Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Definitely not.

Here is another of your big government attitudes.

The man was in a war zone and snapped he need therapy not execution.

Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.


I already know the answer. I should neg you.
Well fuck it, why don't we just skip the trial and hang the bastard in the middle of downtown Kabul?

You really think this guy was in his right mind? Or does that make a difference? Guess not any more.

It didn't make a difference to you in the Hasan case, the Ft. Hood shooting. Would you like to see your posts and be reminded?
I don't believe in "temporary insanity"

Excuses be damned
Does that mean you believe what this man did was rational? Do you feel his behavior was definable as sane? If so, what exactly would you consider to be insane?

The fact that he surrendered himself in a formal manner plainly suggests he knew he'd done something wrong, punishable, which accommodates the legal definition of sanity. I'm not sure the UCMJ follows the same principles as civilian jurisprudence in this aspect but I strongly doubt it is more lenient and forgiving. So unless there are some extremely unusual circumstances yet to be revealed this fellow might be the first G.I. to face a firing squad in many decades.

But killing him, regardless of the justice aspect, will be no less sad than the deaths and the accompanying miseries he's inflicted. Because in spite of the legal definition of sanity this man clearly has been made crazy by prolonged exposure to virulent mutual hatred and its ultimate expression. The fact that this Army Sergeant was, in the language of the war lovers, sent to Afghanistan "in service to his country" cannot be ignored.

The bottom line is this Army Sergeant is an American. And we are Americans. In the eyes of the world, mainly the Islamic world, what this man has done was done in our names. Just as the invasion of Iraq was done in our names. Just as Abu Ghraib was created in our names. Just as Haditha was done in our names. Just as every bullet fired in Afghanistan is fired in our names. Americans did it. All of it.

This Sergeant probably will be shot, mainly as an expedient gesture of appeasement. But the real injustice resides in the fact that George W. Bush was allowed to walk away smiling, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and every other member of the evil conspiracy which has made America the most despised nation in the world. There is absolutely nothing "temporarily insane" about what those conniving, self-serving bastards did.
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wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.
I might disagree; however the death penalty is NOT for the developmentally disabled, those insane, AND diminished capacity must be consideration in mitigation.
I don't believe in "temporary insanity"

Excuses be damned
Does that mean you believe what this man did was rational? Do you feel his behavior was definable as sane? If so, what exactly would you consider to be insane?

The fact that he surrendered himself in a formal manner plainly suggests he knew he'd done something wrong, punishable, which accommodates the legal definition of sanity. I'm not sure the UCMJ follows the same principles as civilian jurisprudence in this aspect but I strongly doubt it is more lenient and forgiving. So unless there are some extremely unusual circumstances yet to be revealed this fellow might be the first G.I. to face a firing squad in many decades.

But killing him, regardless of the justice aspect, will be no less sad than the deaths and the accompanying miseries he's inflicted. Because in spite of the legal definition of sanity this man clearly has been made crazy by prolonged exposure to virulent mutual hatred and its ultimate expression. The fact that this Army Sergeant was, in the language of the war lovers, sent to Afghanistan "in service to his country" cannot be ignored.

The bottom line is this Army Sergeant is an American. And we are Americans. In the eyes of the world, mainly the Islamic world, what this man has done was done in our names. Just as the invasion of Iraq was done in our names. Just as Abu Ghraib was created in our names. Just as Haditha was done in our names. Just as every bullet fired in Afghanistan is fired in our names. Americans did it. All of it.

This Sergeant probably will be shot, mainly as an expedient gesture of appeasement. But the real injustice resides in the fact that George W. Bush was allowed to walk away smiling, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and every other member of the evil conspiracy which has made America the most despised nation in the world. There is absolutely nothing "temporarily insane" about what those conniving, self-serving bastards did.
Mike: DIMINISHED capacity due to his combat injuries, and experiences. A FACTOR in mitigation of sentence.
Well fuck it, why don't we just skip the trial and hang the bastard in the middle of downtown Kabul?

You really think this guy was in his right mind? Or does that make a difference? Guess not any more.

It didn't make a difference to you in the Hasan case, the Ft. Hood shooting. Would you like to see your posts and be reminded?

Yeah, show me the post where I said he didn't deserve a trial.
Definitely not.

Here is another of your big government attitudes.

The man was in a war zone and snapped he need therapy not execution.

Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.


I already know the answer. I should neg you.

Well fucking neg me then. Don't be a chickenshit. I speak my mind and expect the same in return.

Ps. No I've not seen my roomate killed. I did as a teen hurt some other people for life. I got lucky and only got 5 to 15 years. This man likely deserves death.
Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.


I already know the answer. I should neg you.

Well fucking neg me then. Don't be a chickenshit. I speak my mind and expect the same in return.

Ps. No I've not seen my roomate killed. I did as a teen hurt some other people for life. I got lucky and only got 5 to 15 years. This man likely deserves death.

If he is tried and convicted yes he should.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one....He needs to be punished in accordance with the U.C.M.J. - no more or less. Justice is blind for a reason.....

Justice is not blind. It is fickle and corrupt. If that were not so the Bush Administration would be sitting in the dock at The Hague.
Well fuck it, why don't we just skip the trial and hang the bastard in the middle of downtown Kabul?

