Should The Government Cut Back On Welfare Benefits or Should They Be More Generous?

I don't need to lie simply because I have a clue and a Cause; unlike you.

Prove it....

I never lie.
All lies can be based on appeals to ignorance.

Post it?

Because I know you are a child

See biscuit in my Av?

Well I am right behind him child
It is simple. You have no Thing but an unsubstantiated opinion you are trying to pass off as fact, simply because you say so.

Either substantiate your currently unsubstantiated opinion or run the risk of merely projecting who thie actual and real liar is.

What you just posted is word salad .

Now are you going to post stock statements just to see how rich you are?

Or just going to hide from me
If you don't know it; I am right.
Dude you are smoking way to much crack...

So know danielopolis is your real name?

Bye dumb fuck...

You are a 16 year old child
Hey Danny you want to see naked pictures of your mom ?

She just sent them to me on Ashley Madison.....

Damn she is hot...
Hey Danny you want to see naked pictures of your mom ?

She just sent them to me on Ashley Madison.....

Damn she is hot...
no. but, i have been "reviewing" the hot mom and hot step mom channels on some porn sites, but i mostly watch the honest wife channel and nice wife channel on most porn sites.
Meh, state governments help create local jobs by being business friendly

See Nikki getting Volvo in South Carolina and a host of other off shore jobs

See Texas creating (or stealing as the liberals would say) most of the jobs during Obama's receccison

Only what the federal government can do is create public sector jobs, create private sector jobs through Union military contracts or hinder private sector job growth... which Obama was great at with Obama care, threat of a raise in the minimum wage and just by being a democrat , no one wanted to invest much with this president because he is so anti business.
So, if the private sector doesn't want to invest to create jobs, why do they need a special tax rate called, capital gains that is not taxed as ordinary income?

Full employment/part-time employment should correlate to full and part-time jobs availability.

Why don't our elected representatives to federal government become as fond of micromanaging those tax rates are they are regular income tax codes.

If you were a billionaire would you want to invest in brick and motar company's during Obama's recession the past 7 years?

If you wanted too your net worth would be a hundred bucks....

That's why you are a poor ass socialist poster on USMB..

Give a poor ass socialist a million dollars he will only have $3 bucks to his name a year latter.

Its a fact.
Yes, it is why i get a tax break on capital gains, otherwise, i should have to pay regular taxes on that income, not invested.

Yea right dork, antother pretend to be one percenter poster?

You are so full of shit like he is.

Wow I never knew all these socialist played the stock market and owned business , so much so they post on USMB

Lying mother fucker....
I don't need to lie simply because I have a clue and a Cause; unlike you.

The difference between you and me Danny I post my real picture in my AV

And that's my dog , a blue Pitt...his name is biscuit

You just post stupid shit and hide.

Anoymaously ....
so what; anyone can post a picture. i post my real name and real arguments.

dear, have you been arguing with Edward? You seem to have nothing but diversion to work with.

But your mom is so steaming hot on ashley. Madison

So child you going to post stock statements bitch?
Hey Danny you want to see naked pictures of your mom ?

She just sent them to me on Ashley Madison.....

Damn she is hot...
no. but, i have been "reviewing" the hot mom and hot step mom channels on some porn sites, but i mostly watch the honest wife channel and nice wife channel on most porn sites.

Yea I know you are a broke ass child now

Who the he'll goes to porn sites?

Except fat ass ugly losers in life who couldn't even nail the prom queen
... Sicko

Who goes to porn sites sicko?

Fucking loser ...
What are you going to tell me now Danny you support that pedo subway bitch?

Who the fuck looks at porn? Danny?

When you can get the real thing?

Hey Danny you want to see naked pictures of your mom ?

She just sent them to me on Ashley Madison.....

Damn she is hot...
no. but, i have been "reviewing" the hot mom and hot step mom channels on some porn sites, but i mostly watch the honest wife channel and nice wife channel on most porn sites.

Yea I know you are a broke ass child now

Who the he'll goes to porn sites?

Except fat ass ugly losers in life who couldn't even nail the prom queen
... Sicko

Who goes to porn sites sicko?

Fucking loser ...
I slept through use them and lose class?

How else do you review a lot of "educational" material regarding women studies and ergonomics?
"Should The Government Cut Back On Welfare Benefits or Should They Be More Generous?"


The Federal government should fund and authorize state and local government to invest in education and training programs to facilitate Americans becoming prepared to enter the workforce in conjunction with private industry and employers, responding to the needs of private industry.
"Should The Government Cut Back On Welfare Benefits or Should They Be More Generous?"


The Federal government should fund and authorize state and local government to invest in education and training programs to facilitate Americans becoming prepared to enter the workforce in conjunction with private industry and employers, responding to the needs of private industry.
How does that work with any natural rate of unemployment and that form of "musical chairs" for jobs.

Consider the fact that by not solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, there would still be unemployed Persons even if everyone was required to obtain a doctorate.
Take it up with the OP

Why, you gave your manhood to the OP?

How does being born in our society mean you merit handouts?
Do you take a deduction.....I mean handout on your children as dependents?

How about your mortgage handout

It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids
The welfare system is way too large right now, and discourages work by the generous payments it gives out, and the way it is structured. If we were to cut welfare benefits, the government would save money through less welfare funding, and earn more money through income taxes since more people would be getting jobs via the discouragement of living off a super small pay-check.
Three Billion Dollars

Does that question include Corporate Welfare, like the ($3,000,000,000.00) a quarter to the Oil Companies?

Our government doesn't give anything to oil companies. All they can do with oil companies is take less away from them.




