Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.
He violated the rules of the base. That might cut into the "PSTD" defense.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.
He violated the rules of the base. That might cut into the "PSTD" defense.

How? violating the rules of the base is the least of his problems.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.
He violated the rules of the base. That might cut into the "PSTD" defense.

How? violating the rules of the base is the least of his problems.
CUT into the PSTD defense; he was drinking of his volition.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.
He violated the rules of the base. That might cut into the "PSTD" defense.

How? violating the rules of the base is the least of his problems.
CUT into the PSTD defense; he was drinking of his volition.

Ok, and? people with PSTD drink all the time.
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.

The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
Who knows today if there was any problem? It is reported he didn't want to go, he had served two tours in IRAQ. There are only so many trained troops to fill the needs in BOTH countries.
Let's wait and see if an American Major will be executed for killing 13 of his own men and then we will deal with the Afghan situation.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

I will defer my vote until after a trial. I want all the facts out before I make a decision on his life.
But, that just me......
His drinking was no doubt caused by his depression and psychological problem as well. But the bottom line is he definitely had a psychological stress problem and this should be considered. The soldier needed help before this such thing happened and he obviously did not get the help or no one saw the need this soldier had in coping.

The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
Who knows today if there was any problem? It is reported he didn't want to go, he had served two tours in IRAQ. There are only so many trained troops to fill the needs in BOTH countries.

He did 3 tours in Iraq, this was his fourth deployment.
Absolutely not. The soldier has a psychological stress problem and he snapped. They should have seen this solider had a stress disorder before it happened.
And his drinking buddies that may have known of the injury?

So now the people he drank with should be dragged into this? absolutely not, those guys should just get in trouble for breaking the rule of drinking on post and thats it.

It's never going to happen. Lay opinions are very, VERY seldom considered. If at all. A person might testify to observation. I saw him drink 10 beers and thereafter stagger and slur his words. But could not testify that he was drunk.
The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
The Soldier should not have been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
Who knows today if there was any problem? It is reported he didn't want to go, he had served two tours in IRAQ. There are only so many trained troops to fill the needs in BOTH countries.

He did 3 tours in Iraq, this was his fourth deployment.
Thank you HG, THREE IN IRAQ, new to Afghanistan. Katz I read that his buddies have already given statements. Voluntary intoxication cuts into his defense.
I don't believe in "temporary insanity"

Excuses be damned

Doesn't matter what you believe,we kill him for a show to the barbarians!!!,make us worse then them.

4 tours wounded twice people get sick.

Although I use your rhetoric a lot I have a question for you....were the 12 women and children he slaughtered barbarians?
When you get right down to it, the answer is yes. Get captured over there, and it's not their men, but their women, who will torture you to death-that's a longstanding Afghan tradition (ask the Brits and the Russians); but then, what else would you expect from a nation of illiterate tribal savages stuck in the seventh century? So yes, the term "barbarian" fits any and all of them; if anything, it's a bit mild, and makes for a good argument for turning the whole, Godforsaken wasteland known as Afghanistan into a smoking rubble pile full of nothing but the dead remains of their questionable species.

None of that makes any difference in this case though; given the standing orders, regulations, ROE, and the provisions of the UCMJ, this is a case of murder, and the military judicial process will deal with it as such. The ultimate outcome, whatever it is, will depend on a number of possible aggravating and/or mitigating circumstances, in addition to the act itself.

Until an investigation is completed there are a number of questions surrounding this incident. How did this soldier get off the base with a weapon and load out? Was anyone else involved, directly or indirectly? Should he have been medically cleared for another deployment in the first place, and was anyone pressured to do that? If he had a prior diagnosis of TBI and/or PTSD, was it reversed, and if so, why, and by whom? (There have been prior allegations about that occurring at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, where he was last stationed before deployment). Are personnel unfit for deployment being sent into combat zones to meet readiness requirements, and if so, who are the parties responsible? Some of these questions, IMHO, may be of considerably more significance than this incident itself, or the effect on U.S.-Afghan relations. We shall see.
This is funny as hell. When
Americans or foreigners murder Americans libtards don't want anything to do with the death penalty. but when an American (four times deployed, brain injured and stressed to the max"murders Afghanistansi you're ready to put him to death.. Shit.
I saw him drink 10 beers and thereafter stagger and slur his words. But could not testify that he was drunk.
The prosecution may use it. VOLUNTARY intoxication, went from home to home methodically killing children. Was able to return to the base, turn himself in, diminished capacity looks and less likely to hold up. We all will wait for the evidence, but was the final straw that broke our "partnership" with Karzai & Co.
The soldier's name has been revealed/ discovered/released. FOXnews was first to get it online.
I saw him drink 10 beers and thereafter stagger and slur his words. But could not testify that he was drunk.
The prosecution may use it. VOLUNTARY intoxication, went from home to home methodically killing children. Was able to return to the base, turn himself in, diminished capacity looks and less likely to hold up. We all will wait for the evidence, but was the final straw that broke our "partnership" with Karzai & Co.

Peach, I think that last part is most likely the case; although in the longer term, I don't know if that will much matter. The likelihood of successfully building anything resembling a stable nation in that cesspit was never too great anyway. Too many factors mitigated against that, from the terrain itself to the tribal, warlord-driven society, with its complex and constantly shifting alliances. Nation-building, however attractive theoretically, has not proved to be very practical or useful as American policy to this point, even under far better circumstances than exist in Afghanistan. As a strategy in the war on terrorism, that's one of a number of things we need to re-think.
I saw him drink 10 beers and thereafter stagger and slur his words. But could not testify that he was drunk.
The prosecution may use it. VOLUNTARY intoxication, went from home to home methodically killing children. Was able to return to the base, turn himself in, diminished capacity looks and less likely to hold up. We all will wait for the evidence, but was the final straw that broke our "partnership" with Karzai & Co.

Peach, I think that last part is most likely the case; although in the longer term, I don't know if that will much matter. The likelihood of successfully building anything resembling a stable nation in that cesspit was never too great anyway. Too many factors mitigated against that, from the terrain itself to the tribal, warlord-driven society, with its complex and constantly shifting alliances. Nation-building, however attractive theoretically, has not proved to be very practical or useful as American policy to this point, even under far better circumstances than exist in Afghanistan. As a strategy in the war on terrorism, that's one of a number of things we need to re-think.

Probably correct; years of Soviet domination, then the Taliban, which morphed into al Qaeda; next, 10 years of the US occupation. A representative government seems unlikely.
You mean the liberal lawyers aren't rushing to defend the guy? Oh wait, Holder's law firm and other liberal firms only offer free legal service to terrorist suspects.
I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

Fuck Afghanistan, and Fuck the Afghans. The fact that they can even have an opinion on the issue is because of the fact that American troops are still there. How about we put the blame where it belongs. Right in Obama's lap. I did not read all the posts, but did anyone mention that this man was on his fourth tour after he was told that he would not have to go back after his third ? Troops are still in that shit hole so Obama wont have to deal with even higher unemployment issues. He broke his campaign promise for political reasons. This is Obama's fault.
Well we all know if this happened during the Bush years, the left would be going batshit crazy calling for him to be held accountable.

After all, the left still believes that Abu Ghraib was still ordered by Dick Cheney/Bush.
Actually, ALL people who served in the sandbox, and those who sent them, should be executed for war crimes, terrorism and treason(failure to defend the US constitution).

What on Earth did your parents do to you?

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