Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...

You just can't participate in a thread without being anti-gay can you?

Hint: this thread is about a hetero who as a teenager sexually molested girls- apparently his own sister.

I haven't seen any concern by you so far about what he did- but lots of outrage about what Harvey Milk may or may not have done 50 years ago.
No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
That kid is a monster but he's white and a xstain so jerri is predictably defending him. Sad.

If you read my comments you'll find that I am defending his right to be forgiven of his sins because he sincerely repented of them and has not repeated them according to the report he is a responsible father and there has been no other report of having molested anyone. Therein he is forgiven. When you repent? You turn from your sin. You do not repeat it.

Jesus Christ told the prostitute that was about to be stoned to death - go and sin no more.

That is repentance.

Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.
ChrisL is here to distract and sideline conversations. She has been deployed because these topics suddenly are backfiring on the LGBT paid bloggers. She is making double time this weekend because it's also a holiday weekend. Her fingers are burning with all the typing of off-topic diversionary posts. Readers beware.

NOTE: Just on this one page she has attempted strawmen on three separate far...there are probably two more when I hit "save changes" on this edit..

I've just reported her and I encourage others to do so as well.

LOL- reporting her about talking on the topic- rather than letting you derail the thread with your usual anti-gay spiel?

Yeah- thats going to go far.

Just curious Silhouette- do you find anything objectionable to what young Duggar did?
That kid is a monster but he's white and a xstain so jerri is predictably defending him. Sad.

If you read my comments you'll find that I am defending his right to be forgiven of his sins because he sincerely repented of them and has not repeated them according to the report he is a responsible father and there has been no other report of having molested anyone. Therein he is forgiven. When you repent? You turn from your sin. You do not repeat it.

Jesus Christ told the prostitute that was about to be stoned to death - go and sin no more.

That is repentance.

Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

On what do you base your unwavering certainty:
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
Look at mom, Michelle
Yes, that's what cheerleaders are supposed to wear.

She also wore a bikini while mowing the lawn,
Yes, it gets extremely hot and humid in Arkansas and Louisiana where you sweat profusely mowing yards. It would be wise to wear less clothes for health reasons while getting a good tan too. In those states, lots of women mow the yards wearing next to nothing in hot humid summers that can kill you if you don't watch yourself.
Look at mom, Michelle
Yes, that's what cheerleaders are supposed to wear.

She also wore a bikini while mowing the lawn,
Yes, it gets extremely hot and humid in Arkansas and Louisiana where you sweat profusely mowing yards. It would be wise to wear less clothes for health reasons while getting a good tan too. In those states, lots of women mow the yards wearing next to nothing in hot humid summers that can kill you if you don't watch yourself. Bikini's are not off limits.

It's killing you to admit you are wrong, isn't it?
What's the difference in men ogling a female wearing a bikini vs. pants?
Look at mom, Michelle
Yes, that's what cheerleaders are supposed to wear.

She also wore a bikini while mowing the lawn,
Yes, it gets extremely hot and humid in Arkansas and Louisiana where you sweat profusely mowing yards. It would be wise to wear less clothes for health reasons while getting a good tan too. In those states, lots of women mow the yards wearing next to nothing in hot humid summers that can kill you if you don't watch yourself. Bikini's are not off limits.

It's killing you to admit that you are wrong, isn't it?
What's the difference in men looking at a female in a bikini vs. pants?
Why is it fair that Jim Bob and Michelle consummated their relationship before marriage and they will not allow their children to hug before marriage?
Why aren't the Duggar girls allowed to wear bikinis? Has there been a climate change in Arizona?
I'm never wrong. I only state facts.

LOL......says the Prince of Lies.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.

Sorry, but you are the one expressing "outrage" here. Lol! Defending child molestation? The way the family "handled" it? All wrong. This boy should have been seeing professional licensed counselors and should have been separated from the other siblings. It is a parent's job to PROTECT their children from harm, regardless of who it is that is doing the harm.

