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Should the media be held accountable for deceiving the public

Media has been deceiving the public for thousands of years ... they have yet to held accountable.

From the public new readers of the Roman Empire to the Yellow Journalism of WR Hearst, they present, withhold, and skew news to meet an agenda. Sometimes the agenda of their paymasters, sometimes their own agenda.

To expect news to be honestly presented is weapons-grade naivete.

I didn't say anything about expecting them to be.....I am more about demanding that they tell the truth and if they do not....there should be penalties.

No one would deny (well maybe frenchie would)that the media today practically governs America that is how much power they now have....incredible power and power like our forefathers were unable to see when they declared we must have a free press.

Do not get me wrong I am all for a free press.....just a free press that tells the truth, that does not intentionally try to deceive.

It is ridiculous that any group that has the power they do....not to be accountable...to call what we have now 'a dictatorship of the media' would not be unreasonable.
They have done it many times.....i.e. with FDR......they conspired to keep it from the public that FDR was paralyzed......aka that he could not walk....FDR had perfected a technique which with the help of braces gave the impression he could walk and the media went along with it.

Ronald Reagan had dementia during his 2nd term....yet the media did not make an issue of it ....even though Nancy was caught in the act of whispering to Ron to tell him what to say.

About obama and his i.q. They cospired to convince the public that Obama had a genius level i.q. when his i.q. according to the best evidence was 106.

Now along comes biden who obviously has mental problems but the media constantly conspires to keep the truth about biden from the public and when he lies they will not comment on the lies thus folks at least the clueless think what he says is true.

Anyhow there are those who say and or would agree with the following........

We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows. ~ Katharine Graham, former owner of the Washington Post

I have great news: The Los Angeles Times management has admitted that it is $50,000,000 in the hole.

I canceled my subscription in 2019. No, I do not claim credit for the Times's financial problems, but I am happy to be a tiny, tiny, tiny part of them.

Apparently, a lot of other people have become so disgusted by that rag's woke policies that they have also fled. (Even their headlines were mini-editorials against President Trump. I assume that their headlines are now mini-editorials lauding the gentleman who currently occupies the Oval Office.)

Like a lot of other people, I am waiting breathlessly for that rag in New York City to get its well-earned comeuppance, too.

(P.S. The owner of that Los Angeles rag has said that -- profit or no -- he does NOT plan to sell it.)
Do not get me wrong I am all for a free press.....just a free press that tells the truth, that does not intentionally try to deceive
Yeah, a free press with the barrel levelled at the journalist's head. What a joke.
Well, I quite rare see and hear American mass media, so I cant comment precisely on this matter. About Putin and his stance, his image was being coined by the state media and his administration for more than 2 decades. He doesn't stupid actually, he learns fast. He just follows the rules.
I don't know what you mean by "Putin learns fast" and "follows the rules." The west claims that Putin makes up his own rules. I don't know if that's true or not. If you mean Putin learns the rules of diplomacy and follows those rule then I think you might be right.
Well, I quite rare see and hear American mass media, so I cant comment precisely on this matter. About Putin and his stance, his image was being coined by the state media and his administration for more than 2 decades. He doesn't stupid actually, he learns fast. He just follows the rules.
I don't know what you mean by "Putin learns fast" and "follows the rules." The west claims that Putin makes up his own rules. I don't know if that's true or not. If you mean Putin learns the rules of diplomacy and follows those rule then I think you might be right.
Let's call it the rules of how to sell a big and vivid box with a useless and crappy tool inside.
To me, they can say whatever they want, but its up to everyone else what they choose to go with.

God bless you always!!!

Keep the press free let the individual decide what they want to believe. They can be brought to justice for libel. Let groups start there own press to contradict those who they disagree with and expose any corruption in the media and elsewhere.
The problem is that the MSM.....ya know--the places where the majority get their news.....is 'controlled ; as in not free.

They are told what to say and just as importantly....what not to say, and how to spin stories their way....to fit their agenda.

The constitution declares we should have a free press.....the only media sources that could now be considered free are alternative news sources.

