Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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No token imposition of the death penalty. He was on his fourth tour in the region, and had suffered a head impact, I believeve in an earlier tour. The present mission in Afghanistan is misplaced, and we may finally be revising the modus to fit that reality, by confinining our actions to special forces operations where they will do the most good against the Taliban, and ultimately Al Quaida.
wow 4 tours wounded twice,but lets throw him under the bus!!. Kill him to save face?? We should not lower ourselves to their level.

The guy gets a fair trial no other way. The death penalty is for barbarians not Americans.

I don't think his service should preclude him being punished for his actions. Just curious, are you against the death penalty in all cases?
Interesting poll results in that its not divided along party lines.

I think it's interesting that people I KNOW have supported the death penalty for murders committed in this country are changing their tune in this case. Had he strolled through our neighborhoods randomly murdering people in their sleep --- placing the barrel in small children's mouths and pulling the trigger for God's sake --- most of these people would be screaming to the rooftops that he be executed now. I am generally opposed to the death penalty but there are some cases so heinous that it's the only option, IMO. This is one of them.
Interesting poll results in that its not divided along party lines.
He is alleged to have been drinking with two other soldiers. So, some of any diminished capacity found will be attributed to his own acts. Head injury, saw his buddy lose a leg, and was drinking. His fellow drinkers are being will be "disciplined". Against base rules, and I hope his drinking buddies spend some time in the brig. Sick, sad, hideous murders. He knew enough to ask for an attorney after he "surrendered" at the base. If found guilty, if no DP, I hope he cannot see the light of the outside except on his daily prison walk. His attorney is hinting at a PTSD defense. Two kids age 3 & 4.

I didn't vote. This is nothing I could vote on. But, it would appear death has not been ruled out. We will know when charges are filed.
Interesting poll results in that its not divided along party lines.

I think it's interesting that people I KNOW have supported the death penalty for murders committed in this country are changing their tune in this case. Had he strolled through our neighborhoods randomly murdering people in their sleep --- placing the barrel in small children's mouths and pulling the trigger for God's sake --- most of these people would be screaming to the rooftops that he be executed now. I am generally opposed to the death penalty but there are some cases so heinous that it's the only option, IMO. This is one of them.

Difference is this guy has been in the wars for years, not just some wacko that goes on a killing spree here in the US.

The day before we went out to those villages, he witnessed a friend of his get his leg blown off. Not seeing much outrage over that attack, or any of the thousands of others where Americans get attacked.

This whole situation just proves my point that Islamists cannot be reasoned with, and we should of just carpet bombed or nuked this shithole of a country. They scream and rant and rave when one American over a 10 year period kills 16 people, but they say nothing about car bombs that have killed hundreds if not thousands more.
Interesting poll results in that its not divided along party lines.
He is alleged to have been drinking with two other soldiers. So, some of any diminished capacity found will be attributed to his own acts. Head injury, saw his buddy lose a leg, and was drinking. His fellow drinkers are being will be "disciplined". Against base rules, and I hope his drinking buddies spend some time in the brig. Sick, sad, hideous murders. He knew enough to ask for an attorney after he "surrendered" at the base. If found guilty, if no DP, I hope he cannot see the light of the outside except on his daily prison walk. His attorney is hinting at a PTSD defense. Two kids age 3 & 4.

I didn't vote. This is nothing I could vote on. But, it would appear death has not been ruled out. We will know when charges are filed.

Amazing how quickly his mental capacity returned, eh?

Have they determined he acted alone?
Like working in a machine shop where various cuts and tears and the occassional digital or limb amputation are just part of the milieu, the stress of trying to do the job armies from time immemorial have been required to do under the current rules of engagement put in place by this administration was bound to get to its members, weakest link first.
From the late historian Stephen Ambrose's book, "Citizen Soldier", in the chapter on what happens if you needed to surrender during WWII, comes the story of 'Junior' who after losing several family members in the same manner as the 'Private Ryan' in the movie "Saving Private Ryan", was recognized as being a problem and put on a short leash by his CO and used mostly as a runner. 'Junior' happened to be in the middle of running some information between separate command headquarters when an enemy German Soldier stepped out from where he was hiding, empty hands held quite obviously harmlessly high into the air while repeatedly speaking the words "Kamerade! Kamerade!". Junior didn't even hesitate in his stride as he drew his sidearm and shot the surrendering German Soldier in the face.
Interesting poll results in that its not divided along party lines.

