Should the American GI be executed for killing the inocents in Afghanistan?

Should the US soldier face the death penalty for the murders in Afghanistan?

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Damn, not a good story. 16 Afghans dead and an American GI, who had a wife and two kids, absolutely, 100% screwed up. PTSD? Traumatic brain injury? Snapped?

I don't know. To scream for his death to appease the Afghani's is a piss poor position to take because even if you trotted him out into the square at noon and let some Al Queda member lop off his head, it wouldn't do anything to change one dang thing! Al Queda would still try to kill you with IED's and the Afghani's would hate you just for being in there country AND for being Christian. If there's one thing that we have learned about Afghanistan is that it is a major shit hole. You can't "rebuild" something that is stuck in the seventh century. Going into Afghanistan after 9/11 was correct. But, we should have left within a year and told them that we'd be back if they tried any more crap.

You've got to give him his day in court. You've got to try him under the UCMJ and if it comes up that he was innocent because of insanity, then that's what needs to happen. All I know is that I am sad that this has happened. But, it is NOT unprecendented. GI's in Germany after the war killed a number of civilians. War screws with your brain... obviously.

Weep here for the Afghani's, the GI, and his family...
I haven't read the whole thread, but usually by 15 pages it is pretty nasty. Here's my take:

This solder was on his 4th deployment. He had a traumatic brain injury. AND he had been diagnosed with PTSD. Both TBI and PTSD can predispose one to violent episodes. Obviously the military decided he was still fit for duty, which IMO he clearly was not. Whatever happens to him will happen. I'm guessing from here on out, he won't have a nice life.

The one I think who should be called to task is the one who decided he was fit for duty. And that had to have been a medical person of some kind for him to be diagnosed with TBI and PTSD and to have had the risks weighed in favor of sending him back a 4th time.
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He'll get an Article 32, a General Courtmartial. But I cannot help but believe that the stress, etc. we are hearing about will mediate his punishment.

And now reports that the Medical Center in the U.S. he processed thru is being investigated for pushing members thru for more tours in Afghanistan.
He'll get an Article 32, a General Courtmartial. But I cannot help but believe that the stress, etc. we are hearing about will mediate his punishment.

And now reports that the Medical Center in the U.S. he processed thru is being investigated for pushing members thru for more tours in Afghanistan.

That's what I'd like to hear more about, they been doing this for years.
The Court Marshal will decide the Staff Sgts. fate.

Bout time we boogie out of that pile of rocks. Leave it to the Taliban or whoever the hell wants it.

Enough blood and treasure has been wasted in that hole.
He'll get an Article 32, a General Courtmartial. But I cannot help but believe that the stress, etc. we are hearing about will mediate his punishment.

And now reports that the Medical Center in the U.S. he processed thru is being investigated for pushing members thru for more tours in Afghanistan.

What do you expect? Of course they are pushing people through.

I would think that such a trial would include intensive psychological examinations of the solder, and that the results of such examinations would exonerate the defendant. Add his name to the long list of American soldiers whose lives and families were destroyed by the horrors of the wars Bush made them fight.


Seems like Obama is the prick doing that now.

Bush has been out of office 3.5 years dip-shit.

Your predictable and childish name-calling and insults aside, I always find it interesting the way partisan ideologues blame a President from the other party for everything that happens "under his watch", but immediately point the finger when their President is in power and things go south.

Bush put us there. He pushed it. YOU supported it. And you can't wash off the stink, no matter how hard you try to divert.


It's fuckwads like you that said we needed to pull out of Iraq and redeploy to Afghanistan. Iraq was the bad war. Afghanistan is the good war. Remember asshole?

You just want to blame that all on Bush Bush only sent Special Ops and logistics units there. He was criticized by the left for leaving Afghanistan to the locals. Now you ignorant shit-for-brains want to blame him for your fuckups too. You're just pissed because Obama is worse at dealing with actual war than Bush.
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I say YES. His victims were mostly women and children. 12 of them. The man should face the death penalty and his execution should be televised in Afghanistan in my opinion.

I say NO, He had a traumatic brain injury and they sent him back to combat.. Do I think He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail. YES but do not execute him.
It doesn't really matter what should or should not happen. He WILL be executed. If he gets life and they put him in the general prison population. The black muslims there will kill him in short order.
It doesn't really matter what should or should not happen. He WILL be executed. If he gets life and they put him in the general prison population. The black muslims there will kill him in short order.

If he gets a life sentence it will be in a Military prison, which is generally alot safer than its civilian counter parts.
It doesn't really matter what should or should not happen. He WILL be executed. If he gets life and they put him in the general prison population. The black muslims there will kill him in short order.

If he gets a life sentence it will be in a Military prison, which is generally alot safer than its civilian counter parts.

That would be a good thing. But he is in Leavenworth KS right now. The federal prison in Leavenworth is on the grounds of Fort Leavenworth.

It [United States Disciplinary Barracks] is one of three major prisons built on Fort Leavenworth property, the others being the federal United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth is four miles (6 km) south, and the military Midwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility, which opened on 5 October 2010.[1]

United States Disciplinary Barracks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe USDB is the only maximum security military prison. I could be wrong, though.
We haven't heard one word of apology from Karzai for his soldiers killing our troops the last year or so.

The guy went off because of the constant double-standards.

Nor will you ever hear that. And you never heard an apology for the killing of innocent civilians and even children in a day care in the WTC, now did you?

How is it that they can kill 3000 of OUR innocent citizens and we end up apologizing to them for burning a goddamned quran.
All I know is, that if it turns out that anyone is improperly altering diagnoses of TBI and/or PTSD in order to meet readiness objectives, that individual or individuals, along with anyone else who ordered it, encouraged it, or knew about it and failed to report it, needs to face a General Court martial, too, and upon conviction, needs to be in a cell in the USDB right along with this guy. Any such individual deserves AT LEAST as much shame, disgrace, public outrage, scorn, and punishment, as is being advocated for this soldier. You don't have to pull a trigger to commit murder; a lie and a stroke of a pen can serve just as well.
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All I know is, that if it turns out that anyone is improperly altering diagnoses of TBI and/or PTSD, that individual or individuals, along with anyone else who ordered it, encouraged it, or knew about it and failed to report it, needs to face a General Court martial, too, and upon conviction, needs to be in a cell in the USDB right along with this guy. Any such individual deserves AT LEAST as much shame, disgrace, public outrage, scorn, and punishment, as is being advocated for this soldier. You don't have to pull a trigger to commit murder; a lie and a stroke of a pen can serve just as well.

From my experience in the Air Force the 2 main people involved in sending someone on a deployment is your unit deployment manager (UDM) and your squadron commander, they play the biggest part in deciding if a person is fit for deployment, I'm not sure how it works in the Army, but I know for all branches we have been "pushing" people through because the shortage in manpower, alot of people who have no business deploying are now in Afghanistan because we just don't have enough bodies.
I need to hear the real true story for why he did it before I decide. I don't believe anyone concerning this whole thing.

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