Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lilah, would you please watch this short video clip and tell me what message you get from it? Thank you in advance for viewing.

Forgiveness is sometimes difficult if not impossible to offer.
A mother or father of a baby who has been raped, should not have to offer up their forgiveness to the rapist.
Are you able to understand that?

What I understand is that with God all things are possible. You will either receive that truth or reject it, Lilah. I cannot make you believe it. All I can do is offer you the truth. It's up to you to what you will do with it.
Lilah, would you please watch this short video clip and tell me what message you get from it? Thank you in advance for viewing.

Forgiveness is sometimes difficult if not impossible to offer.
A mother or father of a baby who has been raped, should not have to offer up their forgiveness to the rapist.
Are you able to understand that?

What I understand is that with God all things are possible. You will either receive that truth or reject it, Lilah. I cannot make you believe it. All I can do is offer you the truth. It's up to you to what you will do with it.

All things are not possible. If they were, there be no abuse of children.
Of course the hypocrite Sil, who says gay people molest children, who defend their own who molest children. Because it's the way God intended.
All things are possible with God, Lilah. Apart from God you and I can do nothing. It is with God that all things are possible. Man has been given a free will. What we do with it will determine where we spend eternity. Have you ever accepted Christ as your personal Savior?
All things are possible with God, Lilah. Apart from God you and I can do nothing. It is with God that all things are possible. Man has been given a free will. What we do with it will determine where we spend eternity. Have you ever accepted Christ as your personal Savior?

All things are possible for God, not man.
"Apart from God you and I can do nothing." Stephen Hawking has done a lot, wouldn't you say?
I support Duggars and I support what Huckabee stated. OMG all the hate Josh is getting not even a member of ISIS gets that much hate. This family is a good family. They have never portray themselves as perfect and you got to be dumb as a rocks to think they are. They simply trying to live the life that Christ teaches. However, believing in Christ does not make our lives perfect nor does it prevent Christians to go thru life's trials.

As for Josh, he is no longer that 14 years just like all of you are not. He made amends. Many of you are still calling him a pedophile when he is NOT a pedophile. So if you had several drinks as a teen, does that still make you an Alcoholic? If you stole numerous times from a store and stopped does that still make you a Kleptomania? Are you consider a smoker even though you tried smoking as a teen? Are you consider a Drug User even though you experimented on Cocaine, etc as a teen.? Are you a serial killer if you committed a murder in your teen? Are you still a pedophile if you fondle minors as a teen? Can all of these acts I mentioned above be rehabilitated? YES!!! When it is caught during their teens. Once pass teens - No.

Now many say he did not get the proper counseling. Perhaps he did, but I believe they did it the right way. He was sent away and that was a proper way of doing it. Whatever the case may be he regrets it and also you nor I can say that perhaps the victims have forgiven him.

Talking about the victims, I find it interesting that many haters say they care for the victims but yet they have jumped on the bandwagon along with the media rehashing those events in PUBLIC. In other words they are being molested again emotionally by you folks.

Taking about jumping on the bandwagon, guess who jumped in? Montel Williams. He should be ashamed of himself. He himself is a hypocrite. This is the same man who was associated with payday loans and worst of all. He had "Psychic" Sylvia Brown numerous times on his show. She told a mother that her son Shawn Hornbeck was dead. Then she told another mother that her daughter Amanda Berry was dead. GUESS WHAT - They were both ALIVE! Shawn Hornbeck's mother stated that she walked out distraught out of the show. Now that is sick! Yet he has the nerve to judge others.

So just had to put my 2 cents worth since for crying out loud this Josh issue is getting bigger. Not even Bin Laden or an ISIS subject were that long and continuous.

Josh does not owe me any apology to me nor to you. Only to God and his victims and that is it - period!


Why are you allowed to have a double standard? Why should a powerfully built teenage boy, who harassed his pretty young teacher until she relented to have sex with him, go free and she has to go to prison?
What is wrong with the thumpers that they continue to defend this guy and his lying family. They have lied all these years. They parents did not take care of their own daughters or the other girls he molested. He has been protected but who is protecting his victims? Who is protecting his own three children?

All the yadda yadda about god, bible means nothing unless you protect past and potential victims and that's something the fake christians never ever do. Instead, they're protecting this bunch of hypocritical predators.

