Should The Government Cut Back On Welfare Benefits or Should They Be More Generous?

We need to find out where all this money is going because it isn't going to maintain and improve our country.. Infrastructure and science spending is at its lowest in decades.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
We need to find out where all this money is going because it isn't going to maintain and improve our country.. Infrastructure and science spending is at its lowest in decades.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping
Why pay for an everlasting war, Person on the allegedly Capital right; but, we know that cannot be so since 1929.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
It is why we need to solve simple poverty instead of only paying for a war on poverty.
Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
It is why we need to solve simple poverty instead of only paying for a war on poverty.

Well we're not going to do that the way we are going. The only way to really solve poverty is to restrict procreation by those who are on it. But few Americans (and even fewer politicians) have the guts to implement such a program.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
It is why we need to solve simple poverty instead of only paying for a war on poverty.

Well we're not going to do that the way we are going. The only way to really solve poverty is to restrict procreation by those who are on it. But few Americans (and even fewer politicians) have the guts to implement such a program.
Why do you believe that my good but extreme, socialist sir?
We need to find out where all this money is going because it isn't going to maintain and improve our country.. Infrastructure and science spending is at its lowest in decades.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

We help solve it through making it easy to go to college, cutting back on h1b's so they have jobs to fill and raising tariffs in order to compete within our market instead of south asia's.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

We help solve it through making it easy to go to college, cutting back on h1b's so they have jobs to fill and raising tariffs in order to compete within our market instead of south asia's.

No, we need education in the primary years to solve poverty plus restrictions on procreation.

Ask any high school kid what they know about investments. Ask them about compound interest, the stock market, real estate, the commodities market? You will get a look on their face like a deer caught in the headlights.

Inner-city kids believe that the only way to get the American dream is to be born a certain color, from certain families, from second base instead of home. If not that, be really good at sports or making rap songs.

Making it easy to get into college is why we are bringing in foreigners who graduated college from other countries with much higher standards that actually have the education to do jobs Americans can't do.
Welfare benefits need to be reduced to zero. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Better force people to learn some useful skills so they could find a job.
Why, you gave your manhood to the OP?

How does being born in our society mean you merit handouts?
Do you take a deduction.....I mean handout on your children as dependents?

How about your mortgage handout

It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Yes, you told us Comrade RW that all money is the people's money, that which we earn and government does not take from us is government giving us money.

You mentioned that
Do you take a deduction.....I mean handout on your children as dependents?

How about your mortgage handout

It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
Right, comrade, government not taking people's money is "giving" them money. You mentioned that, comrade big guy

In fairness, Corporate Fatcats have benfited from Corporate Welfare for many many years. They always have their hand out. Don't kid yourself thinking otherwise.

Usually liberals by "corporate welfare" mean allowing companies to deduct their expenses. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else? I need a better definition.

I also have zero idea what your pulling that out of your ass means that I'm somehow "kidding" myself since it has nothing to do with what I said

Corporate Fatcats and Government are partners in crime. They're not the adversaries you see them as. Our Government can now best be described as a Government/Corporate Complex. Our nation is all about Corporatism now. Businesses are in bed with Government and always have their hands out. It is what it is.

Post after post you write vague crap that doesn't address anything I said while you say I said things I didn't say. If you want to stop being a moron at some point and have an actual conversation I'll be here


That doesn't even make sense, Polly-tician. You responded to my post. I'm projecting that I responded to yours? I guess when you decided to go playground thinking it through was over your head. You should have just gone with are so, that would have made more sense.

So, I made the point to RW that government not taking our money is not giving us money. A point you haven't addressed. You just came back with that means I support our tax system and I don't know there is corporate welfare.

I asked what you mean by corporate welfare, are you talking about corporations deducting their expenses or something else. A point you haven't addressed, you came back with that corporations and government are both criminals.

When you decide to stop just parroting Marxists, Polly-tician, and engage in an actual discussion where you address my points instead of repeating the rhetoric you memorized, let me know
Welfare benefits need to be reduced to zero. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Better force people to learn some useful skills so they could find a job.

That may only work for people that actually want a job. If you don't want a job and just want to sit home all day, then training is yet another waste of taxpayer money.
It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric

Tell a lie and tell it over and over until it becomes truth.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric

Tell a lie and tell it over and over until it becomes truth.
It is why i try to resort to the fewest fallacies as an ethic that may be indistinguishable from a moral.
Have you seen the social spending on our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror? The Right only complains about income transfers and social spending that may actually benefit least wealthy.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
Most on welfare already work. Republican insistence on low wages ensure they stay on welfare
It isn't a handout, it's our money.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids
In fairness, Corporate Fatcats have benfited from Corporate Welfare for many many years. They always have their hand out. Don't kid yourself thinking otherwise.

Usually liberals by "corporate welfare" mean allowing companies to deduct their expenses. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else? I need a better definition.

I also have zero idea what your pulling that out of your ass means that I'm somehow "kidding" myself since it has nothing to do with what I said

Corporate Fatcats and Government are partners in crime. They're not the adversaries you see them as. Our Government can now best be described as a Government/Corporate Complex. Our nation is all about Corporatism now. Businesses are in bed with Government and always have their hands out. It is what it is.

Post after post you write vague crap that doesn't address anything I said while you say I said things I didn't say. If you want to stop being a moron at some point and have an actual conversation I'll be here


That doesn't even make sense, Polly-tician. You responded to my post. I'm projecting that I responded to yours? I guess when you decided to go playground thinking it through was over your head. You should have just gone with are so, that would have made more sense.

So, I made the point to RW that government not taking our money is not giving us money. A point you haven't addressed. You just came back with that means I support our tax system and I don't know there is corporate welfare.

I asked what you mean by corporate welfare, are you talking about corporations deducting their expenses or something else. A point you haven't addressed, you came back with that corporations and government are both criminals.

When you decide to stop just parroting Marxists, Polly-tician, and engage in an actual discussion where you address my points instead of repeating the rhetoric you memorized, let me know

Your Government and Corporations are partners in crime. They do not have the adversarial relationship you believe they have. They work very closely together in awful things like spying on you.

It's a Government/Corporate Complex now. It's all about the Corporatism. One day you'll understand that. But then again, maybe not. It's too late for some to get it.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.
Jake, Those are the opinions of ultraconservative but either directions they choose there are grave consequences that they seems to ignore.
Realized that they have these I DON'T care attitude.
Deport the parents. I don't care.
Deport us citizens. I don't care.
Place these kids in fema camps, foster. I don't care.
It's inhumane and irresponsible and very costly.

Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
Most on welfare already work. Republican insistence on low wages ensure they stay on welfare

No democrats insistence on making criminal alliens legal, jumping ahead of the line is brining down wages.

Supply and demand...

But you need their votes since you killed off through abortion in the past 40 years potential 50 million liberal voters

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