I mentioned at the beginning of this thread how the media deceived the public regarding FDR's paralyzed condition....which was in my opinion wrong but it did not do any damage to America....would the people have continued to elect him if they had known that he was paralyzed and faking his ability to seemingly walk?

I think so......irregardless.....

I bring that up to mention how the media is now decieving the people in regards to biden's mental condition....the media now routinely dismisses it by saying oh Joe just makes a lot of gaffes or he has a stuttering problem.

Being unable to walk is one thing but being cognitively challenged is a whole new ballgame....as in it presents a huge threat to our national security.

Look at just one thing....how joe failed so miserably to come up with just a simple and common sense plan to with draw from Afghanistan....not rocket science.

First of all anyone should understand and most especially a commander-in-chief.....that you do not leave American citizens behind and thus let their fate be determined by fanatical muslims.....instead you leave the military there to protect them until they have all been safely evacuated.....unfortunately Joe Biden did it ass backwards.

The question now is....was his miserable cowardly performance the result of his cognitive problems?
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The problem is that the MSM.....ya know--the places where the majority get their news.....is 'controlled ; as in not free.

They are told what to say and just as importantly....what not to say, and how to spin stories their way....to fit their agenda.

The constitution declares we should have a free press.....the only media sources that could now be considered free are alternative news sources.
Media figures and commentators are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You want to tell the truth, you can write a book, you can go on YouTube, you can have a podcast, a website...hell, you can stand on the street corner and hand out flyers.

But, as they say, the revolution will not be televised. If Rachel Maddow went on the air and suddenly started spouting conspiracy theories about 9/11, she'd be off the air in less than 10 seconds. Same with Anderson, Tucker, any of them.

And if they know anything confidential or classified by the government or deemed classified by the CIA or whoever and go talking about it on Twitter they'll likely be heading to federal prison for 10 years.

If you're Hillary Clinton or someone connected to the shadows, you can say whatever you want and get away with it.
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IMO? We are a free people. If folks start going to places that give them the truth, the places that lie will become irrelevant. I believe they are already starting to. The billionaires fund their chosen propaganda sources, that the establishment lends them an air of credibility anyway. Also, the government and private non-profit elites run government media, and we let them. End their monopoly and tax free status for spreading lies.

What needs to happen, is we need to end tax free status for billionaire foundations that engage in propaganda, and have our government stop the practice of disseminating false narratives in propaganda that most of that nation doesn't believe anyway. . . it takes advantage of the idiots.
Media figures and commentators are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You want to tell the truth, you can write a book, you can go on YouTube, you can have a podcast, a website...hell, you can stand on the street corner and hand out flyers.

But, as they say, the revolution will not be televised. If Rachel Maddow went on the air and suddenly started spouting conspiracy theories about 9/11, she'd be off the air in less than 10 seconds. Same with Anderson, Tucker, any of them.

And if they know anything confidential or classified by the government or deemed classified by the CIA or whoever and go talking about it on Twitter they'll likely be heading to federal prison for 10 years.

If you're Hillary Clinton or someone connected to the shadows, you can say whatever you want and get away with it.
I think these so called journalists are addicted to fame and fortune....they do not want to give up those fat paychecks and all the perks that go with being famous.

Thus they go along with the charade....we need to get back to our constitutional guarantee of a free press.
It kinda reminds me of the situation in Stalinist Russia.......eveyone was allowed to vote....in fact they were required to vote.....the problem being there was only one candidate.

Now to relate that to the status of the MSM.....as we all know the majority get their news from T.V.

There are several MSM sites on television.....commonly referred to as the alphabet media--ABC,CBS, CNN and NBC. And..............they are all locked in step....not a dimes worth of difference between them.

Now of course there is Fox but they are little better...then there is PBS not better at all.

My point is that even if the people who get their news from the T.V. really want the truth they really have nowhere to go.

So they wind up watching the channel that has the prettiest face.

Then there is talk radio....which would be their best option and many do go there....at least when they are on the road.