The Duggars are not Christians. They are snake oil salesmen, just like slimy Huckster.

Angel Pie You think its okay that Huckster is selling a phony cure for a very real disease? Or that he says the cure for cancer in is the bible and that if you believer hard enough (and send him money), you'll be cured? Or that he actually sells "christian emergency food" for the endtimes?

As for suing Oprah - On what grounds?

Why are the rabid RWs always against holding selected criminals responsible for their crimes?
I support Duggars and I support what Huckabee stated. OMG all the hate Josh is getting not even a member of ISIS gets that much hate. This family is a good family. They have never portray themselves as perfect and you got to be dumb as a rocks to think they are. They simply trying to live the life that Christ teaches. However, believing in Christ does not make our lives perfect nor does it prevent Christians to go thru life's trials.

As for Josh, he is no longer that 14 years just like all of you are not. He made amends. Many of you are still calling him a pedophile when he is NOT a pedophile. So if you had several drinks as a teen, does that still make you an Alcoholic? If you stole numerous times from a store and stopped does that still make you a Kleptomania? Are you consider a smoker even though you tried smoking as a teen? Are you consider a Drug User even though you experimented on Cocaine, etc as a teen.? Are you a serial killer if you committed a murder in your teen? Are you still a pedophile if you fondle minors as a teen? Can all of these acts I mentioned above be rehabilitated? YES!!! When it is caught during their teens. Once pass teens - No.

Now many say he did not get the proper counseling. Perhaps he did, but I believe they did it the right way. He was sent away and that was a proper way of doing it. Whatever the case may be he regrets it and also you nor I can say that perhaps the victims have forgiven him.

Talking about the victims, I find it interesting that many haters say they care for the victims but yet they have jumped on the bandwagon along with the media rehashing those events in PUBLIC. In other words they are being molested again emotionally by you folks.

Taking about jumping on the bandwagon, guess who jumped in? Montel Williams. He should be ashamed of himself. He himself is a hypocrite. This is the same man who was associated with payday loans and worst of all. He had "Psychic" Sylvia Brown numerous times on his show. She told a mother that her son Shawn Hornbeck was dead. Then she told another mother that her daughter Amanda Berry was dead. GUESS WHAT - They were both ALIVE! Shawn Hornbeck's mother stated that she walked out distraught out of the show. Now that is sick! Yet he has the nerve to judge others.

So just had to put my 2 cents worth since for crying out loud this Josh issue is getting bigger. Not even Bin Laden or an ISIS subject were that long and continuous.

Josh does not owe me any apology to me nor to you. Only to God and his victims and that is it - period!


A ring of protection does no good when the molestation is within that ring.

Josh Duggar molested his sisters. That is incest.

The parents not doing anything about it aided and abetted felonies.

Twice, since their son committed incest at age 14 AND 15.

Their son molested their youngest daughter!

Gays are a lot less dangerous than a son who preys on your daughters.

Incest is very disgusting and extremely harmful to the victims.

I hate incest but you and Huckabee wanna give it a pass.

There is something wrong with anyone who takes incest so lightly.

Regards from Rosie
All things are possible with God, Lilah. Apart from God you and I can do nothing. It is with God that all things are possible. Man has been given a free will. What we do with it will determine where we spend eternity. Have you ever accepted Christ as your personal Savior?

Jeremiah and Angel Pie and other thumpers who worship this inbred litter of trailer trash need to answer for your god.

Why didn't he stop Josh from molesting these innocent little girls?

Why did he tell Josh's parents to send him to a kitty porn creep?

Why did he leat Josh get away with it a second time?

Why does god turn his back on ALL victims of sexual predators?

The fact is, your god does nothing at all for the least among us. Quit preaching and answer to that reality.
They are in line with sharia because they didn't abort thier children? Are you fucking insane ?

Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
if a woman is a slut then they are a slut... You not saying it doesn't make it less true....
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
You always want to make those Christians pay dont you???? You are a bigoted asshole.
Have you ever read about this family's belief system? They believe that the women should be covered. They cannot wear pants. They can only wear dresses that come to below the knee. They believe in all kinds of weird religious crapola.
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
if a woman is a slut then they are a slut... You not saying it doesn't make it less true....

