Should the IRS confirm/deny if Trump's tax returns are under audit?

Trump made it everybody's business by asserting that he is under audit by the IRS. Nobody forced him to offer that as the reason why he won't release his returns, and verification of whether his assertion that the IRS is auditing his return(s) is, like every other assertion he or Mrs. Clinton makes, true is something everybody deserves to know.
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

LOL- no- once again pulling crap out of your ass doesn't make it true.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.”
Trump stated he's being audited. he released them from that rule. All they have to do is confirm with a yes or no. How is that discussing his taxes that he hasn't already claimed? seems fairly simple.

No- Trump hasn't released anyone from any rule- once again- what the IRS actually said.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.

a) didn't confirm whether Trump is being audited
b) did confirm that nothing prevents an individual being audited from choosing to release his tax returns

Donald Trump has chosen not to show Americans his tax returns.

The first candidate in over 40 years to do so.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
ahhh, will you looky here? you like to rinse and repeat the same thing over an over. funny how libturds have that habit with the same talking points always. even in here.

Never gets old pointing out your lies

No- Trump hasn't released anyone from any rule- once again- what the IRS actually said.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.

a) didn't confirm whether Trump is being audited
b) did confirm that nothing prevents an individual being audited from choosing to release his tax returns

Donald Trump has chosen not to show Americans his tax returns.

The first candidate in over 40 years to do so.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
You don't think Trump gets audited EVERY year?

Presumably those OTHER audits are all done.....Care to pose a guess as to why trump is NOT releasing the 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, etc. tax returns?????

Trump is SO crooked, that when he'll get buried, they'll have to screw him into the ground.

Someone leaked his ONE income tax return and the libtards are spreading lies and innuendo about that ONE! Why on God's green earth would you do something so incredibly stupid by releasing the rest?

When you are in a battle, you don't just hand over all of your ammunition to the enemy so they can use it on you!
What are you looking for on Trump's returns that would make you vote for him?

Some simple "answers" would be nice.....Like:

Has Trump paid ANY federal taxes
Who does Trump owe money to....
With whom has Trump dealt with in his business enterprises
Has Trump given to ANY charitable entities
......and, finally, was Trump really being audited.....


When Donald Trump chose to run for President it became the legitimate business of every voter.

Doesn't mean he has to be as transparent as Richard Nixon- but it does mean voters can wonder what he wants to hide.
where is that rule at? can you post it up for us?

Here you go

When Donald Trump chose to run for President it became the legitimate business of every voter.

Doesn't mean he has to be as transparent as Richard Nixon- but it does mean voters can wonder what he wants to hide.

Wrong. Stupid, biased, and incredibly wrong! You get an "A" for liberalism above and beyond your IQ level, which is undoubtedly in the room temperature range.
What are you looking for on Trump's returns that would make you vote for him?

Some simple "answers" would be nice.....Like:

Has Trump paid ANY federal taxes
Who does Trump owe money to....
With whom has Trump dealt with in his business enterprises
Has Trump given to ANY charitable entities
......and, finally, was Trump really being audited.....


When Donald Trump chose to run for President it became the legitimate business of every voter.

Doesn't mean he has to be as transparent as Richard Nixon- but it does mean voters can wonder what he wants to hide.
where is that rule at? can you post it up for us?

Here you go

When Donald Trump chose to run for President it became the legitimate business of every voter.

Doesn't mean he has to be as transparent as Richard Nixon- but it does mean voters can wonder what he wants to hide.
what the fk is that?
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

LOL- no- once again pulling crap out of your ass doesn't make it true.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.”
Trump stated he's being audited. he released them from that rule. All they have to do is confirm with a yes or no. How is that discussing his taxes that he hasn't already claimed? seems fairly simple.

No- Trump hasn't released anyone from any rule- once again- what the IRS actually said.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.

a) didn't confirm whether Trump is being audited
b) did confirm that nothing prevents an individual being audited from choosing to release his tax returns

Donald Trump has chosen not to show Americans his tax returns.

The first candidate in over 40 years to do so.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
ahhh, will you looky here? you like to rinse and repeat the same thing over an over. funny how libturds have that habit with the same talking points always. even in here.

Never gets old pointing out your lies

No- Trump hasn't released anyone from any rule- once again- what the IRS actually said.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.

a) didn't confirm whether Trump is being audited
b) did confirm that nothing prevents an individual being audited from choosing to release his tax returns

Donald Trump has chosen not to show Americans his tax returns.

The first candidate in over 40 years to do so.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

His lawyers told him not to release them. Apparently, they are smarter than you.
what is it you think you'll learn from his taxes? What if you find out he made no income? Would you expect that he'd have to pay taxes on zero income? I'm just trying to find out what the end game is here.

Don't be more stupid than usual.......If Trump made ZERO income in 2015, why the hell is he running as the "greatest businessman on the planet?"
Is he running because he is unemployed since he made zero income?

You make $70,000 dollars this year, but lose $80,000 in a business deal. Now, I realize that it requires about 4th grade math, but can you tell us what your income was for that year?
Yet NONE of these folks support Hillary. The military poll indicated that the active duty military support Trump 2 to 1 over Hillary. Live with it. The generals and flag officers are all out of the military. Obama got rid of any officer who disagreed with his lead from behind posture and kept only the suck ups trying to make rank.

Retired military leaders give full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton
Military leaders give full-throated defense of Hillary Clinton | Political Insider blog
It may be against the law for the IRS to confirm or deny if indeed Trump's tax returns are currently under audit, but so far all that we have is Trump's (or his loyal attorneys') word that he is under audit.... What if this "excuse" is yet another Trump ruse?

In yesterday's VP debate, Pence kept mumbling that Trump willrelease his 2015 returns "once the audit is completed"........That said, what if that "crooked" Obama administration asked the IRS commissioner to announce that the audit was indeed completed.??.....What then? (Trump's son hinted that even if the audit were completed, his daddy would not release the returns....Why not?? Would that be another lie uttered by Pence?)

Finally, what's wrong with Trump releasing his 2014 and several previous years' tax returns....presumably THOSE are NOT under audit.

Inquiring voters (who have some functioning brain cells) would like to know.......LOL

I don't think the IRS is allowed to give that type of information.

but dumb Donald sure could if it actually exists.
and the mere fact that the IRS has not released a statement one way or the other, must be the proof he is.

Under current law, the IRS can't......Its a bitch, isn't it?

Who gives a shit? You don't support Trump because you're a socialist. I don't because I'm a capitalist. Trump's a mixture. So neither of us actually give a shit about his taxes
It helps to "give a sh!t" about the law.

Keeps your azz out of jail that way.

Not sure what point you're making. Are you talk about Hillary illegally putting secret and top-secret e-mails on her server?
FBI director Comey already dealt with that issue. Perhaps you missed the news flash ?!
You make $70,000 dollars this year, but lose $80,000 in a business deal. Now, I realize that it requires about 4th grade math, but can you tell us what your income was for that year?

Very well done with that example........So, if I make $70K but lose $80K.....Would you believe me if I told you I was the "BEST BUSINESSMAN to ever inhabit the planet?????

Would you ???? Really??? If you would, you're dumber than a frozen cod there, sailor.
and Hillary voters are "smart?"

If so, why don't they get off the dole and go out and get real jobs instead of leeching off the taxpayer???

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