I think it's interesting that people I KNOW have supported the death penalty for murders committed in this country are changing their tune in this case. Had he strolled through our neighborhoods randomly murdering people in their sleep --- placing the barrel in small children's mouths and pulling the trigger for God's sake --- most of these people would be screaming to the rooftops that he be executed now. I am generally opposed to the death penalty but there are some cases so heinous that it's the only option, IMO. This is one of them.

Difference is this guy has been in the wars for years, not just some wacko that goes on a killing spree here in the US.

The day before we went out to those villages, he witnessed a friend of his get his leg blown off. Not seeing much outrage over that attack, or any of the thousands of others where Americans get attacked.

This whole situation just proves my point that Islamists cannot be reasoned with, and we should of just carpet bombed or nuked this shithole of a country. They scream and rant and rave when one American over a 10 year period kills 16 people, but they say nothing about car bombs that have killed hundreds if not thousands more.

With all due respect, that has nothing to do with what this man did. He is responsible for his own actions, and damned well better be held accountable, whether he's put to death or imprisoned for life.

As far as how long he's been 'in the war', I've lost count of the number of times my brother has been sent to that hellhole in the last 10 years (and to other wars and such over the last 20+), so I don't buy that as an excuse.
The military is making a big point of saying he acted alone; and it has been reported he drank alcohol before the killings. Voluntary intoxication compounded his head injury and the anger/stress over the injury of his friend.
The Hawk:
we should of just carpet bombed or nuked this shithole of a country. They scream and rant and rave when one American over a 10 year period kills 16 people,
Hundreds of thousands of children killed then, sicker.
Like working in a machine shop where various cuts and tears and the occassional digital or limb amputation are just part of the milieu, the stress of trying to do the job armies from time immemorial have been required to do under the current rules of engagement put in place by this administration was bound to get to its members, weakest link first.
From the late historian Stephen Ambrose's book, "Citizen Soldier", in the chapter on what happens if you needed to surrender during WWII, comes the story of 'Junior' who after losing several family members in the same manner as the 'Private Ryan' in the movie "Saving Private Ryan", was recognized as being a problem and put on a short leash by his CO and used mostly as a runner. 'Junior' happened to be in the middle of running some information between separate command headquarters when an enemy German Soldier stepped out from where he was hiding, empty hands held quite obviously harmlessly high into the air while repeatedly speaking the words "Kamerade! Kamerade!". Junior didn't even hesitate in his stride as he drew his sidearm and shot the surrendering German Soldier in the face.

If a US Soldier or Marine did that now he would be facing a trial for war crimes and people would be screaming to turn him over to Taliban custody.
Yes, if he is convicted of even one of the 16 murders.
The trial should be fair and open, but this is not always the case with court-martials.
If in a civilian court his mental condition would prevent his execution than it would not right to execute him to make the Afghans happy.
Personally Do I think he should be executed......Yes
Yes, if he is convicted of even one of the 16 murders.
The trial should be fair and open, but this is not always the case with court-martials.
If in a civilian court his mental condition would prevent his execution than it would not right to execute him to make the Afghans happy.
Personally Do I think he should be executed......Yes
The addition of voluntary intoxication may make any diminished capacity defense more difficult. Violation of the base rules.
Absolutely not. The soldier has a psychological stress problem and he snapped. They should have seen this solider had a stress disorder before it happened.
Absolutely not. The soldier has a psychological stress problem and he snapped. They should have seen this solider had a stress disorder before it happened.
And his drinking buddies that may have known of the injury?
The Hawk:
we should of just carpet bombed or nuked this shithole of a country. They scream and rant and rave when one American over a 10 year period kills 16 people,
Hundreds of thousands of children killed then, sicker.

Yes well maybe it would teach people not to attack, or to even support the people that attack our country as the Taliban did.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.
Absolutely not. The soldier has a psychological stress problem and he snapped. They should have seen this solider had a stress disorder before it happened.
And his drinking buddies that may have known of the injury?

So now the people he drank with should be dragged into this? absolutely not, those guys should just get in trouble for breaking the rule of drinking on post and thats it.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.

The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.

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