Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

I think that if you combine this with the other social media we have a confused and frustrated electorate.

It isn't difficult. It is nearly impossible.

Not just sorting out the information which is at one level, but also the associated commentary.
Sounds like something that Sleepy Joe would be able to do.

Instead of following through with the New Green Deal , Socialized Medicine, higher taxes and all of the other schemes that the libs promised, concentrating the full power of the US Government on persecuting the 75 million Trump supporters sounds like something that is right up the liberals' alley.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Israel more of a democracy, donnie did not solve the Korean standoff, Hilly never had a reset, you need to take the paper.., even a right wing paper, and oh and maybe check Wikipedia once in a while or the college library of your choice.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Israel more of a democracy, donnie did not solve the Korean standoff, Hilly never had a reset, you need to take the paper.., even a right wing paper, and oh and maybe check Wikipedia once in a while or the college library of your choice.
I know he didnt solve but he tried which hasnt been done in forever...yeah as SOS she stood up in public with a reset button....and then promply built their tech for them....gee thanks need to read more than leftwing bs
I pick D "All of the above". I think we need to find out how deep the corruption went to create legislation to stop it from happening in the future.
Looking back is problematic as it ignores the future

Looking forward allows change to happen more easily if you learn from your mistakes from the past.

Whether it is better or not is irrelevant as it is just an opinion. Time moves forward and is based on the past.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Israel more of a democracy, donnie did not solve the Korean standoff, Hilly never had a reset, you need to take the paper.., even a right wing paper, and oh and maybe check Wikipedia once in a while or the college library of your choice.
I know he didnt solve but he tried which hasnt been done in forever...yeah as SOS she stood up in public with a reset button....and then promply built their tech for them....gee thanks need to read more than leftwing bs
Having a big phony button did not fool me. There was no reset, any more than Reagan ended the cold war, as the enemy always gets a vote. It fooled and disappointed you? You must have been young.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Israel more of a democracy, donnie did not solve the Korean standoff, Hilly never had a reset, you need to take the paper.., even a right wing paper, and oh and maybe check Wikipedia once in a while or the college library of your choice.
I know he didnt solve but he tried which hasnt been done in forever...yeah as SOS she stood up in public with a reset button....and then promply built their tech for them....gee thanks need to read more than leftwing bs
Having a big phony button did not fool me. There was no reset, any more than Reagan ended the cold war, as the enemy always gets a vote. It fooled and disappointed you? You must have been young.
Yeah thats why they built em a tech city Disturbing Revelations About Hillary And Her 'Russian Reset' Pal Putin | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD (
and lets not forget the uranium fiasco.... dumbass
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

I think the nation should look forward, but we are not a one trick pony. DJT should be prosecuted and indeed hounded, to teach anyone else that wants to tear down our institutions, strategic alliances, support dictators, intentionally piss off any that didn't vote for him, use his office to avoid prosecution, and attack free elections by hook or crook, to the end of his life in Federal and State courts, and let the lawsuits begin without Barr to protect him.
Support dictators ya Obama supported Iran
Tear down stategic alliances,,,,by what ...making them hold up their end of the bargain
Funny how repubs trying to ensure the election was actually free dems supposedly did is now wrong.
No, like supporting the murderous Saudi prince, trading love letter with Lil Kim, congratulating China on what a good job they did controlling the outbreak of Covid in their country, support for Erdigon to come across international border to attack our allies, as well as support for Vlad Putin a man that yearly proves you can take the man out of the communist country but you can't take the communist country out of the man.
Oh the wrong dictators eh,,,,,,,,the ones who just signed a peace treaty with Israel.....oh thats bad,,,,very bad.....trying to solve the Korean standoff,,,,,again very bad .......ya mean like Hillys can shut up now
Israel more of a democracy, donnie did not solve the Korean standoff, Hilly never had a reset, you need to take the paper.., even a right wing paper, and oh and maybe check Wikipedia once in a while or the college library of your choice.
I know he didnt solve but he tried which hasnt been done in forever...yeah as SOS she stood up in public with a reset button....and then promply built their tech for them....gee thanks need to read more than leftwing bs
Having a big phony button did not fool me. There was no reset, any more than Reagan ended the cold war, as the enemy always gets a vote. It fooled and disappointed you? You must have been young.
Yeah thats why they built em a tech city Disturbing Revelations About Hillary And Her 'Russian Reset' Pal Putin | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD (
and lets not forget the uranium fiasco.... dumbass
Glad I never supported her. Only time in my life I have voted 3rd party, since the republicans offered not better in 2016, but at least they kept us from having her as both parties played down to the lowest common denominator.
Knowing how immoral that rancid son-of-a-bitch Trump was beforehand, none of his corrupt deeds surprised me.
Knowing how immoral that rancid son-of-a-bitch Trump was beforehand, none of his corrupt deeds surprised me.
Unfortunately, the 73+million RWNJs are blind to the rancid son-of-a-b!tch's crooked business history, his current corruption while in the White House, the criminal activities of his many friends (most of whom, he pardoned), the swamp rats he appointed to federal posts, and, the list goes on...

Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?
The Nation should walk into the abyss and go toward the light.

America should be fitted for a pine box.

Texas Independence cant't happen soon enough.
Unless the decent Americans can form a cohesive force and overthrow the communist democrats this country has no future. The Romanians eventually overthrew Ceaucescu but it took years.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

None of the above. It should dissolve.
Should The Nation Look Forward,‭ ‬Or Look Back‭? Or, Look Better?

This was the question,‭ ‬or rather.‭ ‬the excuse given by politicians who wanted the Watergate issue to go away.‭ ‬It wasn’t just the Republicans that wanted Nixon’s crimes to go unpunished,‭ ‬plenty of Democrats wanted the corruption in Washington to go back into hiding.‭ ‬What the public only suspected was better kept behind closed doors,‭ ‬out of the public’s view,‭ ‬so as to remain only a suspicion.

It took five decades,‭ ‬but finally,‭ ‬a U.S.‭ ‬president found a way to out do Nixon’s corruption.

Despite his bold promises to‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump,‭ ‬during his four interminable years in the White House,‭ ‬turned a swamp polluted with corruption into a churning cesspool.‭ ‬Amazingly,‭ ‬he accomplished absolutely nothing beneficial for average Americans,‭ ‬but increased the wealth of America’s‭ ‬650+‭ ‬billionaires by several trillion dollars.

Alexander Hamilton said,‭ “‬People get the government they deserve.‭” ‬Given the many wise philosophers in human history,‭ ‬it’s doubtful he originated the idiom,‭ ‬but it is correct here in the United States.

In last November’s election voters on both sides convinced themselves their candidate‭ “‬is the best man for the job.‭”
In reality,‭ ‬neither man should be associated in any way with the governmental decision-making process.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬American voters refuse to take the time necessary to actually study the issues or the candidates‭’ ‬qualifications.

While the Internet has made learning about the issues and the candidates more convenient,‭ ‬it’s also made sorting fact from fantasy much more difficult.

The sad fact,‭ ‬the vast majority of American voters much prefer the fantasies created for their benefit.‭ ‬The images of professional candidates are designed by public relations experts,‭ ‬political campaign teams,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬The real person whose name is on the ballot is completely hidden from the voters.‭ ‬The poorly financed candidate,‭ ‬whose personal integrity is above reproach,‭ ‬who lays out his plans for the voters to see,‭ ‬well he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬lacks the style and flair most voters demand of their candidates.‭ ‬During press conferences,‭ ‬these dull candidates offer detailed responses to questions asked them,‭ ‬so voters see them as boring.‭ ‬Most voters want single sentence soundbites,‭ ‬they’re impressed by the candidate that sums up issues quickly,‭ ‬so they can understand the entire issue easily.

