal of stress on many of those who serve, many of them being very young. On top of that, drug use in the military is quite high. Yes, they kick them out if they are on drugs, but sometimes it takes a while. I think having everyone armed on base would lead to more multiple shootings where our own soldiers just go off and lose it. I might be wrong, but I do think that this is the reasoning behind them not being permitted to carry firearms. In this most recent incident, I don't think it would have mattered as this guy was shooting from his car.

This is an absolutely bullshit liberal reply,

The truth is simple: urged by his military hating wife, Bill Clinton issued an executive order denying military personnel from carrying weapons on AND OFF base in 1992. Only security forces carry weapons and only a few of them are actually ready to fire! Most carry empty weapons with the clips in their belt pouches.

Get it right or shut up!

You get it right jackass. It was GH Bush who implemented this. It just didn't take affect until after Clinton took office. Do you have any more stupid comments to make? :asshole:

And since obama is the only one who actually had a muslim attack on an American military installation inside the United States, revealing a level of vulnerability the other Presidents didn't have.....and still has refused to change the policy, it is on him.

The Pentagon and our military intelligence division there was attacked by Muslims, in fact....blown to smithereens via plane by Muslims, so no, it was not the first time Muslims attacked military installations or facilities, on US soil
Gov. Pence authorizes arming Indiana National Guard facilities -

INDIANAPOLIS -- Gov. Mike Pence has authorized arming Indiana National Guard facilities in response to the recent attack on military personnel in Tennessee.

Pence signed the executive order Saturday, directing the adjutant general to increase security at all Indiana National Guard facilities -- including recruitment offices across the state.

"We must insure those who defend our freedom must have the ability to defend themselves,"Pence said in a press conference on Sunday.

It will take effect Monday, July 20.

Yes, to a point. For example, and in light of recent & ongoing events, the men & women working military recruiting centers should be able to pack heat while on the job. Military issued sidearms should be made mandatory, immediately, if not sooner.

The Ft. Hood terrorist attack suggests that a look see is necessary to find ways that doesn't leave our troops vulnerable to that bullshit ever again.
Unfortunately for the troops, the US military has a long history of wasting the lives of our men & women in uniform by leaving them vulnerable to attack by disarming them, even in war zones, so they're pretty fucken stupid overall, and we shouldn't expect any significant change, so it'll just be the same ol, same ol.
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An obvious case of of the military wasting the lives of our men & women in uniform

Copter shot down killing 30 US troops 7 Afghans - Yahoo News

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite Navy SEALs unit that killed Osama bin Laden, as well as seven Afghan commandos, U.S. officials said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American forces in the decade-old war.

The downing was a stinging blow to the lauded, tight-knit SEAL Team 6, months after its crowning achievement. It was also a heavy setback for the U.S.-led coalition as it begins to draw down thousands of combat troops fighting what has become an increasingly costly and unpopular war.
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An obvious case of of the military wasting the lives of our men & women in uniform

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite Navy SEALs unit that killed Osama bin Laden, as well as seven Afghan commandos, U.S. officials said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American forces in the decade-old war.

You failed to source that 12 yr old fucking quote ....................

Your relevance ??

Fucking Islamic faggot .............

Copter shot down, killing 30 US troops, 7 Afghans

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