The U.S. Government gives Oil Companies $3,000,000,000.00 a quarter in U.S. Tax Payer Money.

Fucking Liar.
Why, you gave your manhood to the OP?

How does being born in our society mean you merit handouts?
Do you take a deduction.....I mean handout on your children as dependents?

How about your mortgage handout

It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.
Do you take a deduction.....I mean handout on your children as dependents?

How about your mortgage handout

It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.
Freeloading only seems to apply to others getting government handouts
Not others paying to support your kids and mortgage
The welfare system is way too large right now, and discourages work by the generous payments it gives out, and the way it is structured. If we were to cut welfare benefits, the government would save money through less welfare funding, and earn more money through income taxes since more people would be getting jobs via the discouragement of living off a super small pay-check.
Three Billion Dollars

Does that question include Corporate Welfare, like the ($3,000,000,000.00) a quarter to the Oil Companies?

Our government doesn't give anything to oil companies. All they can do with oil companies is take less away from them.




The U.S. Government gives Oil Companies $3,000,000,000.00 a quarter in U.S. Tax Payer Money.

Fucking Liar.

Oil Company Tax Breaks?

Both leading Democratic candidates have referred to tax breaks to oil companies:

Clinton, July 23, 2007: First of all, I have proposed a strategic energy fund that I would fund by taking away the tax break for the oil companies, which have gotten much greater under Bush and Cheney.

Obama, June 22, 2007: In the face of furious lobbying, Congress brushed aside incentives for the production of more renewable fuels in favor of more tax breaks for the oil and gas companies.

Both candidates are referring to H.R. 6, the 2005 energy bill that contained $14.3 billion in subsidies for energy companies. However, as we’ve reported numerous times, a vast majority of those subsidies (all but $2.8 billion) were for nuclear power, energy-efficient cars and buildings, and renewable fuels research. In addition, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, the tax changes in the 2005 energy bill produced a net tax increase for the oil and gas companies, as we’ve reported time and time and time again. They did get some breaks, but they had more taken away.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.
Freeloading only seems to apply to others getting government handouts
Not others paying to support your kids and mortgage

No one pays to support my kids or my mortgage, idiot. Stop smearing your stupid all over this thread.
So you took a handout to raise your kids

Why should you get to pay less taxes than someone without kids. It was your choice to have them

Right, comrade, government not taking people's money is "giving" them money. You mentioned that, comrade big guy

In fairness, Corporate Fatcats have benfited from Corporate Welfare for many many years. They always have their hand out. Don't kid yourself thinking otherwise.

Usually liberals by "corporate welfare" mean allowing companies to deduct their expenses. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else? I need a better definition.

I also have zero idea what your pulling that out of your ass means that I'm somehow "kidding" myself since it has nothing to do with what I said

Corporate Fatcats and Government are partners in crime. They're not the adversaries you see them as. Our Government can now best be described as a Government/Corporate Complex. Our nation is all about Corporatism now. Businesses are in bed with Government and always have their hands out. It is what it is.

Post after post you write vague crap that doesn't address anything I said while you say I said things I didn't say. If you want to stop being a moron at some point and have an actual conversation I'll be here

Meh, state governments help create local jobs by being business friendly

See Nikki getting Volvo in South Carolina and a host of other off shore jobs

See Texas creating (or stealing as the liberals would say) most of the jobs during Obama's receccison

Only what the federal government can do is create public sector jobs, create private sector jobs through Union military contracts or hinder private sector job growth... which Obama was great at with Obama care, threat of a raise in the minimum wage and just by being a democrat , no one wanted to invest much with this president because he is so anti business.
So, if the private sector doesn't want to invest to create jobs, why do they need a special tax rate called, capital gains that is not taxed as ordinary income?

Full employment/part-time employment should correlate to full and part-time jobs availability.

Why don't our elected representatives to federal government become as fond of micromanaging those tax rates are they are regular income tax codes.

Capital gains is a tax that brings in revenue to the government while at the same time, encourages people to invest.

Remember that not all investments create jobs either. A business can invest in a huge warehouse, but only create about three or four jobs for the people that are going to operate that warehouse. Or they may invest in robotics or machinery that requires few if any employees to run them.

Right now there are McDonald's restaurants that are investing in automation in an attempt to have an employee-less store. Sure, there may be a few people there to oversee the operations, but now you have to push buttons on a keypad for what you want and your hamburger is going to be made by machines on an assembly line.
A tax break on investment to create jobs for the People is Only legitimate social reason for the capital gains distinction.

Capital gains is a tax that reaches many people beyond business. For instance, you bought a home 30 years ago for 80K, today it's worth 140K. You made a capital gains of 60K.

As far as a tax break intended for investments, yes, it has been done by George Bush. By allowing more write-offs for business purchases really helped with that economy he had at the time. My employer purchased a whole new fleet of trucks. Our customers were investing in new equipment for their operations. That tax cut put a lot of people back to work.
While I understand the benefits of the tax break, doesn't the tax break of that type constitute social spending that is not being spent on promoting the general welfare but merely bottom line issues of Persons of Capital.

There is nothing wrong with taking less from people and businesses. After all, how is our money better managed, by government or by individual?

I'll give you a hint: Our US government is 18 trillion in the hole, and Donald Trump is worth 3 billion dollars. Hillary? Forget about it. She's hasn't drove a car in over 20 years.

If you let people keep more of what they earned, they are likely to do better things with that money than government. Look what fracking did for our economy. It lowered the prices of gasoline and natural gas to the point it was sizable amounts for some families. They used that extra money for other things and that helps the economy greatly.

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