Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.
No. The death penalty should be abolished.

Not to mention that the guy seems to have some severe mental issues.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

I wish you had allowed a "I'd like to wait and see" option.

We don't know all the facts or even the man's name at this point.

Yes, what happened was horrible, but if he was clinically insane at the time, he's not personally responsible under our theory of law. I am wondering if this is another case where the military knew this guy was losing it and didn't get him the hell out of the military because they didn't want a bunch of guys bucking for a section 8.

If that's the case, his superiors deserve some of the blame.
My understanding, and granted that is just from the media, is that this guy had done several tours, and - having been wounded on his previous tour was told he would not be sent back... and then they sent him back.
My concern also.
I think he should FACE charges.

I also think he's nuts so I doubt he'd going to swing for his horror.

4 overseas tours in 10 years...three of them in combat zones!?!?

Wounded in Iraq, part of his foot blown off, promised that he'd not be stationed overseas again, he then finds himself in Afghanistan?

Of course the damage that this guy did to USA Afghantiani relgions in incalculable.

But the mitigating cicumstances leading this guy up to this insanity needs to be taken into account, too.

We have stressed out our active duty troops, folks.

Bad shit happens when armed men start losing it.

WE have to really blame our military leaders and our political leaders for putting our troops into these kinds of situations.

That man ought to have never been reassigned to Afghanistan.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.
I might disagree; however the death penalty is NOT for the developmentally disabled, those insane, AND diminished capacity must be consideration in mitigation.

Correct. This man had a traumatic brain injury from a vehicle wreck but the military let him go into combat anyway. This will have serious implications in his trial. fact according to another article i read, he was originally told he would NOT go back after the head injury. Then decided to send him anyway....our govt screwed up on this one!

With his injuries from previous tours, they should have never sent him back again........

"He said the soldier and his family had thought he was done fighting. During tours in Iraq, the soldier suffered a concussive head injury in a car accident caused by a roadside bomb, Browne said, and he suffered a battle-related injury that resulted in surgery to remove part of his foot."

"The day before the rampage that killed 16 Afghan villagers, the U.S. soldier accused of the mass killings saw his friend's leg blown off, his lawyer said."

"His family was "totally shocked," he said. "He's never said anything antagonistic about Muslims. He's in general very mild-mannered."

Lawyer: Accused Soldier's Friend Had Leg Blown Off : NPR

So i don't believe this was anything planned by the soldier....i do believe he just went over the edge finally. They really don't know how extensive the brain injury was. My son has been to Iraq 3 times, once spent a year in Baghdad....after that tour i sat with my 26 yr old son while he cried from the horrors that he saw and went through. Our soldiers are being put through incredible stress with so many if you have a brain injury on top of that, there's a very good chance somethings going to snap eventually. We just need to get them all home!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.
....Hosted, of course, by the....
Fightin' Romneys!!!!

I think he should FACE charges.

I also think he's nuts so I doubt he'd going to swing for his horror.

4 overseas tours in 10 years...three of them in combat zones!?!?

Wounded in Iraq, part of his foot blown off, promised that he'd not be stationed overseas again, he then finds himself in Afghanistan?

Of course the damage that this guy did to USA Afghantiani relgions in incalculable.

But the mitigating cicumstances leading this guy up to this insanity needs to be taken into account, too.

We have stressed out our active duty troops, folks.

Bad shit happens when armed men start losing it.

WE have to really blame our military leaders and our political leaders for putting our troops into these kinds of situations.

That man ought to have never been reassigned to Afghanistan.

I agree.
Lets not get to busy with the punishment part. First determine if he was competent etc.

If he was that wack as to escape conviction shouldn't his CO bare some responsibility for not relieving him of his duty?

I just don't buy the suddenly snapped excuse. Although I can't imagine the pressure. His peers can though I'm sure.

I read somewhere that he was put in a support role rather than a combat role this tour.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Definitely not.

Here is another of your big government attitudes.

The man was in a war zone and snapped he need therapy not execution.

Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.

There is no place for emotion in justice. I appreciate that you have children, I don't but the slaughter of those innocent kids appalls me. One does not need to be a parent to get that.

