Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Truly, I haven't delved in to all that happened and what is being said and by whom, other than skimming what has been said in maybe 25 posts n this thread, and I didn't even know the Druggers were Christian or even portrayed themselves as a 'good Christian Family' or anything like that, (though I will admit, somewhere in the back of my head... I thought it was just another Mormon or Latter Day Saints reality series with 19 kids and Counting among all the wives... lol) So know, I have never watched the show, though have channel flipped over it so I had seen the show's title many times...

My thoughts have progressed to...

when Josh was 14.... he was really messed up and did some horrible things to his sisters... and probably scarred them for the rest their lives, even without the girls knowing it on the'll be there, deep in the back of their heads, especially the smallest...if this is true about his alleged actions with her.

All of the children involved, should have been seen and treated, by professional counselors that deal in this kind of behavior, including Josh....perhaps hindsight is 20/20 though? Matt and I were never able to have children together so I can only imagine what it would be like being a mother, but I can not imagine that I would turn over my son to the police, on this kind of thing...actually, I can't even imagine that it would ever happen with Matt and me as parents, but we would have never had 19 kids that we could not keep track of, even if I could have had children with him.

What I can imagine is that I would have immediately been concerned for my little girls, I would have wanted them all examined physically... and would have found the best professional counseling I could for THEM! And I also would have sought professional Counseling for Josh, along with both Matt and I sitting down with him every day, one on one time, talking to him about what he did and why it was wrong and very hurtful towards his sisters.

I'd be concerned as a parent, on where we went 'wrong' with our son, and what we did to cause him to be this disturbed and unable to control himself, (most hormone bursting young male teen would masturbate, so I've been told) and how he could even think it was "ok" to do what he did....did it come from something we did, or didn't do as parents?

At the same time, maybe the Druggers felt they were doing all they could do? Can we not give them the benefit of the doubt on this...? It's not like they sat back and did nothing....they did reprimand Josh and did seek help for him, and yes I don't think it would have been easy for them to go to their Church Pastors and tell them about it but they did do this...maybe not the help I would have chosen, but that would be MY choice, whatever it may be, as the Drugger's

From what I have read, this kind of stuff happens a lot more than we all may think, in this Nation of ours...and we don't hear about the most of it, except maybe occasionally in a local story, if that...

Josh was a juvenile when this happened, and this information should have never been released in my humble opinion...even with "a freedom of information request" for this that was redacted with black out info....which is how the info got out, as a juvenile when it happened, those accusations or wrong doings should never be released.

I don't know anything about Josh now as a grown up... other than what has been said in the thread or a link or two from the thread, but I've see no signs of him being the 14 year old molester that he once was.... time will tell, I suppose....and I pray the girls are doing okay...deep inside.
Truly, I haven't delved in to all that happened and what is being said and by whom, other than skimming what has been said in maybe 25 posts n this thread, and I didn't even know the Druggers were Christian or even portrayed themselves as a 'good Christian Family' or anything like that, (though I will admit, somewhere in the back of my head... I thought it was just another Mormon or Latter Day Saints reality series with 19 kids and Counting among all the wives... lol) So know, I have never watched the show, though have channel flipped over it so I had seen the show's title many times...

My thoughts have progressed to...

when Josh was 14.... he was really messed up and did some horrible things to his sisters... and probably scarred them for the rest their lives, even without the girls knowing it on the'll be there, deep in the back of their heads, especially the smallest...if this is true about his alleged actions with her.

All of the children involved, should have been seen and treated, by professional counselors that deal in this kind of behavior, including Josh....perhaps hindsight is 20/20 though? Matt and I were never able to have children together so I can only imagine what it would be like being a mother, but I can not imagine that I would turn over my son to the police, on this kind of thing...actually, I can't even imagine that it would ever happen with Matt and me as parents, but we would have never had 19 kids that we could not keep track of, even if I could have had children with him.

What I can imagine is that I would have immediately been concerned for my little girls, I would have wanted them all examined physically... and would have found the best professional counseling I could for THEM! And I also would have sought professional Counseling for Josh, along with both Matt and I sitting down with him every day, one on one time, talking to him about what he did and why it was wrong and very hurtful towards his sisters.