Silhouette made it clear she was appalled by what he did in her own words here on the thread, Chris. I believe she is asking the question of the legality of what Oprah did as Duggar was a 14 yr old boy at the time and his records would have been sealed. Obviously others questioned this too or the thread wouldn't still be going. imo.
So the allegation that one of the girls was only 4 years old is interesting. I mean, it could be true, which would put it way beyond foolish teens experimenting in their age group.

Here's how the pedigree for that allegation works. Yes, Josh Duggar admitted to fondling girls when he was a young teen. But the way Oprah's show found out about that was an anonymous tip about a letter supposedly found in a book the Duggars forgot and handed to someone in their church. So far I've not seen a copy of that letter. Was it handwritten? Typed? We don't know.

So a minor girl comes out of the woodwork and says she wants the records destroyed pertaining to the investigation on Josh Duggar "to protect her identity". Here's the problem: we can't know who she is, so we have to go on rumors that she in fact exists. Or the judge's word: but that's the same judge who ordered the records destroyed.


1. Anonymous tip to Oprah about a letter nobody has seen.

2. That opens the door for Oprah to contact police and expose Josh Duggar (and ruin the entire Duggar family by extension...and no doubt hopefully the traditional family group Josh Duggar headed up by association) for a juvenile offense (rightly or wrongly handled)

3. The timing (see traditional family group)

4. An anonymous complaint from a girl still a minor, to a judge who ordered everything about that complaint destroyed.

5. A media blitz with scores of LGBT/media screaming foul to the seven winds about "traditional family people are molesting children (too)!"; while they proudly carry around Harvey Milk postage stamps in their wallets and purses.

6. Oprah's people knew of this since 2006, which was 9 years ago. While the Duggars waited a few months to go to police about Josh, devastated, humble and ashamed..(he will wear the scarlet letter forever) Oprah (or that news from Oprah's people) waited until May 2015 to go to police (excuse to go to the press) about Josh. And then the choir accuses that the Duggars "tried to bury the situation"???

I don't all seems a bit odd to me. Will have to see how this all pans out.. It definitely feels like it was well-planned in advance to all unveil right at this precise moment in time. Say, aren't the US Supreme Court Justices deliberating traditional v gay marriage right about now?

Now that's just a spooky coincidence...

excellent post.
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.

I agree with you. Forgiveness is a choice, Syriusly. If we want to be forgiven we must choose to forgive those who sin against us. Forgiveness is as much for the victim as it is the offender. It frees the person to move on with their life. You're right. Lots of people in prison have repented of their sins and still they must serve their sentence. Josh Duggar wasn't charged - yet what he did is a crime - instead of prison he must live with the aftermath of what he did. Sin has consequences. I said this earlier. He is bearing that shame today.

As for the matter of forgiveness. Forgiveness is free and trust is earned. If the person had not repented I would question whether or not he was sorry for his actions. I strongly doubt that he was permitted to be alone with anyone after his confession and that it was a very long process of earning that trust - even to become the good father that he appears to be today.

In closing, it is good to keep in mind that God is the God of second chances. There are people reading who perhaps have committed far worse crimes than Josh Duggar has done and they need to know that they too can be forgiven of their sins. Paul was a murderer and the LORD forgave him and used him mightily for the kingdom of God. Lest we forget. God is ready and willing to receive any sinner through Jesus Christ and wash them of their sins so that they can have a new life in him.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.

Sorry, but you are the one expressing "outrage" here. Lol! Defending child molestation? The way the family "handled" it? All wrong. This boy should have been seeing professional licensed counselors and should have been separated from the other siblings. It is a parent's job to PROTECT their children from harm, regardless of who it is that is doing the harm.

Silhouette made it clear she was appalled by what he did in her own words here on the thread, Chris. I believe she is asking the question of the legality of what Oprah did as Duggar was a 14 yr old boy at the time and his records would have been sealed. Obviously others questioned this too or the thread wouldn't still be going. imo.