However, he is entitled to his day in court. And to submit the mitigating circumstances of what happened. Personally, while I find his actions horrific.... I find it equally horrific that we sent that man back there after what he had already been through. Our troops are not machines, they are people. And our government (not specifically Obama - both sides are equally culpable).... they are responsible too.
I find the death penalty rather barbaric but we may have to in order to keep the lid on Afghanistan until we can get out.
Yeah....putting more effort into burying the Obvious is probably more-critical, at this time.​

March 16, 2012

"The day before the rampage that killed 16 Afghan villagers, the U.S. soldier accused of the mass killings saw his friend's leg blown off, his lawyer said.

Seattle attorney John Henry Browne told The Associated Press that his client's family provided him with details of the injury to another U.S. soldier. The details have not been independently verified.

"His leg was blown off, and my client was standing next to him," he said.

The suspect had been injured twice during his three previous deployments to Iraq, and didn't want to go to Afghanistan to begin with, Browne said.

....the soldier and his family had thought he was done fighting. During tours in Iraq, the soldier suffered a concussive head injury in a car accident caused by a roadside bomb, Browne said, and he suffered a battle-related injury that resulted in surgery to remove part of his foot.

He was screened by health officials after the head injury before he redeployed, Browne said. He did not know if his client had been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, but said it could be an issue at trial if experts believe it's relevant.

He and the rest of his brigade had initially been told they wouldn't have to go to Afghanistan, Browne said.

The suspect was flown out of Afghanistan on Wednesday evening to what officials describe as a pretrial confinement facility in Kuwait. Officials have anonymously described him as a father of two who has been in the military for 11 years. He has served three tours in Iraq and began his first deployment to Afghanistan in December."

Recycling; The "conservative"-Thing-To-Do

[ame=]Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube[/ame]​
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Not only no, FUCK no!

It is a sad, despicable act- but in no way unique. Atrocities happen in every war. He should be given a thorough mental evaluation, then prosecuted under the UCMJ. War is hell.....I feel bad for the Afghani families, but he is an American soldier and as such he deserves no less than Nidal Malik Hasan or any other soldier.

I have always respected your posts but when is a war criminal a war criminal? We had no problem with the execution of previous war criminals.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one....He needs to be punished in accordance with the U.C.M.J. - no more or less. Justice is blind for a reason.....


I agree with you on this one, he has the same rights as any other American and though I find no excuse for his acts, he has fought for the right to be judged according to the laws and protections of the Constitution and if he is found guilty and they decide to execute him, then as long as he has his due process, then let the law be carried out.
Actually, ALL people who served in the sandbox, and those who sent them, should be executed for war crimes, terrorism and treason(failure to defend the US constitution).

You are honestly a faggot piece of shit Douger.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

No I don't think he should get the death penalty, following your idea and letting the Afghans watch the execution is satisfying their macabre blood lust for killing Americans, fuck that.
Well fuck it, why don't we just skip the trial and hang the bastard in the middle of downtown Kabul?

You really think this guy was in his right mind? Or does that make a difference? Guess not any more.

This man suffered a traumatic brain injury on his third tour in Iraq, he should have never been in Afghanistan. I am surprised at the number of Americans who want to hand this guy over to the Afghans to satisfy their blood lust.
Definitely not.

Here is another of your big government attitudes.

The man was in a war zone and snapped he need therapy not execution.

Big govt?

I don't see it.

A war crime is a war crime imo.

This wasn't the murder of 16 suspicious males. It was 12 women and children for christs sake. I HAVE CHILDREN.

There is no place for emotion in justice. I appreciate that you have children, I don't but the slaughter of those innocent kids appalls me. One does not need to be a parent to get that.

“Let us learn our lessons. Never, never, never believe any War will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter.

The Statesman who yields to War Fever must realize that – once the signal is given – he is no longer the Master Of Policy but the Slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events. Antiquated War offices, weak, incompetent, or arrogant commanders, untrustworthy allies, hostile neutrals, malignant fortune, ugly surprises, awful miscalculations – ALL take their seats at the council board on the morrow of a declaration of War.

Always remember, however sure you are that you can easily win, that there would not BE a War, if the other man did not think HE also had a chance.” – Winston Churchill

Lets not get to busy with the punishment part. First determine if he was competent etc.

If he was that wack as to escape conviction shouldn't his CO bare some responsibility for not relieving him of his duty?

I just don't buy the suddenly snapped excuse. Although I can't imagine the pressure. His peers can though I'm sure.

I read somewhere that he was put in a support role rather than a combat role this tour.

Doesn't matter, he should not have been sent to Afghanistan.

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