Should the IRS confirm/deny if Trump's tax returns are under audit?

and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

Under current law, the IRS can't......Its a bitch, isn't it?
They can't. It's against the law.

I know, I know...So much then for the accusations that Obama's administration is "corrupt".....
so how did three pages of his 1995 state return make it public? oh yeah, that corrupt administration.

How would the 'corrupt administration' have copies of his state returns?

If the 'corrupt adminstration' had done it- they could have sent all of his federal returns for the last 20 years.

Remember- pulling crap out of your ass is not actual proof.
But you don't want to know what your own candidate told Wall Street, what's in her missing e-mails, what her updated medical condition is ...

Altogether different issues....but your attempt to change the subject is very understandable......Desperation, much???

No change of subject, it's the exact subject you are discussing. What you said is not a standard for you, you don't care. That's clear since you don't apply it to your candidate. You didn't grasp that was the point? Wow

As for me, nothing Hillary or Trump disclose at this point would make me vote for them. I oppose them both for their policies. I'm a capitalist, I support economic freedom. They're about government power. I'm not going to run around with lame attacks that don't matter to me anyway like you do
It may be against the law for the IRS to confirm or deny if indeed Trump's tax returns are currently under audit, but so far all that we have is Trump's (or his loyal attorneys') word that he is under audit.... What if this "excuse" is yet another Trump ruse?

In yesterday's VP debate, Pence kept mumbling that Trump willrelease his 2015 returns "once the audit is completed"........That said, what if that "crooked" Obama administration asked the IRS commissioner to announce that the audit was indeed completed.??.....What then? (Trump's son hinted that even if the audit were completed, his daddy would not release the returns....Why not?? Would that be another lie uttered by Pence?)

Finally, what's wrong with Trump releasing his 2014 and several previous years' tax returns....presumably THOSE are NOT under audit.

Inquiring voters (who have some functioning brain cells) would like to know.......LOL
Correct -- it is illegal for the IRS to disclose -- any IRS agent who does would lose their job.
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

Under current law, the IRS can't......Its a bitch, isn't it?

Who gives a shit? You don't support Trump because you're a socialist. I don't because I'm a capitalist. Trump's a mixture. So neither of us actually give a shit about his taxes
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

Under current law, the IRS can't......Its a bitch, isn't it?

Who gives a shit? You don't support Trump because you're a socialist. I don't because I'm a capitalist. Trump's a mixture. So neither of us actually give a shit about his taxes
It helps to "give a sh!t" about the law.

Keeps your azz out of jail that way.
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

Under current law, the IRS can't......Its a bitch, isn't it?

Who gives a shit? You don't support Trump because you're a socialist. I don't because I'm a capitalist. Trump's a mixture. So neither of us actually give a shit about his taxes
It helps to "give a sh!t" about the law.

Keeps your azz out of jail that way.

Not sure what point you're making. Are you talk about Hillary illegally putting secret and top-secret e-mails on her server?
Who gives a shit?

Not "giving a shit" is why Trump has 40% of the voters' backing.....Not enough to win, but an interesting "revelation" of the electorate's intelligence.
Who gives a shit?

Not "giving a shit" is why Trump has 40% of the voters' backing.....Not enough to win, but an interesting "revelation" of the electorate's intelligence.

I question the intelligence of anyone voting for Trump or Hillary. In the end, it makes so little difference
I question the intelligence of anyone voting for Trump or Hillary. In the end, it makes so little difference

Well, look at the bright side....You have this forum where you can bitch and moan to your heart's content....
Why? What business is it of yours?

Simple answer.....I'm a voter and I want to know IF I'm voting for a scammer/liar or not???
Don't you want to be better informed, or do you just rely on your penchant for the color orange??

That is for the IRS to decide, not you.

Mind your own business, like liberals should learn to do in all of their affairs.
What are you looking for on Trump's returns that would make you vote for him?

Some simple "answers" would be nice.....Like:

Has Trump paid ANY federal taxes
Who does Trump owe money to....
With whom has Trump dealt with in his business enterprises
Has Trump given to ANY charitable entities
......and, finally, was Trump really being audited.....

Trump's tax returns are not important. What is important are the issues.

Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Should the IRS confirm/deny if Trump's tax returns are under audit?

Why? What business is it of yours?

Trump made it everybody's business by asserting that he is under audit by the IRS. Nobody forced him to offer that as the reason why he won't release his returns, and verification of whether his assertion that the IRS is auditing his return(s) is, like every other assertion he or Mrs. Clinton makes, true is something everybody deserves to know.

You don't think Trump gets audited EVERY year?

That's why you don't sue people who have no money . You audit people WITH money!
so how did three pages of his 1995 state return make it public? oh yeah, that corrupt administration.

You do know (probably not) that the return address on that mailing was FROM the Trump Towers......Do you suppose that Obama, while Trump was busy tweeting, snuck in to the Trump Towers and used their postage meter??? That'd be really shocking....LOL

What does a return address have to do with a postage meter, numbskull?
Should the IRS confirm/deny if Trump's tax returns are under audit?

Why? What business is it of yours?

Trump made it everybody's business by asserting that he is under audit by the IRS. Nobody forced him to offer that as the reason why he won't release his returns, and verification of whether his assertion that the IRS is auditing his return(s) is, like every other assertion he or Mrs. Clinton makes, true is something everybody deserves to know.
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

LOL- no- once again pulling crap out of your ass doesn't make it true.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.”
Trump stated he's being audited. he released them from that rule. All they have to do is confirm with a yes or no. How is that discussing his taxes that he hasn't already claimed? seems fairly simple.
The head of the IRS deserves jail time. He is still targeting groups. Using the IRS to suppress free speech and punish those he disagreed with was a large part of Nixon's issues.
Should the IRS confirm/deny if Trump's tax returns are under audit?

Why? What business is it of yours?

Trump made it everybody's business by asserting that he is under audit by the IRS. Nobody forced him to offer that as the reason why he won't release his returns, and verification of whether his assertion that the IRS is auditing his return(s) is, like every other assertion he or Mrs. Clinton makes, true is something everybody deserves to know.

You don't think Trump gets audited EVERY year?

That's why you don't sue people who have no money . You audit people WITH money!

I don't know with what frequency Trump gets audited by the IRS. Do you? Neither the IRS, Trump nor his tax professionals share that information with me.
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