Harpo Studios received an e-mail, which included a police report showing Josh Duggar molested 5 little girls. Since Oprah owns Harpo Studios, it was her decision not to continue with the Duggar segment as their public portrayal of themselves as upstanding citizens with high moral standards and strict adherence to the Bible, was questionable, and I'm sure Oprah was aware the news of Josh Duggar's deviant behavior would become public knowledge. Why should she be a cheerleader for that family and upset her audience of millions with their hypocrisy?
Oprah, being a victim of rape, should know better than most that what Josh Duggar did was evil, damaging, and not deserving of flaunting his self-righteous, narrow-minded, hypocritical views in front of her audience.
That kid is a monster but he's white and a xstain so jerri is predictably defending him. Sad.

If you read my comments you'll find that I am defending his right to be forgiven of his sins because he sincerely repented of them and has not repeated them according to the report he is a responsible father and there has been no other report of having molested anyone. Therein he is forgiven. When you repent? You turn from your sin. You do not repeat it.

Jesus Christ told the prostitute that was about to be stoned to death - go and sin no more.

That is repentance.

Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.
how do YOU know he SINCERELY repented of them?
That kid is a monster but he's white and a xstain so jerri is predictably defending him. Sad.

If you read my comments you'll find that I am defending his right to be forgiven of his sins because he sincerely repented of them and has not repeated them according to the report he is a responsible father and there has been no other report of having molested anyone. Therein he is forgiven. When you repent? You turn from your sin. You do not repeat it.

Jesus Christ told the prostitute that was about to be stoned to death - go and sin no more.

That is repentance.

Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.
how do YOU know he SINCERELY repented of them?

How old is he? 28 yrs old? I'm not sure. It happened when he was 14 yrs. of age. The family has stated that he repented. I believe there was also a report that he said that he repented. Only God knows a persons heart, Dot. From what I can see? It appears to me his repentance was genuine.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.

Sorry, but you are the one expressing "outrage" here. Lol! Defending child molestation? The way the family "handled" it? All wrong. This boy should have been seeing professional licensed counselors and should have been separated from the other siblings. It is a parent's job to PROTECT their children from harm, regardless of who it is that is doing the harm.

Silhouette made it clear she was appalled by what he did in her own words here on the thread, Chris. I believe she is asking the question of the legality of what Oprah did as Duggar was a 14 yr old boy at the time and his records would have been sealed. Obviously others questioned this too or the thread wouldn't still be going. imo.

Harpo Studios received an e-mail, which included a police report showing Josh Duggar molested 5 little girls. Since Oprah owns Harpo Studios, it was her decision not to continue with the Duggar segment as their public portrayal of themselves as upstanding citizens with high moral standards and strict adherence to the Bible, was questionable, and I'm sure Oprah was aware the news of Josh Duggar's deviant behavior would become public knowledge. Why should she be a cheerleader for that family and upset her audience of millions with their hypocrisy?
Oprah, being a victim of rape, should know better than most that what Josh Duggar did was evil, damaging, and not deserving of flaunting his self-righteous, narrow-minded, hypocritical views in front of her audience.

There is no question, Lilah, that to harm any child is evil, damaging and inexcusable. I have never watched the show and do not get it on my television. We have very limited cable and do not even have access to the programs most of you discuss here. My point is that Josh is just as much a candidate for God's forgiveness as you would be had you at some point in your past - stole something - (theft) - had an abortion (committed murder) - told a lie (no liar shall inherit the kingdom of heaven) read your horoscope (astrology is of the occult and condemned by God as sin) and so forth.... Sin is sin. There is no sliding scale and God isn't grading on a curve.