When you are tired and come home from work....you just want to grab a beer and flop down on the couch and watch T.V.
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I think these so called journalists are addicted to fame and fortune....they do not want to give up those fat paychecks and all the perks that go with being famous.

Thus they go along with the charade....we need to get back to our constitutional guarantee of a free press.
I can see the pain in their eyes.
What could be worse for a journalist than having to lie ? ( to the people who trust you to give them what is often very important information ?)

IMO? We are a free people. If folks start going to places that give them the truth, the places that lie will become irrelevant. I believe they are already starting to. The billionaires fund their chosen propaganda sources, that the establishment lends them an air of credibility anyway. Also, the government and private non-profit elites run government media, and we let them. End their monopoly and tax free status for spreading lies.

What needs to happen, is we need to end tax free status for billionaire foundations that engage in propaganda, and have our government stop the practice of disseminating false narratives in propaganda that most of that nation doesn't believe anyway. . . it takes advantage of the idiots.
Since the seventies in just over 40 years there's been a 20 trillion-dollar shift in wealth to the top 1% ,and I'm not talking about the national debt...
Taxing the wealthy to recover that much money would be impossible.... even with estate taxes, capital gains taxes, Wall Street transaction taxes and all that Bernie Sanders stuff......
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I can see the pain in their eyes.
What could be worse for a journalist than having to lie ? ( to the people who trust you to give them what is often very important information ?)
I often wonder how they are able to sleep? Pills?

Or how do they feel when they sit down at the dinner table with their family?

Do they even think about what they are doing may have a terrible impact on their children or grandchildren as in having to live in a America that is no longer free?

I would guess they are all in denial. Or they rationalize etc.etc.

To people like that I think the Truth becomes something that they are no longer interested in....they just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and going down to the bank to deposit that fat paycheck and how their kids will be able to go to the best universities etc.etc.

In a nutshell the perks ouweigh any concern they may have over the future of America.

I remember a movie from long ago.....where this guy opens his window and shouts.....I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.

Can anyone imagine one of our politicians standing up in Congress and shouting.....Give Me Liberty or give me death?

Where are all the patriots?....that is why I liked Trump you could count on him to say what he thought.
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I often wonder how they are able to sleep? Pills?

Or how do they feel when they sit down at the dinner table with their family?

Do they even think about what they are doing may have a terrible impact on their children or grandchildren as in having to live in a America that is no longer free?
How about joining the CIA or the FBI with all good intentions and then it turns out that much of the work you're doing isn't in the public's best interest ? Even the whistleblower who exposed to torture program , John Kirioku, was the only one who ever ended up doing time in prison.
Well, I think one of the most basic human characteristics is self preservation....thus though some in both professions no doubt become very jaded they just keep plodding along....a few do committ suicide.
The problem is that the MSM.....ya know--the places where the majority get their news.....is 'controlled ; as in not free.
They are told what to say and just as importantly....what not to say, and how to spin stories their way....to fit their agenda.
All true.
The constitution declares we should have a free press.....the only media sources that could now be considered free are alternative news sources.
And then we must realize that alternative news sources also consists of a number of paid goeverment shills. We need to look and read carefully.
All true.

And then we must realize that alternative news sources also consists of a number of paid goeverment shills. We need to look and read carefully.
Unfortunately this is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Lobbyists, handlers, special interests, a move to a huge government bureaucracy. Nations are a tapestry of eras pieced together. To expect differences is normal from the beginning of the nation. But we seem to be far from those ideas.
Unfortunately this is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Lobbyists, handlers, special interests, a move to a huge government bureaucracy. Nations are a tapestry of eras pieced together. To expect differences is normal from the beginning of the nation. But we seem to be far from those ideas.
Never mind your "founding fathers". I don't give a shit about them, and the hardships experienced by Americans at their own hand is not my problem. You are too hung up on the US so let me say, "This is not what Democracy had in mind". Hitler fucked up Democracy, Stalin fuck up Democracy, Musolinni fucked up Democracy, the U.S. fucked up Democracy. If you bring yourself to see that the abuse of Democracy is EVERYONE's problem then we can get down to business together and maybe kick some ass in the right direction.

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