I'd be concerned as a parent, on where we went 'wrong' with our son, and what we did to cause him to be this disturbed and unable to control himself, (most hormone bursting young male teen would masturbate, so I've been told) and how he could even think it was "ok" to do what he did....did it come from something we did, or didn't do as parents?

At the same time, maybe the Druggers felt they were doing all they could do? Can we not give them the benefit of the doubt on this...? It's not like they sat back and did nothing....they did reprimand Josh and did seek help for him, and yes I don't think it would have been easy for them to go to their Church Pastors and tell them about it but they did do this...maybe not the help I would have chosen, but that would be MY choice, whatever it may be, as the Drugger's

From what I have read, this kind of stuff happens a lot more than we all may think, in this Nation of ours...and we don't hear about the most of it, except maybe occasionally in a local story, if that...

Josh was a juvenile when this happened, and this information should have never been released in my humble opinion...even with "a freedom of information request" for this that was redacted with black out info....which is how the info got out, as a juvenile when it happened, those accusations or wrong doings should never be released.

I don't know anything about Josh now as a grown up... other than what has been said in the thread or a link or two from the thread, but I've see no signs of him being the 14 year old molester that he once was.... time will tell, I suppose....and I pray the girls are doing okay...deep inside.

Apparently, they sent him to be mentored by some child molester afterwards! Not sure how true that one is, but that is what I've read elsewhere. I'll see if I can find anything else about that.

Are they Christians or Mormons? I thought they were more Mormons for some reason, but what do I know? I don't and never have watched that show.

Also, I just always got some strange vibes from that family whenever they were one of the shows I do watch (like the Today Show). They all just seem TOO happy and seem to have no problems, and it's been my experience that those are the families that are really completely dysfunctional in reality, and you have to be a little strange to want to have your private lives filmed for public viewing and . . . not to mention . . . the 20 kids.

Maybe it's just me, but I would think a person would have to be out of her MIND to want to birth and raise 20 kids! Holy prolapsed uterus! :ack-1:
Truly, I haven't delved in to all that happened and what is being said and by whom, other than skimming what has been said in maybe 25 posts n this thread, and I didn't even know the Druggers were Christian or even portrayed themselves as a 'good Christian Family' or anything like that, (though I will admit, somewhere in the back of my head... I thought it was just another Mormon or Latter Day Saints reality series with 19 kids and Counting among all the wives... lol) So know, I have never watched the show, though have channel flipped over it so I had seen the show's title many times...

My thoughts have progressed to...

when Josh was 14.... he was really messed up and did some horrible things to his sisters... and probably scarred them for the rest their lives, even without the girls knowing it on the'll be there, deep in the back of their heads, especially the smallest...if this is true about his alleged actions with her.

All of the children involved, should have been seen and treated, by professional counselors that deal in this kind of behavior, including Josh....perhaps hindsight is 20/20 though? Matt and I were never able to have children together so I can only imagine what it would be like being a mother, but I can not imagine that I would turn over my son to the police, on this kind of thing...actually, I can't even imagine that it would ever happen with Matt and me as parents, but we would have never had 19 kids that we could not keep track of, even if I could have had children with him.

What I can imagine is that I would have immediately been concerned for my little girls, I would have wanted them all examined physically... and would have found the best professional counseling I could for THEM! And I also would have sought professional Counseling for Josh, along with both Matt and I sitting down with him every day, one on one time, talking to him about what he did and why it was wrong and very hurtful towards his sisters.

I'd be concerned as a parent, on where we went 'wrong' with our son, and what we did to cause him to be this disturbed and unable to control himself, (most hormone bursting young male teen would masturbate, so I've been told) and how he could even think it was "ok" to do what he did....did it come from something we did, or didn't do as parents?

At the same time, maybe the Druggers felt they were doing all they could do? Can we not give them the benefit of the doubt on this...? It's not like they sat back and did nothing....they did reprimand Josh and did seek help for him, and yes I don't think it would have been easy for them to go to their Church Pastors and tell them about it but they did do this...maybe not the help I would have chosen, but that would be MY choice, whatever it may be, as the Drugger's

From what I have read, this kind of stuff happens a lot more than we all may think, in this Nation of ours...and we don't hear about the most of it, except maybe occasionally in a local story, if that...

Josh was a juvenile when this happened, and this information should have never been released in my humble opinion...even with "a freedom of information request" for this that was redacted with black out info....which is how the info got out, as a juvenile when it happened, those accusations or wrong doings should never be released.

