Should The Government Cut Back On Welfare Benefits or Should They Be More Generous?

You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

That's a different point altogether and IMO a legitimate one. But it still doesn't make my deduction a hand out. That is absurd nonsense.
Usually liberals by "corporate welfare" mean allowing companies to deduct their expenses. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something else? I need a better definition.

I also have zero idea what your pulling that out of your ass means that I'm somehow "kidding" myself since it has nothing to do with what I said

Corporate Fatcats and Government are partners in crime. They're not the adversaries you see them as. Our Government can now best be described as a Government/Corporate Complex. Our nation is all about Corporatism now. Businesses are in bed with Government and always have their hands out. It is what it is.

Post after post you write vague crap that doesn't address anything I said while you say I said things I didn't say. If you want to stop being a moron at some point and have an actual conversation I'll be here


That doesn't even make sense, Polly-tician. You responded to my post. I'm projecting that I responded to yours? I guess when you decided to go playground thinking it through was over your head. You should have just gone with are so, that would have made more sense.

So, I made the point to RW that government not taking our money is not giving us money. A point you haven't addressed. You just came back with that means I support our tax system and I don't know there is corporate welfare.

I asked what you mean by corporate welfare, are you talking about corporations deducting their expenses or something else. A point you haven't addressed, you came back with that corporations and government are both criminals.

When you decide to stop just parroting Marxists, Polly-tician, and engage in an actual discussion where you address my points instead of repeating the rhetoric you memorized, let me know

Your Government and Corporations are partners in crime. They do not have the adversarial relationship you believe they have. They work very closely together in awful things like spying on you.

It's a Government/Corporate Complex now. It's all about the Corporatism. One day you'll understand that. But then again, maybe not. It's too late for some to get it.

You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made
Stricter qualification standards along with enhanced requirements like requiring Community Service, will weed out the lazy abusers of the system. If you want the Tax Dollars, you'll have to meet the requirements. There just has to be the will to tighten things up. That's the only way there can be an effective cut back.
Corporate Fatcats and Government are partners in crime. They're not the adversaries you see them as. Our Government can now best be described as a Government/Corporate Complex. Our nation is all about Corporatism now. Businesses are in bed with Government and always have their hands out. It is what it is.

Post after post you write vague crap that doesn't address anything I said while you say I said things I didn't say. If you want to stop being a moron at some point and have an actual conversation I'll be here


That doesn't even make sense, Polly-tician. You responded to my post. I'm projecting that I responded to yours? I guess when you decided to go playground thinking it through was over your head. You should have just gone with are so, that would have made more sense.

So, I made the point to RW that government not taking our money is not giving us money. A point you haven't addressed. You just came back with that means I support our tax system and I don't know there is corporate welfare.

I asked what you mean by corporate welfare, are you talking about corporations deducting their expenses or something else. A point you haven't addressed, you came back with that corporations and government are both criminals.

When you decide to stop just parroting Marxists, Polly-tician, and engage in an actual discussion where you address my points instead of repeating the rhetoric you memorized, let me know

Your Government and Corporations are partners in crime. They do not have the adversarial relationship you believe they have. They work very closely together in awful things like spying on you.

It's a Government/Corporate Complex now. It's all about the Corporatism. One day you'll understand that. But then again, maybe not. It's too late for some to get it.

You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government.

Who do you think is doing most of the lobbying in Washington? Do you really believe it's poor people doing the lobbying? Most decisions your Government makes, are due to intense Business lobbying in Washington. Who's showing up with the bags of cash? I can assure you it's not poor Americans. Poor Americans don't have much say at all in Government.
kaz said:
You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government

No, You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made.

I said that government not taking money we earned is not the same as government giving us money. You went from that to that I think "businesses don't receive corporate welfare." You sir, are an idiot.

When you started babbling about corporate welfare, I asked what you meant by corporate welfare. You haven't answered that question either
kaz said:
You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government

No, You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made.

I said that government not taking money we earned is not the same as government giving us money. You went from that to that I think "businesses don't receive corporate welfare." You sir, are an idiot.

When you started babbling about corporate welfare, I asked what you meant by corporate welfare. You haven't answered that question either

You need to do some more research. Buying Politicians in Washington is done by Businesses for the most part. Lobbying is not a poor man's game. Poor Americans don't have bags of cash to buy Politicians. They have virtually no say at all in what Government does.
kaz said:
You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government

No, You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made.

I said that government not taking money we earned is not the same as government giving us money. You went from that to that I think "businesses don't receive corporate welfare." You sir, are an idiot.

When you started babbling about corporate welfare, I asked what you meant by corporate welfare. You haven't answered that question either

You need to do some more research. Buying Politicians in Washington is done by Businesses for the most part. Lobbying is not a poor man's game. Poor Americans don't have bags of cash to buy Politicians. They have virtually no say at all in what Government does.
It may be what happens when Capitalists are in the majority; socialists know to merely try to be more faithful in the execution of our supreme laws of the land.
kaz said:
You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government

No, You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made.

I said that government not taking money we earned is not the same as government giving us money. You went from that to that I think "businesses don't receive corporate welfare." You sir, are an idiot.

When you started babbling about corporate welfare, I asked what you meant by corporate welfare. You haven't answered that question either

You need to do some more research. Buying Politicians in Washington is done by Businesses for the most part. Lobbying is not a poor man's game. Poor Americans don't have bags of cash to buy Politicians. They have virtually no say at all in what Government does.

Sure they do because they have votes. How do you think this country became the welfare state? Why did we have a housing crash? Who started it and why?