Mercy triumphs over judgment. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

You'll be afforded the same mercy that you afford others, Lilah. Which is why we should always err on the side of mercy. Love covers a multitude of sins (your own).
Lilah, would you please watch this short video clip and tell me what message you get from it? Thank you in advance for viewing.

KAuthorized King James Version Bible - I was quoting the words of Jesus Christ. He said he didn't lose any except the son of perdition - which was Judas. God's Word does not need your opinion or mine. God's Word stands on its own merit. Leave your opinion out of it and let us take God at His Word, Lilah.
Those are the Words of Men, that other men today attempt to make the Literal Words of God. The KJV, in which I read daily and have since I was six, inspires me daily, but it is not Literal. The words stand when they are wise yet fail when they are not.
You are mistaken, Jake.

It is written:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16

Now let me ask you a question, Jake. Will you now accuse God of being a liar so that you may continue to justify yourself?
That line was written by a hand of man not god

I asked you for the link to the legal source you claim you have. I'm interested in seeing where the legal system identifies fondling as rape. I have not heard that before. You are telling me something new. Please post the link and the cip where it says that. Thank you.
Attorney General Eric Holder Announces Revisions to the Uniform Crime Report s Definition of Rape OPA Department of Justice the law is the law Jeremiah, it applies to christians too, and if something needs to be illegal for you, as a human being, to find it wrong or despicable than you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

From what I know about Eric Holder I don't trust him, Aland. I also do not believe that he can redefine rape because the Bible is very clear as to what rape is. Tamar was "raped by her brother" according to scripture and it is quite clear he "raped her" - it was not a matter of his having touched her inappropriately but having raped her - do you understand the difference? I hope you do by now and I also thank Lilah and others here for using the proper term for what happened and dropping the word rape from the discussion. It's important to stay with the truth and not veer off into untruths - things that did not happen. Thanks for reading.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.

Sorry, but you are the one expressing "outrage" here. Lol! Defending child molestation? The way the family "handled" it? All wrong. This boy should have been seeing professional licensed counselors and should have been separated from the other siblings. It is a parent's job to PROTECT their children from harm, regardless of who it is that is doing the harm.

Silhouette made it clear she was appalled by what he did in her own words here on the thread, Chris. I believe she is asking the question of the legality of what Oprah did as Duggar was a 14 yr old boy at the time and his records would have been sealed. Obviously others questioned this too or the thread wouldn't still be going. imo.

Harpo Studios received an e-mail, which included a police report showing Josh Duggar molested 5 little girls. Since Oprah owns Harpo Studios, it was her decision not to continue with the Duggar segment as their public portrayal of themselves as upstanding citizens with high moral standards and strict adherence to the Bible, was questionable, and I'm sure Oprah was aware the news of Josh Duggar's deviant behavior would become public knowledge. Why should she be a cheerleader for that family and upset her audience of millions with their hypocrisy?
Oprah, being a victim of rape, should know better than most that what Josh Duggar did was evil, damaging, and not deserving of flaunting his self-righteous, narrow-minded, hypocritical views in front of her audience.

There is no question, Lilah, that to harm any child is evil, damaging and inexcusable. I have never watched the show and do not get it on my television. We have very limited cable and do not even have access to the programs most of you discuss here. My point is that Josh is just as much a candidate for God's forgiveness as you would be had you at some point in your past - stole something - (theft) - had an abortion (committed murder) - told a lie (no liar shall inherit the kingdom of heaven) read your horoscope (astrology is of the occult and condemned by God as sin) and so forth.... Sin is sin. There is no sliding scale and God isn't grading on a curve.

Mercy triumphs over judgment. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

You'll be afforded the same mercy that you afford others, Lilah. Which is why we should always err on the side of mercy. Love covers a multitude of sins.

From reading your posts, I tend to believe that you are good person with a kind and generous heart; however, at the same time, I believe you are a bit naïve.

Of course, I believe anyone, anywhere, at any time may ask for mercy, but according to Matthews 18:6, will they receive it?