I don't know anything about Josh now as a grown up... other than what has been said in the thread or a link or two from the thread, but I've see no signs of him being the 14 year old molester that he once was.... time will tell, I suppose....and I pray the girls are doing okay...deep inside.

Very well thought out response, reasonable. I am hearing so many different stories. Even timelines are different. Then we get on this board and I hear rape, fourth degree assault, babies raped, adolescents sexually assaulted.

The statute of limitations is over and so the story maybe over. I feel for the victims and I hope they can deal with this issue the rest of their life.
Truly, I haven't delved in to all that happened and what is being said and by whom, other than skimming what has been said in maybe 25 posts n this thread, and I didn't even know the Druggers were Christian or even portrayed themselves as a 'good Christian Family' or anything like that, (though I will admit, somewhere in the back of my head... I thought it was just another Mormon or Latter Day Saints reality series with 19 kids and Counting among all the wives... lol) So know, I have never watched the show, though have channel flipped over it so I had seen the show's title many times...

My thoughts have progressed to...

when Josh was 14.... he was really messed up and did some horrible things to his sisters... and probably scarred them for the rest their lives, even without the girls knowing it on the'll be there, deep in the back of their heads, especially the smallest...if this is true about his alleged actions with her.

All of the children involved, should have been seen and treated, by professional counselors that deal in this kind of behavior, including Josh....perhaps hindsight is 20/20 though? Matt and I were never able to have children together so I can only imagine what it would be like being a mother, but I can not imagine that I would turn over my son to the police, on this kind of thing...actually, I can't even imagine that it would ever happen with Matt and me as parents, but we would have never had 19 kids that we could not keep track of, even if I could have had children with him.

What I can imagine is that I would have immediately been concerned for my little girls, I would have wanted them all examined physically... and would have found the best professional counseling I could for THEM! And I also would have sought professional Counseling for Josh, along with both Matt and I sitting down with him every day, one on one time, talking to him about what he did and why it was wrong and very hurtful towards his sisters.

I'd be concerned as a parent, on where we went 'wrong' with our son, and what we did to cause him to be this disturbed and unable to control himself, (most hormone bursting young male teen would masturbate, so I've been told) and how he could even think it was "ok" to do what he did....did it come from something we did, or didn't do as parents?

At the same time, maybe the Druggers felt they were doing all they could do? Can we not give them the benefit of the doubt on this...? It's not like they sat back and did nothing....they did reprimand Josh and did seek help for him, and yes I don't think it would have been easy for them to go to their Church Pastors and tell them about it but they did do this...maybe not the help I would have chosen, but that would be MY choice, whatever it may be, as the Drugger's

From what I have read, this kind of stuff happens a lot more than we all may think, in this Nation of ours...and we don't hear about the most of it, except maybe occasionally in a local story, if that...

Josh was a juvenile when this happened, and this information should have never been released in my humble opinion...even with "a freedom of information request" for this that was redacted with black out info....which is how the info got out, as a juvenile when it happened, those accusations or wrong doings should never be released.

I don't know anything about Josh now as a grown up... other than what has been said in the thread or a link or two from the thread, but I've see no signs of him being the 14 year old molester that he once was.... time will tell, I suppose....and I pray the girls are doing okay...deep inside.

Apparently, they sent him to be mentored by some child molester afterwards! Not sure how true that one is, but that is what I've read elsewhere. I'll see if I can find anything else about that.

Are they Christians or Mormons? I thought they were more Mormons for some reason, but what do I know? I don't and never have watched that show.

Also, I just always got some strange vibes from that family whenever they were one of the shows I do watch (like the Today Show). They all just seem TOO happy and seem to have no problems, and it's been my experience that those are the families that are really completely dysfunctional in reality, and you have to be a little strange to want to have your private lives filmed for public viewing and . . . not to mention . . . the 20 kids.

Maybe it's just me, but I would think a person would have to be out of her MIND to want to birth and raise 20 kids! Holy prolapsed uterus! :ack-1:
The reason they want to have so many kids is to be an inspiration for other white couples to breed and keep the white gene pool thriving. Right now the future of whites are being threatened due to interracial marriage/breeding resulting in tainting the purity of our gene pool.
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Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
We all strive to be servants, and, correct, you are speaking only as yourself. You are not an authority on Bible scripture, Jeri. Admit it and leave it.

