Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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This man is as close to hitler as we have seen in many years

/end thread

That has nothing to do with this thread.
Murked, I wrote grandfather, then noted you wrote grandfather, There is little chance anyone in the US can argue this soldier's mitigation. The closest I can think of is a man who walked into a Winn-Dixie I believe, threw gas on several customers & employees, then a match. He was found under a bridge, not concealed, a block or so away, trying to tear CONCRETE with his hands. INCAPACITATED was not a surprise; he held no grudge, just did it. He may have died while in custody, from other inmates attacking. Child killers run the risk of retribution I have learned from Correctional Facility "lectures", and papers. The average armed robber, or murderer of a gas station* attendant will find the child killer worthy of death.

* "I wouldna shot if I didn't think he was reaching for his piece/she hadn't screamed, etc.".
See that's the great thing about our country. I don't have to be a vet or a politician to have an opinion on MURDER.

It is interesting that you choose to make it personal when politics and govt aren't involved. Maybe I misjudged you....shame

I wouldn't ever take a soldiers experiences in 4 tours and injuries so lightly,never in the military but can only imagine how truly horrifying combat could be.

Agreed, but I also don't take the intentional murder of children lightly. I have the utmost respect for our vets. Murders, not so much. I suspect Full Auto is a vet and as such his opinion is both heartfelt and tainted. Just like bikersailor or whatever his name is, if I know they're vets I won't neg them because they made a sacrifice beyond my comprehension. It's a touchy subject, I get that. But this is life and my opinion is no less valid than theirs.
I agree Murked, you seem to have have experience in the SYSTEM, AND have children, so it hits closer to home.
Do I think he should be killed? Yes. He deserves to die.

Do I think he should get the death penalty? No. He deserves to die, but the State doesn't have the right to kill him.

Thinking this man deserves to die doesn't change my opinion on the death penalty.

That sums it up.

Fuck you and your ignorant pap.
About ten percent of the staff NCOs I came in contact with during my four years in the Marine Corps were decent, stand-up men. The remaining ninety percent were characters like you -- losers in life, like that "SFC Ollie" idiot, who hid behind their stripes to get away with bad-mouthing others as in the above example. The fact that you find it necessary to introduce yourself to others in this forum with a graphic of protective stripes and run your stupid redneck mouth from the safety of distance and anonymity identifies you as a bottom-feeding punk.

We had cause to go to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan , whether we should have is another question. But neither case makes Bush or anyone in his Government a criminal.
Aside from all that you're stupid, too. Because no one with any reasonable intelligence would believe we had anything close to cause to invade Iraq and emulate the Russians in Afghanistan.

So off you go to my Ignore list with the rest of the shit-slingers, moronic yokels and schoolyard punks who are incapable of civil conversation.
I wouldn't ever take a soldiers experiences in 4 tours and injuries so lightly,never in the military but can only imagine how truly horrifying combat could be.

Agreed, but I also don't take the intentional murder of children lightly. I have the utmost respect for our vets. Murders, not so much. I suspect Full Auto is a vet and as such his opinion is both heartfelt and tainted. Just like bikersailor or whatever his name is, if I know they're vets I won't neg them because they made a sacrifice beyond my comprehension. It's a touchy subject, I get that. But this is life and my opinion is no less valid than theirs.
I agree Murked, you seem to have have experience in the SYSTEM, AND have children, so it hits closer to home.

Yes, sadly my youth was wasted. However I did learn first hand what prison life is like. I would say on average a regular inmate becomes institutionalized after 5 years or so. As such the punishment no longer resembles punishment but becomes normal. This man, nor any other that kills children in cold blood deserves a perceived normal life.

If you haven't seen the Shawshank Redemption I suggest you check it out. It is somewhat true to life.
What is FSP?
Florida State Prison; Death Row is a part of the institution. The psych ward is the unit for those who appear mentally unstable; most go back into general population, a few are shipped to Chattahoochee, or other facilities. Chattahoochee is no longer ANYTHING like the movie about it. It is beautiful, serene, and HEAVILY secured.

Are you a prison guard? I hated people like you in my youth if so. Lol

I was in Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Not sure what its called now. Sucked, the place was so old they still had the whipping posts in the yard as a reminder. I think it was built in the 1800's. Worst part was summer. Hot as fuck
No, a "shyster". My father was a Correctional Officer. BUT, he too had seen the OTHER SIDE while in the Navy. I'll repeat, at the very least, this man CANNOT be in society for the rest of his life(.) 5-15 is a STUPID sentence. Florida cut out some of the DISCRETION by adopting the Guidelines about 20 years ago. 5-8 would be the Guidelines "cell" it appears from your post.

A touch of humor: Me to a very well educated graduate of an Ivy League school IN A FLORIDA Correctional Facility (PRISON) : "Why are you saying you need to see the nurse"? "Its time for my thorazine, it'll only take a minute"...................
Agreed, but I also don't take the intentional murder of children lightly. I have the utmost respect for our vets. Murders, not so much. I suspect Full Auto is a vet and as such his opinion is both heartfelt and tainted. Just like bikersailor or whatever his name is, if I know they're vets I won't neg them because they made a sacrifice beyond my comprehension. It's a touchy subject, I get that. But this is life and my opinion is no less valid than theirs.
I agree Murked, you seem to have have experience in the SYSTEM, AND have children, so it hits closer to home.