When a candidate needs charts and graphs to explain what will be necessary and how the costs will paid,‭ ‬voters don’t want to sit through all that.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬when the candidate tells them,‭ “‬We’ve got great plans,‭ ‬and everything is going to be terrific,‭” ‬that’s what most American voters on both sides want to hear.

What the a$$holes promise during their campaigns and the disappointing results they finally deliver once elected,‭ ‬are generally satisfactory for most voters.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬these voters will complain and swear,‭ “‬Next election,‭ ‬we’ll throw the crooked bastards out‭!” ‬But they don’t.‭

Those same‭ ‬empty promises and single sentence soundbites that make the issues‭ “‬easy‭” ‬for voters to understand in the last election year,‭ ‬is nothing but the same political bullsh!t that’s been updated.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬it will be good enough to assure the voters reelect the crooked bastards...‭ ‬repeatedly.

During the past five decades the Republicans have assumed the leadership role in creating an atmosphere in Washington that promotes corruption.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the GOP’s defunding of the Internal Revenue Service.‭ ‬This went far in protecting billionaire tax cheats,‭ ‬which in turn,‭ ‬weakens enforcement and the ability to collecting the average‭ ‬$381‭ ‬billion per year that go unpaid.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬70%‭ ‬of these unpaid taxes are due to big corporations and‭ “‬wealthy tax cheats‭” ‬dodging their obligations.

And while it’s been the GOP responsible for enabling this lawbreaking by Big Business and the billionaire class,‭ ‬most Democrats remain silent,‭ ‬willing to reap the political benefits provided by serving the billionaires‭’ ‬financial interests,‭ ‬and they are increasingly unwilling to make the necessary changes to stop this corruption.‭

So,‭ ‬are the Democrats going to show any courage by holding the impeached president trump accountable for his many crimes while POTUS‭? ‬Will they take up the cause to prove to the American people that even the United States‭’ ‬president is NOT above the law‭? ‬Not likely.

The excuse will be...‭ ‬again,‭ ‬that the nation must look forward,‭ ‬not back.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬too many establishment Democrats,‭ ‬like Pelosi,‭ ‬Feinstein,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬a significant number of the congressional Democrats,‭ ‬joined with the congressional Republicans to enable the impeached president trump’s corruption.‭ ‬This makes their involvement in pushing for criminal charges to be filed against the former impeached president trump a dicey situation,‭ ‬for that significant number of congressional Democrats.

Prosecuting the former impeached president trump could expose their own corruption and/or,‭ ‬their corruption that is connected to his.‭ ‬With the many glass houses that the Republicans AND Democrats in Congress call home,‭ ‬how many will remain if these members of Congress are forced to testify,‭ ‬under oath,‭ ‬at the former impeached president trump’s trial(s‭)? ‬How many would escape prosecution themselves,‭ ‬after the former impeached president trump’s defense attorneys finish questioning them in court‭? ‬How many times can the honorable congressman or congresswoman invoke their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination,‭ ‬and still expect to be called,‭ “‬Honorable‭”?

Additionally,‭ ‬unlike the federal level plan to‭ “‬look ahead,‭ ‬not back,‭” ‬state level prosecutors are looking ahead,‭ ‬they have been doing so for four years.‭ ‬These state level prosecutors will soon begin charging the former impeached president trump for his criminal activities in their states.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬to the congressional Democrats and Republicans,‭ ‬a few words of warning:‭ ‬you crooked bastards might be looking out through the walls of your glass houses very soon,‭ ‬and see state level prosecutors heaving rocks at you.‭ ‬Average Americans should hope they shatter every one of you crooked bastards‭’ ‬glass houses into shards.

Voters have been told to look ahead for so many decades, failure to look back makes most of them forget recent history. Perhaps the voters would do well to look back, and look back often. The lives of average Americans could only get better.‭‭‭

None of the above. It should dissolve.
Spoken like a trumper, to the end. That is why he had to go.

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