You really think this guy was in his right mind? Or does that make a difference? Guess not any more.

It didn't make a difference to you in the Hasan case, the Ft. Hood shooting. Would you like to see your posts and be reminded?

Provide evidence that the Major in Texas had a brain injury or had 4 war tours ( or any war tours). The Major is a religious zealot. His religion spurred him to commit the crimes he has not been convicted of yet.

In this case follow the law. If convicted and not found to have any mitigating circumstances then the Death penalty must be on the table. Do not turn this into a political trial. His sentence if convicted must be in accordance with the USMC and the adjudicating if any circumstances.
Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.


I already know the answer. I should neg you.

Well fucking neg me then. Don't be a chickenshit. I speak my mind and expect the same in return.

Ps. No I've not seen my roomate killed. I did as a teen hurt some other people for life. I got lucky and only got 5 to 15 years. This man likely deserves death.

I spoke my mind. As I thought, these are thoughts from a bar stool patriot.

If you havent walked in the shoes shut the fuck up.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one....He needs to be punished in accordance with the U.C.M.J. - no more or less. Justice is blind for a reason.....

Justice is not blind. It is fickle and corrupt. If that were not so the Bush Administration would be sitting in the dock at The Hague.

Fuck you and your ignorant pap. We had cause to go to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan , whether we should have is another question. But neither case makes Bush or anyone in his Government a criminal.

I already know the answer. I should neg you.

Well fucking neg me then. Don't be a chickenshit. I speak my mind and expect the same in return.

Ps. No I've not seen my roomate killed. I did as a teen hurt some other people for life. I got lucky and only got 5 to 15 years. This man likely deserves death.

I spoke my mind. As I thought, these are thoughts from a bar stool patriot.

If you havent walked in the shoes shut the fuck up.

See that's the great thing about our country. I don't have to be a vet or a politician to have an opinion on MURDER.

It is interesting that you choose to make it personal when politics and govt aren't involved. Maybe I misjudged you....shame
were the 12 women and children he slaughtered barbarians?
No Murked, there is a tragedy, but this man had mental injuries that may have affected his mental state. The Afghan children killed were in a war zone, not at home in the beds HE knew AS HOME. To him they MAY have been the enemy. As you are a grandfather, I empathize with your horror. He cannot be free again; he must remain in confinement for life, IF found to be responsible/GUILTY. After "breaking" once, it is a risk to society WHEREVER he is, to let him ever be anywhere other than a lock down psychiatric facility or the "psych ward" at a MAX security prison. (I have been to a couple; the psych ward at FSP. Sure, some guys were faking, but the guy trying to eat his mattress did not seem to notice those around him. I've been to Chattahoochee also. I call the psych ward at FSP Dante's seventh third circle of HELL.)
Well fucking neg me then. Don't be a chickenshit. I speak my mind and expect the same in return.

Ps. No I've not seen my roomate killed. I did as a teen hurt some other people for life. I got lucky and only got 5 to 15 years. This man likely deserves death.

I spoke my mind. As I thought, these are thoughts from a bar stool patriot.

If you havent walked in the shoes shut the fuck up.

See that's the great thing about our country. I don't have to be a vet or a politician to have an opinion on MURDER.

It is interesting that you choose to make it personal when politics and govt aren't involved. Maybe I misjudged you....shame

I wouldn't ever take a soldiers experiences in 4 tours and injuries so lightly,never in the military but can only imagine how truly horrifying combat could be.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.
I might disagree; however the death penalty is NOT for the developmentally disabled, those insane, AND diminished capacity must be consideration in mitigation.

Correct. This man had a traumatic brain injury from a vehicle wreck but the military let him go into combat anyway. This will have serious implications in his trial.
I find the death penalty rather barbaric but we may have to in order to keep the lid on Afghanistan until we can get out.

The typical marxist, the ends justify the means. You are a piece of shit. Hell no I say. Unless you have boots on the ground yourself who the fuck are you to say they killed an innocent person? Noone in that country is innocent, they all collaborate against us, but yet some of you wish our own troops death because they handle their business. Fuck you liberal fucks, both on the left and the right, and if you are on the right you should be embarrassed, and if you are not I am embarrassed for you. This country is so weak right now it is not funny.
I spoke my mind. As I thought, these are thoughts from a bar stool patriot.

If you havent walked in the shoes shut the fuck up.

See that's the great thing about our country. I don't have to be a vet or a politician to have an opinion on MURDER.

It is interesting that you choose to make it personal when politics and govt aren't involved. Maybe I misjudged you....shame

I wouldn't ever take a soldiers experiences in 4 tours and injuries so lightly,never in the military but can only imagine how truly horrifying combat could be.

Agreed, but I also don't take the intentional murder of children lightly. I have the utmost respect for our vets. Murders, not so much. I suspect Full Auto is a vet and as such his opinion is both heartfelt and tainted. Just like bikersailor or whatever his name is, if I know they're vets I won't neg them because they made a sacrifice beyond my comprehension. It's a touchy subject, I get that. But this is life and my opinion is no less valid than theirs.

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