Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.
No one is condemning the whole family, or if they are then I agree with you, but the vast majority of us are condemning him and his parents, and they are definitely worthy of it.
Except two posts down from yours shows the truth .... hypocrisy is a bastion of the liberal and dishonest
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
^^ Says the girl with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in her purse.. ^^
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.
No one is condemning the whole family, or if they are then I agree with you, but the vast majority of us are condemning him and his parents, and they are definitely worthy of it.
Except two posts down from yours shows the truth .... hypocrisy is a bastion of the liberal and dishonest
So now I am a liar? And please give me an example of me myself being a hypocrite, please, humor me. :)
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
I do not think that that is what Chrisl meant though I will say that that would not be the worst reason to find a person strange :)
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
^^ Says the girl with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in her purse.. ^^
isn't this your thread and your thread topic?

WHY are you trying to deflect and hijack your own thread?
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
^^ Says the girl with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in her purse.. ^^

You know about as much about me as you do about anything else - nothing. :blahblah: You don't like that I think the Duggars are weird? Well too bad. I think they are weird.

Actually, I just recently found out who that perv was. He was before my time.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?
No, because they DON'T believe in Harvey Milk...while she professes outrage at what Duggar did as an idiot adolescent. Note I called him an idiot and didn't recommend he be enshrined in law as representative of the paragon of perfect Christianity "across the nation and the world". And I didn't urge the US Postal Service to commemorate a stamp in his honor as such after I learned what he did.

See the difference in the two perspectives? One is based on lying, hypocrisy and blind-judgmentalism. The other is based in truth, consistency and humility. Both men did the same thing (sexual acts with minors), one is a celebrated icon for doing so and the other wears a scarlet letter of shame around his neck for the rest of his life.

One is called "The LGBT cult", the other is called Christianity.

Sorry, but you are the one expressing "outrage" here. Lol! Defending child molestation? The way the family "handled" it? All wrong. This boy should have been seeing professional licensed counselors and should have been separated from the other siblings. It is a parent's job to PROTECT their children from harm, regardless of who it is that is doing the harm.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
^^ Says the girl with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in her purse.. ^^

You know about as much about me as you do about anything else - nothing. :blahblah: You don't like that I think the Duggars are weird? Well too bad. I think they are weird.
Actually, I just recently found out who that perv was. He was before my time.

So you acknowledge that Harvey Milk was a pervert around children, know that the LGBT community after that knowledge, made him their cult icon, and you still are 100% behind the LGBT movement..... What does that say about you? It says: I'll bet dollars to donuts you too bought a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps and have some in your purse right now. You are the perfect example of the blind sychophant. An airheaded nimrod looking for a cause to belong to; nevermind the fine details of that cause...just raise that freak flag proud and high and join the chorus of those you march with that demand nobody point out the elephant in the living room!..
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
^^ Says the girl with a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps in her purse.. ^^

You know about as much about me as you do about anything else - nothing. :blahblah: You don't like that I think the Duggars are weird? Well too bad. I think they are weird.
Actually, I just recently found out who that perv was. He was before my time.

So you acknowledge that Harvey Milk was a pervert around children, know that the LGBT community after that knowledge, made him their cult icon, and you still are 100% behind the LGBT movement..... What does that say about you? It says: I'll bet dollars to donuts you too bought a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps and have some in your purse right now. You are the perfect example of the blind sychophant. An airheaded nimrod looking for a cause to belong to; nevermind the fine details of that cause...just raise that freak flag proud and high and join the chorus of those you march with that demand nobody point out the elephant in the living room!..

I don't belong to any cause. I do not have any stamps at all, as a matter of fact. I'm just here giving MY opinion. If you don't like it, that is just so sad, and too bad for you. Go cry to your mommy or something.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

If anyone is insane, it is this family. :cuckoo:
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time
I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
No they shouldn't. YOUR PLACE is being submissive to a man at all time as well as being in the kitchen and also running his bathwater.
Why because they believe in Jesus?

No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .
No, because their beliefs are more in line with "sharia" beliefs and they have TWENTY kids!!! Is that normal to you?
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
No they shouldn't. YOUR PLACE is being submissive to a man and in the kitchen as well as running his bathwater.

I actually did used to run a bath and bathe my ex-boyfriend, but it was completely of my own free will, and I wore pants! :lol:

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