Yep, it's those poor people alright. Those poor people that couldn't buy a politician a cup of coffee yet alone contribute anything of value to their campaign.
You writing your children off on your taxes is as much a handout as a welfare mother gets.

Why should others pay to support your children or your mortgage?

How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

Why does somebody making $250,000 a year keep less of a percentage of their paycheck than somebody making $80,000 a year?
Either that or all these "programs" that supposedly benefit the least wealthy are all failures.
Which ones

Just about any welfare program. What have they done when it comes to solving poverty? Very little.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's

poverty rate
was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Solve poverty?

When is welfare supposed to do that? You help people who need helping

So by maintaining the poverty level, who are we helping?

We can't be helping the taxpayers because most of them don't want these people on welfare. We're not helping industry who may need physically able bodied people to do work, we can't be helping individuals receiving these assistance programs because there is no advancement being on welfare.
Most on welfare already work. Republican insistence on low wages ensure they stay on welfare

No Republican ever insisted on low wages for anybody. What we did do is say that government has no business telling business owners what they MUST pay their workers.

Welfare keeps people from making money. I just evicted a family two years ago for getting behind in rent because I knew they would never catch up. This was an unmarried couple with two children.

He worked full time although didn't make much money and she stayed home taking care of their youngest child. When they got into trouble, I addressed them and offered a suggestion. I told her that she should get a job on the weekends to catch up on their bills. He refused to work overtime, and he could take care of the kids on the weekends while she was at work.

She dismissed that advice. Why? Because the government was giving her $200.00 a month in food stamps. If she took a job on the weekends, it would interfere with her benefits.

So they opted to have me evict them. Now they have that on their record and they will have a hard time getting any kind of decent rent for the next several years. Why? Because of food stamps.

I also have a friend who is a supervisor where he works. They use a lot of temporary help. If and when they find a temporary that really works, they eventually offer them a full-time job. But the temps they get won't work past X amount of hours per week because like my former tenant, it would interfere in their benefits. So instead of pursuing a full-time job and possibly a career, they opt to stay on as temporaries because they can still receive their SNAP's card every month.
Welfare benefits need to be reduced to zero. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Better force people to learn some useful skills so they could find a job.
That is too socialist for some on the federal left due to a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.
kaz said:
You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made

You're saying Businesses don't receive Corporate Welfare. And i'm telling you they receive a whole lot of it. Businesses always have their hand out. They're always looking for a freebie from Government

No, You are making up more shit I didn't say and don't think and doesn't relate to the point made.

I said that government not taking money we earned is not the same as government giving us money. You went from that to that I think "businesses don't receive corporate welfare." You sir, are an idiot.

When you started babbling about corporate welfare, I asked what you meant by corporate welfare. You haven't answered that question either

You need to do some more research. Buying Politicians in Washington is done by Businesses for the most part. Lobbying is not a poor man's game. Poor Americans don't have bags of cash to buy Politicians. They have virtually no say at all in what Government does.

Sure they do because they have votes. How do you think this country became the welfare state? Why did we have a housing crash? Who started it and why?

Yep, it's those poor people alright. Those poor people that couldn't buy a politician a cup of coffee yet alone contribute anything of value to their campaign.
We keep "hiring management" from Hostess?
How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family
How fucking stupid are you exactly? It isn't even close to the same thing. Me getting to keep more of the money I EARNED isn't the same as someone getting money that they DIDN'T EARN.

Educate yourself retard.
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

That's a different point altogether and IMO a legitimate one. But it still doesn't make my deduction a hand out. That is absurd nonsense.
If I work next to you doing the same job and you get to keep more of your salary than I bet your ass it's a handout
It is EXACTLY the same thing
Why should you pay lower taxes than someone with no kids? Why should he pay to raise your kids
You are like a welfare mother with society paying to help raise your kids

Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.
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Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.
What do you mean by "don't take anything from you"? Not everything has Only to with capital.
Are you really that stupid or are you just being a left wing asshole (pardon the redundancy)? Probably both.

It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.

You owe money to the government. That is the way it works in all societies.
If you get to pay less into the government than someone doing the same job, you are getting a freebie

In the end, you get more money in your pocket net
It's always hard to tell with Comrade RW, isn't it? Post after post and he can't address the point made that government not taking our money is not giving us money. He just keeps spewing Marxist rhetoric
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.

You owe money to the government. That is the way it works in all societies.
If you get to pay less into the government than someone doing the same job, you are getting a freebie

In the end, you get more money in your pocket net

No, you don't GET more money, you get to keep more of your money.
You have to contribute to society. If you and I both make $80 k a year, why do you keep more of your check because you have a house and kids

irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.

You owe money to the government. That is the way it works in all societies.
If you get to pay less into the government than someone doing the same job, you are getting a freebie

In the end, you get more money in your pocket net

No, you don't GET more money, you get to keep more of your money.

Net result= more money in your pocket= freebie
irrelevant to the point being discussed and doesn't contradict anything I said
Completely relevant

Your tax deductions are equivalent to handouts. You are no better than a welfare mother getting help to take care of her family

The only way you can compare the two is if you look it as all money is governments first, and anything they allow you to keep is a gift from them.

That's not the way it is. It's my money first--not governments. Until you accept the concept, then you will always have a hard time deciphering between a handout and a reduction. A reduction (or write-off) is where government takes less of what you have. A handout is when they don't take anything from you, but instead, give.

You owe money to the government. That is the way it works in all societies.
If you get to pay less into the government than someone doing the same job, you are getting a freebie

In the end, you get more money in your pocket net

No, you don't GET more money, you get to keep more of your money.

Net result= more money in your pocket= freebie

No, nothing you work for is free. Free is something that you receive without paying for it.

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