Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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To make this horrible tragedy even more complex, I have read that troops serving with him that he seemed MILD MANNERED and did express hostility towards the Afghan people.
To make this horrible tragedy even more complex, I have read that troops serving with him that he seemed MILD MANNERED and did express hostility towards the Afghan people.

Yes it was a tragedy and he will be held to account.

But I am more disturbed by the calls for his death from people who have never walked in the shoes. HAVE NEVER EVER experienced the mind fucks these situations put you in.

This is a damn combat zone not the streets of everyday America.
Let's just start offering up human sacrifices to keep the enemy appeased, like they were some particularly vengeful, barbaric gods, who require human blood.

Some genius sent this man there. Some genius found him fit. First he had a brain injury, now the regime doesn't like the way the story of sending a man with a brain injury out to fight was playing at home so it's changed, he was drinking. Anything to escape culpability.

We don't know what happened but we have the kind of government who would phony up a massacre just like they phonied up the Haditha massacre. Punishing Americans is a favorite pasttime of this regime, they like it, it makes them feel superior.
To make this horrible tragedy even more complex, I have read that troops serving with him that he seemed MILD MANNERED and did express hostility towards the Afghan people.

Yes it was a tragedy and he will be held to account.

But I am more disturbed by the calls for his death from people who have never walked in the shoes. HAVE NEVER EVER experienced the mind fucks these situations put you in.

This is a damn combat zone not the streets of everyday America.

We are just seeing the disconnect between the Military and Civilian sector, alot of people don't know anything about the Military so they try to equate it to things in their civilian life.
Let's just start offering up human sacrifices to keep the enemy appeased, like they were some particularly vengeful, barbaric gods, who require human blood.

Some genius sent this man there. Some genius found him fit. First he had a brain injury, now the regime doesn't like the way the story of sending a man with a brain injury out to fight was playing at home so it's changed, he was drinking. Anything to escape culpability.

We don't know what happened but we have the kind of government who would phony up a massacre just like they phonied up the Haditha massacre. Punishing Americans is a favorite pasttime of this regime, they like it, it makes them feel superior.

I have to say I am surprised at the number of Americans who want to satisfy Afghan blood lust. Maybe we aren't that much different than them after all.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

This guy joined a week after 9/11, and served in three tours in Iraq, got injured twice.

He has been fighting in the war against radical islamists for 10 years. It seems as though he just "snapped".

I'd say not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. But we need to get more facts.

We can't leave people in war that long. Certainly not with ground troops. All these countries should of been carpet bombed pillar to post, with very minimal use of ground troops.
I find the death penalty rather barbaric but we may have to in order to keep the lid on Afghanistan until we can get out.

I think we should leave NOW. Leave air support behind to deal with the taliban and terrorists. Otherwise all we've done is to emulate Russia. But that's not why he should be put to death. Justice is and it needs to be on display for the barbarians and those they try to influence to see.

I think we should leave now and nuke Afghanistan from orbit.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

This guy joined a week after 9/11, and served in three tours in Iraq, got injured twice.

He has been fighting in the war against radical islamists for 10 years. It seems as though he just "snapped".

I'd say not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. But we need to get more facts.

We can't leave people in war that long. Certainly not with ground troops. All these countries should of been carpet bombed pillar to post, with very minimal use of ground troops.
Hell.....that was the original-threat that LAUNCHED this whole shit-storm!!!!!

I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

This guy joined a week after 9/11, and served in three tours in Iraq, got injured twice.

He has been fighting in the war against radical islamists for 10 years. It seems as though he just "snapped".

I'd say not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. But we need to get more facts.

We can't leave people in war that long. Certainly not with ground troops. All these countries should of been carpet bombed pillar to post, with very minimal use of ground troops.

He could claim temporary insanity if he had killed one or two, but he went to two different villages.

Btw, it seems killing Taliban and their sympathizers is always "innocent civilians". Nobody can tell the difference. My guess is just about every child over 5 years old wants to grow up and shoot Americans. Those guys have been put out their in those FOB basically at odds with snipers that live in the village constantly being shot at, seeing their buddy's heads blown off day after day. Why are they out there except to provide targets for the enemy?
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I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Don't you think he should have a trial first?