The Bible is not a source for anything relevant in the real world, much less the past. If you're going to do that, then let's use the Farmer's Almanac for a source on morality. [[[Rolling my fucking eyes so high I hope they come down again.]]] Oh, how about let's go with a Dickens novel. Now that would serve a much better model for human morals and decay.

The Holy Bible is the only sure standard to live our lives by. I undersatand that you find the Holy Bible to be foolishness. It's evidence that you are perishing.

It is written:

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

We can see that the Gospel is the power of God to save in Duggar's life. Despite Satan's best efforts to tempt him into sin as a boy and then later destroy him by same sin - he is serving Christ with his whole heart today as are his sisters. This is the power of the Gospel. This sin sick world needs to see the power of the Gospel and know that there is hope not only for the drunkard, the addict, the thief, the liar, the sorcerer, the homosexual but for all who are struggling with some sin. There is forgiveness at the foot of the cross.
Because they were both little, Steve? The boy was 14, the girl was 5. Big difference.
Nope. Like Lena, he was a juvenile according to the law.
So was Travon Martin.
It was a feral animal called a negro. He doesn't count as a homo sapien.
Steve, quit acting like a feral white chimp, and get on OP. This is about whether Oprah should be sued for acting morally and legally.

I do not know if Oprah acted legally. She most definitely didn't act morally. We do not bring up the past sins of others that have been repented of and forgiven by God, Starkey.

As for my response to you yesterday. You said in an earlier thread the story has come out and so this must be the will of God and we should trust in Him. I have to agree with you, Starkey, because Satan could not wage this attack against this young man without first having been granted permission to wage it by petitioning God.
Satan uses the Bible as a law book when he approaches God accusing the Brethren. He could have petitioned God on the following grounds - The word of God says your sin will find you out! You must let me expose his sin to the world because they have chosen to be on TV / world audience. That is how Satan operates. Still Romans 8:23 will be fulfilled out of it because God is in full control. Yes, Jake, the bottom line is sin has consequences that can last a lifetime. He still has to face the fact that his own children will know about what he did and that too will be part of the consequences of his actions.

God forgives us of our sins and but the consequences can be devastating. Sin devastates lives. Not only the sinners' life but others as well.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.
No one is condemning the whole family, or if they are then I agree with you, but the vast majority of us are condemning him and his parents, and they are definitely worthy of it.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.
On your signature as much as I disagree with the liberals of this country they are still trying to give you as an individual far more rights than our conservative brethren.
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
We all strive to be servants, and, correct, you are speaking only as yourself. You are not an authority on Bible scripture, Jeri. Admit it and leave it.

The Bible is not a source for anything relevant in the real world, much less the past. If you're going to do that, then let's use the Farmer's Almanac for a source on morality. [[[Rolling my fucking eyes so high I hope they come down again.]]] Oh, how about let's go with a Dickens novel. Now that would serve a much better model for human morals and decay.

The Holy Bible is the only sure standard to live our lives by. I undersatand that you find the Holy Bible to be foolishness. It's evidence that you are perishing.

It is written:

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

We can see that the Gospel is the power of God to save in Duggar's life. Despite Satan's best efforts to tempt him into sin as a boy and then later destroy him by same sin - he is serving Christ with his whole heart today as are his sisters. This is the power of the Gospel. This sin sick world needs to see the power of the Gospel and know that there is hope not only for the drunkard, the addict, the thief, the liar, the sorcerer, the homosexual but for all who are struggling with some sin. There is forgiveness at the foot of the cross.
Jeri Jeri Jeri, the bible is not the only standard to live by, learn to think for yourself my friend, what good is freedom if you are a thought slave?
Ive always thought they were pretty nutty. What normal family puts everything out there on a tv show.
First thought was...if this kid was found doing it again and again, did they remove him from the family to protect their other children?
...maybe in some kind of hospital. Protecting loved ones is fine...denial of a huge problem is not fine.

Get the situation out of the public flogging arena where lies and false information spreads like wild fire.
Too bad the justice system is so crooked sometimes. Its desperately needed to look at all evidence, find the truth and prosecute if needed.

