Should the sellers and manufacturers of Bump Stocks be sued?

Sure, if baseball bat manufacturers can share in the liability for a bat being used in a murder. Same with knives, ect.

Sure, fuck head.....lets outlaw baseball bats and knives WHEN a maniac can kill 58 people in 10 minutes with such "utensils".......Deal, moron???
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Absolutely. Then we can sue every car maker for the misuse of their products, and we can sue the knife makers, and the baseball bat makers, and the......well, maybe that would be a problem. Open the door and the next thing you know nothing is being made in this country anymore. Hmm. I believe it's called the law of unintended consequences.

Consider seriously your last sentence, the theory is, the makers and sellers knew in advance that such a product would be used irresponsibly, the history of mass murder by gun goes back at least to Charles Whitman.

The claim is specious. No one can make the leap that you did. There have been thousands of them made and sold and no asshole has used them for anything other than the fun they were intended. The claim you are making could quite easily be extended to car manufacturers "well, we know that drunk driving is a huge problem so we think that the car makers knew that their product would be used irresponsibly" Do you see where your twisted logic leads too?

ANY product that you wish to apply your little anti gun fantasy thought process to can just as easily be applied to ANYTHING else. All it takes is a unethical person to pursue it.
The SSAR-15 features a shelf that positions the shooter's index finger in a fixed position in front of the rifle's trigger. To fire, the upper receiver is moved forward with the support hand pushing on the forend, thereby bringing the trigger to the shooter's finger and discharging a round. The rifle's recoil causes the upper receiver to move rearward, allowing the trigger mechanism to reset. When the right amount of constant forward pressure is applied, the rifle will continue to fire as the trigger is brought forward and depressed by the shooter's stationary index finger, causing the gun to Bump Fire. With a little practice, the shooter will be capable of delivering accurate single shots, bursts, or even full magazine dumps on demand using the SSAR-15.

The bumpfiring process involves bracing the rifle with the non-trigger hand, releasing the grip on the firing hand (leaving the trigger finger in its normal position in front of the trigger), pushing the rifle forward in order to apply pressure on the trigger from the finger, and keeping the trigger finger stationary. During a shot, the firearm will recoil ("bump" back) and the trigger will reset as it normally does; then the non-trigger hand pulls the firearm away from the body and back to the original position, pressing the trigger against the stationary finger again, thereby firing another round when the trigger is pushed back.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the blacks sue all Democrats and those that voted Democrat for having enslaved them and then terrorizing them?
They should be outlawed on the grounds they convert a semi-automatic to automatic.

Too bad Obabble legalized them in the first place....

On June 7, 2010 -- about a year and a half into the Barack Obama administration -- the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued an opinion letter, giving the go-ahead to an after-market accessory that allows the user to “bump fire” a semi-automatic rifle....
They should be outlawed on the grounds they convert a semi-automatic to automatic.
No, the weapon is still semi automatic as the trigger still has to be pulled. Just pulled with assistance, like a ramp helps a handicap person up stairs. Do you think that ramps are a good thing?
Personally I am against semi automatics. Why would someone need it?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because a bump stock isn't a firearm.

I'd be okay with holding gun sellers or producers economically culpable for unlawful deaths due to the use of a product they sold. I would because part of the fully cost of unlawful gun use is the loss of life and ability stemming from it. That cost should be borne by producers and sellers and in turn passed on to buyers.

Now., sure as I've written the remarks above, I realize that the viability of such a proposal depends on the price elasticity/inelasticity for guns, and I don't know what it is.
They should be outlawed on the grounds they convert a semi-automatic to automatic.

Too bad Obabble legalized them in the first place....

On June 7, 2010 -- about a year and a half into the Barack Obama administration -- the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued an opinion letter, giving the go-ahead to an after-market accessory that allows the user to “bump fire” a semi-automatic rifle....

opinion letters dont change laws... Obama isnt capable of passing laws without congress.
They should be outlawed on the grounds they convert a semi-automatic to automatic.

Too bad Obabble legalized them in the first place....

On June 7, 2010 -- about a year and a half into the Barack Obama administration -- the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued an opinion letter, giving the go-ahead to an after-market accessory that allows the user to “bump fire” a semi-automatic rifle....

opinion letters dont change laws... Obama isnt capable of passing laws without congress.

Oh yeah? He (unconstitutionally btw) wrote laws via executive orders, bub. And regulatory agencies have fairly wide birth to de facto write laws via rules.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
The 'bump' stocks were created to get around the legal limit on having a machine gun. Yes, they should be sued for every cent they have, and be rendered homeless.

You work for EVRAZ, a notorious polluter. I think we should sue you for knowingly working for a company, and adding to the pollution load that is poisoning the people downstream. Sound about right?

No, this ^^^ spin lacks merit.

Oh? Why? If you claim that a company is liable for the criminal actions of a user, then I absolutely can make a connection that an employee is responsible for the criminal misdeeds of the company. Take a look at the VW people who have been arrested. There is more LEGAL precedent for my claim than for yours.

My claim is in the civil law, not the criminal law. When an auto maker knows a flaw in their product and does nothing about it, and it harms another, they have breached their duty to the public.

In this case, history has taught all of us that guns have been used to commit mass murder. The product in question creates an ability for the gun to kill more in a shorter period of time.
Personally I am against semi automatics. Why would someone need it?
I am personally against liberals, why would someone need them?
Not a liberal. But why would someone need a semi. Sounds counterproductive to me. While vast majority owners of semis are responsible, all it takes is one or more nutjobs like the Vegas shooter.
They should be outlawed on the grounds they convert a semi-automatic to automatic.
No, the weapon is still semi automatic as the trigger still has to be pulled. Just pulled with assistance, like a ramp helps a handicap person up stairs. Do you think that ramps are a good thing?

You obviously don't know what defines an automatic weapon.
Since I spent 9 1/2 years in the military defending you from Commies so you could today be putting your opinion on this site, yes I think I do know what is a automatic weapon and a semi automatic weapon.

Is this weapon an automatic or semi automatic weapon?

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