Yes, sadly my youth was wasted. However I did learn first hand what prison life is like. I would say on average a regular inmate becomes institutionalized after 5 years or so. As such the punishment no longer resembles punishment but becomes normal. This man, nor any other that kills children in cold blood deserves a perceived normal life.

If you haven't seen the Shawshank Redemption I suggest you check it out. It is somewhat true to life.
I have, though I tend to avoid movies about LAW. (C'mon, the memories flood back. Chattahoochee was only a couple of years ago. )
Florida State Prison; Death Row is a part of the institution. The psych ward is the unit for those who appear mentally unstable; most go back into general population, a few are shipped to Chattahoochee, or other facilities. Chattahoochee is no longer ANYTHING like the movie about it. It is beautiful, serene, and HEAVILY secured.

Are you a prison guard? I hated people like you in my youth if so. Lol

I was in Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Not sure what its called now. Sucked, the place was so old they still had the whipping posts in the yard as a reminder. I think it was built in the 1800's. Worst part was summer. Hot as fuck
No, a "shyster". My father was a Correctional Officer. BUT, he too had seen the OTHER SIDE while in the Navy. I'll repeat, at the very least, this man CANNOT be in society for the rest of his life(.) 5-15 is a STUPID sentence. Florida cut out some of the DISCRETION by adopting the Guidelines about 20 years ago. 5-8 would be the Guidelines "cell" it appears from your post.

A touch of humor: Me to a very well educated graduate of an Ivy League school IN A FLORIDA Correctional Facility (PRISON) : "Why are you saying you need to see the nurse"? "Its time for my thorazine, it'll only take a minute"...................
I FORGOT! 20 hours without sleep does that. Florida adopted THE CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CODE while Jeb!ro was in office; MANDATORY minimums, MAX sentence available each crime. Up to FIVE your first 3rd degree, up to FIVE you third. BS!

I was mellowing about hard core conservatives BEFORE "THE CODE". A 18 year old steals a car for an hour long joyride: UP TO FIVE. A women steals from her dying parent $500.00 to buy drugs; STILL ONLY A POSSIBLE FIVE in most cases, unless she is caught with them on her.
Are you a prison guard? I hated people like you in my youth if so. Lol

I was in Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Not sure what its called now. Sucked, the place was so old they still had the whipping posts in the yard as a reminder. I think it was built in the 1800's. Worst part was summer. Hot as fuck
No, a "shyster". My father was a Correctional Officer. BUT, he too had seen the OTHER SIDE while in the Navy. I'll repeat, at the very least, this man CANNOT be in society for the rest of his life(.) 5-15 is a STUPID sentence. Florida cut out some of the DISCRETION by adopting the Guidelines about 20 years ago. 5-8 would be the Guidelines "cell" it appears from your post.

A touch of humor: Me to a very well educated graduate of an Ivy League school IN A FLORIDA Correctional Facility (PRISON) : "Why are you saying you need to see the nurse"? "Its time for my thorazine, it'll only take a minute"...................
I FORGOT! 20 hours without sleep does that. Florida adopted THE CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CODE while Jeb!ro was in office; MANDATORY minimums, MAX sentence available each crime. Up to FIVE your first 3rd degree, up to FIVE you third. BS!

I was mellowing about hard core conservatives BEFORE "THE CODE". A 18 year old steals a car for an hour long joyride: UP TO FIVE. A women steals from her dying parent $500.00 to buy drugs; STILL ONLY A POSSIBLE FIVE in most cases, unless she is caught with them on her.

Once again you lost me, but hey! I like roller coasters :)
No, a "shyster". My father was a Correctional Officer. BUT, he too had seen the OTHER SIDE while in the Navy. I'll repeat, at the very least, this man CANNOT be in society for the rest of his life(.) 5-15 is a STUPID sentence. Florida cut out some of the DISCRETION by adopting the Guidelines about 20 years ago. 5-8 would be the Guidelines "cell" it appears from your post.

A touch of humor: Me to a very well educated graduate of an Ivy League school IN A FLORIDA Correctional Facility (PRISON) : "Why are you saying you need to see the nurse"? "Its time for my thorazine, it'll only take a minute"...................
I FORGOT! 20 hours without sleep does that. Florida adopted THE CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CODE while Jeb!ro was in office; MANDATORY minimums, MAX sentence available each crime. Up to FIVE your first 3rd degree, up to FIVE you third. BS!

I was mellowing about hard core conservatives BEFORE "THE CODE". A 18 year old steals a car for an hour long joyride: UP TO FIVE. A women steals from her dying parent $500.00 to buy drugs; STILL ONLY A POSSIBLE FIVE in most cases, unless she is caught with them on her.