Verified sexual abuse of a minor ....NOT something to sweep under a rug
Truly, I haven't delved in to all that happened and what is being said and by whom, other than skimming what has been said in maybe 25 posts n this thread, and I didn't even know the Druggers were Christian or even portrayed themselves as a 'good Christian Family' or anything like that, (though I will admit, somewhere in the back of my head... I thought it was just another Mormon or Latter Day Saints reality series with 19 kids and Counting among all the wives... lol) So know, I have never watched the show, though have channel flipped over it so I had seen the show's title many times...

My thoughts have progressed to...

when Josh was 14.... he was really messed up and did some horrible things to his sisters... and probably scarred them for the rest their lives, even without the girls knowing it on the'll be there, deep in the back of their heads, especially the smallest...if this is true about his alleged actions with her.

All of the children involved, should have been seen and treated, by professional counselors that deal in this kind of behavior, including Josh....perhaps hindsight is 20/20 though? Matt and I were never able to have children together so I can only imagine what it would be like being a mother, but I can not imagine that I would turn over my son to the police, on this kind of thing...actually, I can't even imagine that it would ever happen with Matt and me as parents, but we would have never had 19 kids that we could not keep track of, even if I could have had children with him.

What I can imagine is that I would have immediately been concerned for my little girls, I would have wanted them all examined physically... and would have found the best professional counseling I could for THEM! And I also would have sought professional Counseling for Josh, along with both Matt and I sitting down with him every day, one on one time, talking to him about what he did and why it was wrong and very hurtful towards his sisters.

I'd be concerned as a parent, on where we went 'wrong' with our son, and what we did to cause him to be this disturbed and unable to control himself, (most hormone bursting young male teen would masturbate, so I've been told) and how he could even think it was "ok" to do what he did....did it come from something we did, or didn't do as parents?

At the same time, maybe the Druggers felt they were doing all they could do? Can we not give them the benefit of the doubt on this...? It's not like they sat back and did nothing....they did reprimand Josh and did seek help for him, and yes I don't think it would have been easy for them to go to their Church Pastors and tell them about it but they did do this...maybe not the help I would have chosen, but that would be MY choice, whatever it may be, as the Drugger's

From what I have read, this kind of stuff happens a lot more than we all may think, in this Nation of ours...and we don't hear about the most of it, except maybe occasionally in a local story, if that...

Josh was a juvenile when this happened, and this information should have never been released in my humble opinion...even with "a freedom of information request" for this that was redacted with black out info....which is how the info got out, as a juvenile when it happened, those accusations or wrong doings should never be released.

I don't know anything about Josh now as a grown up... other than what has been said in the thread or a link or two from the thread, but I've see no signs of him being the 14 year old molester that he once was.... time will tell, I suppose....and I pray the girls are doing okay...deep inside.

Apparently, they sent him to be mentored by some child molester afterwards! Not sure how true that one is, but that is what I've read elsewhere. I'll see if I can find anything else about that.

Are they Christians or Mormons? I thought they were more Mormons for some reason, but what do I know? I don't and never have watched that show.

Also, I just always got some strange vibes from that family whenever they were one of the shows I do watch (like the Today Show). They all just seem TOO happy and seem to have no problems, and it's been my experience that those are the families that are really completely dysfunctional in reality, and you have to be a little strange to want to have your private lives filmed for public viewing and . . . not to mention . . . the 20 kids.

Maybe it's just me, but I would think a person would have to be out of her MIND to want to birth and raise 20 kids! Holy prolapsed uterus! :ack-1:
The reason they want to have so many kids is to be an inspiration for other white couples to breed and keep the white gene pool thriving. Right now the future of whites are being threatened due to interracial marriage/breeding resulting in tainting the purity of our gene pool.

Why would that be an inspiration? You really think THAT is the reason why they've had so many kids? Why would ANY woman want to do that to her body?

For some reason, just the thought of birthing 20 kids kind of grosses me out.
So let me get this right..... There are what 19 kids????? ONE did something horrible and that means all of them are horrible???? What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit! How many of you have a sibling that is a fuck up? Does that make you a fuck up? Or your parents for trying to care for him? You liberals all disgust me. You all condemn a family like that racist fuck Montel Williams did for the action of ONE person who did some truly fucked up shit as a kid. you all condemn this family because of your bigoted hatred for all things Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean living with no sin.

I don't condemn them. I just think they are a bunch of weirdos is all.

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