Apparently alot of us just want to hand this guy over to the Taliban to get stoned to death with a 5 minute trial, we are not that much different than the Afghans as we like to think, we have the same blood lust.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Don't you think he should have a trial first?

Apparently alot of us just want to hand this guy over to the Taliban to get stoned to death with a 5 minute trial, we are not that much different than the Afghans as we like to think, we have the same blood lust.

you know, i absolutely think he should be punished for what he did... but where were his superiors? how did they let someone who had a traumatic brain injury go back for a fourth tour of duty.... after telling him he wouldn't be doing any more?

so i figure before he's drawn and quartered, we need to do some assessment and find out how culpable he was

we should also do some soul searching about how we treat our soldiers.
He will be tried under the USMJ I believe. His mental condition may prohibit imposition of the death penalty. In no way can we make "exceptions" to his Constitutional rights to further goals of "success" in any military, civil, or political matter.

I don't believe in "temporary insanity"

Excuses be damned
Again, with all due respect Murked, his trial must not be influenced by conditions outside HIS crimes & mental status. It would appear he was not a CAREER criminal, obviously. I do not know if he will be determined to be incapacitated but "LOSING IT" is a factor. I also tend to discount "temporary insanity"; still the one time I saw Danny Rolling face to face, not more than two feet away, I doubted then he should be executed. It WAS ruled he regained capacity, but I have my doubts. (Bundy was easier, he displayed his capacity, MANY, MANY times. My father saw a few times at FSP.)

How many terrorist attacks were a result of people 'losing it'. the Saudi men who allegedly hijacked the planes on 9/11 were probably mentally unstable, the weak are prayed upon by the powerful that's why soldiers are physically and mentally weakened before they are rebuilt, you could argue all military personnel are mentally ill.
And now you have another 12 or so family's that are probably going to 'lose it' against the US, join the cue.
Don't you think he should have a trial first?

Apparently alot of us just want to hand this guy over to the Taliban to get stoned to death with a 5 minute trial, we are not that much different than the Afghans as we like to think, we have the same blood lust.

you know, i absolutely think he should be punished for what he did... but where were his superiors? how did they let someone who had a traumatic brain injury go back for a fourth tour of duty.... after telling him he wouldn't be doing any more?

so i figure before he's drawn and quartered, we need to do some assessment and find out how culpable he was

we should also do some soul searching about how we treat our soldiers.

I agree he should be punished but he really should not have been cleared for deployment, he suffered a traumatic brain injury onn his third tour in Iraq.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Don't you think he should have a trial first?

I'm pretty sure I captioned my poll with "he should face death"

I thought that implied a trial. I guess I wasn't clear enough huh?
Afghan massacre suspect on flight to US.
An American soldier suspected of shooting 16 civilians in Afghanistan on Sunday is being moved to a military base in Kansas, reports AFP.
The soldier is expected to arrive at Fort Leavenworth on Friday afternoon, says his civilian attorney, John Henry Browne.
After the deadly incident, the 38-year-old army staff sergeant, whose name has not been disclosed, was temporary held at a military base in Kuwait. The transfer to "a safer" detention facility sparked fury among Afghan lawmakers, who urged for a public trial of the suspect in Afghanistan.
Afghan investigators say more than one soldier was involved in the shooting spree in the south of the country. They estimate up to 20 people split into two groups had been operating in two villages, killing 16 people, nine children among them, on March 11.

Afghan massacre suspect on flight to US — RT
The facility he is going to is a penitentiary. A very old one just outside Kansas City. And if memory serves me right its not located on the actual base.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

He should be tried by courts martial.. and punished according to what he would be found guilty of... which could include execution, life in prison, lengthy prison term, or whatever else along the spectrum
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Don't you think he should have a trial first?

I'm pretty sure I captioned my poll with "he should face death"

I thought that implied a trial. I guess I wasn't clear enough huh?

This is going to take some time, Maj Nidal Hassan has to yet to face a trial and that guy who threw a grenade in his fellow Soldiers tent in 2003 before the Iraq invasion has yet to see one also, no reason this guys trial should start right away before those.

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