Matthew 18:6
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Anyone who knowingly harms a child, particularly a baby, should be held accountable for their deviant behavior. Josh Duggar, having been a product of such a highly scrupulous family, known for their strict adherence to God's word, should have known better than to molest little girls. One would think that his father, Jim Bob, would have taught his son about sex and sex immorality; however, it doesn't appear he did, or if he did, perhaps Josh has deep rooted problems.

One can't help but wonder about the Duggar family and what dark secrets they may hold. The parents, who engaged in sexual activities before marriage, among other things, now hold their children to a different standard; one that most people find incredibly challenging.

Josh Duggar, after molesting 5 little girls that we know of to-date, must have deep down felt like a hypocrite when he announced publicly that he and wife had never so much as hugged before they married. The hypocrisy is glaringly vile, and brings into question the virtue of the Duggar family.

It's sinful to try and sweep the truth of what Josh Duggar did to those little girls under the rug, and if you are a member of the sect who supports his acts as being forgiven and forgotten, you are participating in his sin.
Just my opinion.
Last edited:
Lilah, would you please watch this short video clip and tell me what message you get from it? Thank you in advance for viewing.

Forgiveness is sometimes difficult if not impossible to offer.
A mother or father of a baby who has been raped, should not have to offer up their forgiveness to the rapist.
Are you able to understand that?
I support Duggars and I support what Huckabee stated. OMG all the hate Josh is getting not even a member of ISIS gets that much hate. This family is a good family. They have never portray themselves as perfect and you got to be dumb as a rocks to think they are. They simply trying to live the life that Christ teaches. However, believing in Christ does not make our lives perfect nor does it prevent Christians to go thru life's trials.

As for Josh, he is no longer that 14 years just like all of you are not. He made amends. Many of you are still calling him a pedophile when he is NOT a pedophile. So if you had several drinks as a teen, does that still make you an Alcoholic? If you stole numerous times from a store and stopped does that still make you a Kleptomania? Are you consider a smoker even though you tried smoking as a teen? Are you consider a Drug User even though you experimented on Cocaine, etc as a teen.? Are you a serial killer if you committed a murder in your teen? Are you still a pedophile if you fondle minors as a teen? Can all of these acts I mentioned above be rehabilitated? YES!!! When it is caught during their teens. Once pass teens - No.

Now many say he did not get the proper counseling. Perhaps he did, but I believe they did it the right way. He was sent away and that was a proper way of doing it. Whatever the case may be he regrets it and also you nor I can say that perhaps the victims have forgiven him.

Talking about the victims, I find it interesting that many haters say they care for the victims but yet they have jumped on the bandwagon along with the media rehashing those events in PUBLIC. In other words they are being molested again emotionally by you folks.

Taking about jumping on the bandwagon, guess who jumped in? Montel Williams. He should be ashamed of himself. He himself is a hypocrite. This is the same man who was associated with payday loans and worst of all. He had "Psychic" Sylvia Brown numerous times on his show. She told a mother that her son Shawn Hornbeck was dead. Then she told another mother that her daughter Amanda Berry was dead. GUESS WHAT - They were both ALIVE! Shawn Hornbeck's mother stated that she walked out distraught out of the show. Now that is sick! Yet he has the nerve to judge others.

So just had to put my 2 cents worth since for crying out loud this Josh issue is getting bigger. Not even Bin Laden or an ISIS subject were that long and continuous.

Josh does not owe me any apology to me nor to you. Only to God and his victims and that is it - period!

What has people angry with the Duggars and especially Josh, is that he has publicly opposed gay marriage on the grounds that gays molest children. First off the incidents of gays molesting children are very rare, but Josh, who really did molest children, says all gays molest children.

So he lied then and he lied now. The Bible says that only those among you who are without sin should cast the first stone. Josh should have kept his mouth shut other than to apologize to all of the gay men and women who have never molested a child and would never think of doing so.

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