Once again you lost me, but hey! I like roller coasters :)
Florida's CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT CODE now has only mandatory MINIMUMS. The Court can order the max for a first timer and a repeat offender. STUPID.
Fuck no. I don't blame him for cracking for the hell they're puttinh our troops through. For what? Watching their brothers and sisters get blown up and leaving their families, tour after tour. For a ungratful people that you have to kiss the ass of and rebuild their entire nation! I hate that country and its people an wish like hell we could get out. If it's so much of a threat, why not nuke it? I'm dead serious.

There is no bringing these bastards out of the 7th century. Time to go all the way or get out!

I'd give this man a metal.
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wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.

He threw himself under the bus dontca think? And what's with the rule of law not applying to service men/women?

Tons of problems on both sides of this case. The guy is obviously nuts and was nuts at the time he killed all these people. But so is every serial killer, yet we execute them. We didn't let Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy off the hook because they were nuts. But then again, the reason this guy went nuts is due to combat situations that our government put him into. I could make a rational argument for either side of this case, but I'm not going to try, because I'm not even sure what should happen to this man. This man is a victim, in a sense, but those he killed and those effected by those he killed are even bigger victims.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.

He threw himself under the bus dontca think? And what's with the rule of law not applying to service men/women?

Tons of problems on both sides of this case. The guy is obviously nuts and was nuts at the time he killed all these people. But so is every serial killer, yet we execute them. We didn't let Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy off the hook because they were nuts. But then again, the reason this guy went nuts is due to combat situations that our government put him into. I could make a rational argument for either side of this case, but I'm not going to try, because I'm not even sure what should happen to this man. This man is a victim, in a sense, but those he killed and those effected by those he killed are even bigger victims.
Bundy nor Gacy were under the pressure this man was; nor is he a "serial killer". He was a mass murderer, all in one day. Bundy wiped his fingerprints off when he could, teeth marks proved the match. Bundy was SANE, EVIL is a choice; not just INSANE.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.

He threw himself under the bus dontca think? And what's with the rule of law not applying to service men/women?

Tons of problems on both sides of this case. The guy is obviously nuts and was nuts at the time he killed all these people. But so is every serial killer, yet we execute them. We didn't let Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy off the hook because they were nuts. But then again, the reason this guy went nuts is due to combat situations that our government put him into. I could make a rational argument for either side of this case, but I'm not going to try, because I'm not even sure what should happen to this man. This man is a victim, in a sense, but those he killed and those effected by those he killed are even bigger victims.
And no "metal" (unless is red hot) nor 15 years. Life in mental health facilities and or PRISON. Maybe he will go back & forth as some due. The other alternate is the death penalty if he is shown to have capacity at the time of the killings.
Not only no, FUCK no!

It is a sad, despicable act- but in no way unique. Atrocities happen in every war. He should be given a thorough mental evaluation, then prosecuted under the UCMJ. War is hell.....I feel bad for the Afghani families, but he is an American soldier and as such he deserves no less than Nidal Malik Hasan or any other soldier.

I have always respected your posts but when is a war criminal a war criminal? We had no problem with the execution of previous war criminals.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one....He needs to be punished in accordance with the U.C.M.J. - no more or less. Justice is blind for a reason.....


The Uniform Code of Military Justice calls for execution when involving murder, rape, desertion and a few other crimes....I am in agreement that it needs to go before the UCMJ.... but If convicted of murdering 16 innocent people... he, in all probability...will be executed.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.

He threw himself under the bus dontca think? And what's with the rule of law not applying to service men/women?

Tons of problems on both sides of this case. The guy is obviously nuts and was nuts at the time he killed all these people. But so is every serial killer, yet we execute them. We didn't let Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy off the hook because they were nuts. But then again, the reason this guy went nuts is due to combat situations that our government put him into. I could make a rational argument for either side of this case, but I'm not going to try, because I'm not even sure what should happen to this man. This man is a victim, in a sense, but those he killed and those effected by those he killed are even bigger victims.

Good grief, what relativist crap.

Every serial killer, and in fact most, serial killers, are not nuts. Bundy and Gacy were sane, that's why they escaped detection for so long.
I find the death penalty rather barbaric but we may have to in order to keep the lid on Afghanistan until we can get out.
He will be tried under the USMJ I believe. His mental condition may prohibit imposition of the death penalty. In no way can we make "exceptions" to his Constitutional rights to further goals of "success" in any military, civil, or political matter.

I don't believe in "temporary insanity"

Excuses be damned

What you 'believe' doesn't make a dime's worth of difference. My understanding, and granted that is just from the media, is that this guy had done several tours, and - having been wounded on his previous tour was told he would not be sent back... and then they sent him back. Someone needs to be held to account.... him... and whoever signed him off as fit for duty.... and his commanding officer, and his colleagues who didn't fucking notice that he was cracking up.

This was not the action of a sane individual. Particularly not a professional soldier. The families of his victims have my sympathy.... but so does he.

Few of us have walked in his shoes, even our retired military members.

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