Do me a favor- wear a shirt that says that- just to alert women as to your point of view. Then it will just be a good example of Darwin's law if any woman is stupid enough to have anything to do with you.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
You always want to make those Christians pay dont you???? You are a bigoted asshole.

Since I was responding to the Christian who was telling us how Christians should forgive- no.

But thank you for the opinion of the misogynist asshole community.
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
You always want to make those Christians pay dont you???? You are a bigoted asshole.

There are no christians involved in this.

More to the point though, are you saying that bible thumpers should be immune to punishment for their crimes?

You wanna explain to little 4-5yo girls why your god says its okay for fake christians to molest them?
What has people angry with the Duggars and especially Josh, is that he has publicly opposed gay marriage on the grounds that gays molest children. First off the incidents of gays molesting children are very rare, but Josh, who really did molest children, says all gays molest children.

So he lied then and he lied now. The Bible says that only those among you who are without sin should cast the first stone. Josh should have kept his mouth shut other than to apologize to all of the gay men and women who have never molested a child and would never think of doing so.
This is the true agenda of the progressive attack machine....Twist it all on to making homosexual marriage seem normal...Not everything is about homosexuals you egotistical freaks
You mean treat women with respect and sex is for married people? I know how alien that would be for someone who thinks with thier sexual part all the time

I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
if a woman is a slut then they are a slut... You not saying it doesn't make it less true....

Do me a favor- wear a shirt that says that- just to alert women as to your point of view. Then it will just be a good example of Darwin's law if any woman is stupid enough to have anything to do with you.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
Hey bitch I am married and my wife agrees with me. We teach our daughter to have respect of herself and her body and to not be a slut. We also teach her that sex isn't everything. To bad sluts seem to think it is.
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
You always want to make those Christians pay dont you???? You are a bigoted asshole.

Since I was responding to the Christian who was telling us how Christians should forgive- no.

But thank you for the opinion of the misogynist asshole community.
calling yourself one means shit when you dont act like one.
Josh Duggar repented. If God has forgiven a person of their past sins who are you to remind them of it?

You have not right to do it and neither does Oprah Winfrey. That is the bottom line here.

Christians can choose to forgive persons of their past sins.

But no one is obligated to do so just because a person says that they have repented.

Lots of people in prison who have 'repented'.....we don't let them out simply because they claim to be right with Jesus.
You always want to make those Christians pay dont you???? You are a bigoted asshole.

Since I was responding to the Christian who was telling us how Christians should forgive- no.

But thank you for the opinion of the misogynist asshole community.
calling yourself one means shit when you dont act like one.

LOL......that was hilarious!
I am a woman, moron. Making women feel "ashamed" of their bodies is rotten. We don't have anything to be ashamed of. If men cannot control themselves, then that is on THEM. Also, women should be able to wear PANTS.
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
if a woman is a slut then they are a slut... You not saying it doesn't make it less true....

Do me a favor- wear a shirt that says that- just to alert women as to your point of view. Then it will just be a good example of Darwin's law if any woman is stupid enough to have anything to do with you.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
Hey bitch I am married and my wife agrees with me. We teach our daughter to have respect of herself and her body and to not be a slut. We also teach her that sex isn't everything. To bad sluts seem to think it is.

My sincere regrets to your wife and daughter.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
Teaching your daughters not to be sluts is a good thing to bad you can't understand that .

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
if a woman is a slut then they are a slut... You not saying it doesn't make it less true....

Do me a favor- wear a shirt that says that- just to alert women as to your point of view. Then it will just be a good example of Darwin's law if any woman is stupid enough to have anything to do with you.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
Hey bitch I am married and my wife agrees with me. We teach our daughter to have respect of herself and her body and to not be a slut. We also teach her that sex isn't everything. To bad sluts seem to think it is.

My sincere regrets to your wife and daughter.

Teaching my daughters that only assholes call women sluts is a very good thing.

Women need to know how to avoid assholes like you and Stevie the Racist/Misogynist/Antisemite like they learn to avoid stepping out in front of oncoming traffic
I am sorry but what ever gave you the idea that sluts are only women????? What a arrogant asshole you are.

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