Should the sellers and manufacturers of Bump Stocks be sued?

Dunno if the makers of the bump stock should be sued, but I do think that modification kits for making semi auto weapons into full auto should be banned.

The ONLY purpose a machine gun has is to throw lots of lead downrange to kill and destroy people. You don't go hunting or target practicing with a machine gun.

They already are, and have been for well over twenty years.
I nominate this op for DUMBASS THREAD OF THE DAY

I'm sorry, you have no standing in the matter. Civil Issues are much different than Criminal ones.
My standing is as qualified as yours dumbass. I get one vote in November just like you.

Had you argued the merits of making them illegal you could have possibly wine me over.

But instead you posted this stupid bullshit.

You're an idiot
Anyone notice he didn't respond? He's not looking for middle ground, he's looking to be a dick
And just who the hell needs a machine gun for self defense? In fact, who the hell needs an assault weapon for self defense? You are truly an idiot.

Who is in a position to determine what I NEED or DON'T NEED?

What is your definition of an assault weapon? Do you know what one is?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
The 'bump' stocks were created to get around the legal limit on having a machine gun. Yes, they should be sued for every cent they have, and be rendered homeless.

You work for EVRAZ, a notorious polluter. I think we should sue you for knowingly working for a company, and adding to the pollution load that is poisoning the people downstream. Sound about right?
I nominate this op for DUMBASS THREAD OF THE DAY

I'm sorry, you have no standing in the matter. Civil Issues are much different than Criminal ones.
My standing is as qualified as yours dumbass. I get one vote in November just like you.

Had you argued the merits of making them illegal you could have possibly wine me over.

But instead you posted this stupid bullshit.

You're an idiot
Anyone notice he didn't respond? He's not looking for middle ground, he's looking to be a dick

It's wry, that's his MO.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

A bar is different that a liquor store.
The bump stock is not needed to bump fire a semi auto.

Rate of fire and gun deaths are not correlated.

The rate of fire of any semiauto is exactly the same. 1 round per trigger pull.

Rifles are not the tool of choice in the vast majority of murders.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
The 'bump' stocks were created to get around the legal limit on having a machine gun. Yes, they should be sued for every cent they have, and be rendered homeless.
You do know that anyone can bump fire a semiauto with no add on doodad don't you?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

No, they don't have control over people like the government does

Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

What are Bump Stocks? I have been out of the market for ten years, pump and dump which I know what that means. Are bump stocks the same as pump and dump stocks?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.
Why? Read A Biker Sailor's post (111 on my count):
As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.
Why? Read A Biker Sailor's post (111 on my count):
As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

A bump stock does not increase how fast a weapon is capable of firing.
The weapon has that capability coming out of the box.
A bump stock increases how fast the shooter can pull the trigger.
The first devices of this kind were made with belt loops and rubber bands.

Do you want to ban rubber bands?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Absolutely. Then we can sue every car maker for the misuse of their products, and we can sue the knife makers, and the baseball bat makers, and the......well, maybe that would be a problem. Open the door and the next thing you know nothing is being made in this country anymore. Hmm. I believe it's called the law of unintended consequences.

Consider seriously your last sentence, the theory is, the makers and sellers knew in advance that such a product would be used irresponsibly, the history of mass murder by gun goes back at least to Charles Whitman.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
The 'bump' stocks were created to get around the legal limit on having a machine gun. Yes, they should be sued for every cent they have, and be rendered homeless.

You work for EVRAZ, a notorious polluter. I think we should sue you for knowingly working for a company, and adding to the pollution load that is poisoning the people downstream. Sound about right?

No, this ^^^ spin lacks merit.
Should this company share some of the responsibility AND liability for the carnage in Las Vegas?

It's unclear how many have been sold. The industry leader is Slide Fire, the Abilene, Texas, where the company's Facebook page is filled with videos extolling its features, including one in which a woman gushed, "It's so easy because once you slid it forward and leaned into it, it just fires." In another video, a man fires off 58 rounds to celebrate his 58th birthday in just 12 seconds.

Once an obscure device, 'bump stocks' are in the spotlight
Should this company share some of the responsibility AND liability for the carnage in Las Vegas?

It's unclear how many have been sold. The industry leader is Slide Fire, the Abilene, Texas, where the company's Facebook page is filled with videos extolling its features, including one in which a woman gushed, "It's so easy because once you slid it forward and leaned into it, it just fires." In another video, a man fires off 58 rounds to celebrate his 58th birthday in just 12 seconds.

Once an obscure device, 'bump stocks' are in the spotlight
You know why the Reps are rallying around a law to make the bump stocks illegal? Because they can point the finger at Obama for letting them become legal in 2010. Politics can be sickening
Should this company share some of the responsibility AND liability for the carnage in Las Vegas?
Sure, if baseball bat manufacturers can share in the liability for a bat being used in a murder. Same with knives, ect.

Everybody just sue the fuck out of everybody else and lay no responsibility on the murderer. Let's just do that.

But we wouldn't even need to worry about these stupid bump stocks if we repealed all the firearm laws. They are profiting off leftist gun-grabbing efforts.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
The 'bump' stocks were created to get around the legal limit on having a machine gun. Yes, they should be sued for every cent they have, and be rendered homeless.

You work for EVRAZ, a notorious polluter. I think we should sue you for knowingly working for a company, and adding to the pollution load that is poisoning the people downstream. Sound about right?

No, this ^^^ spin lacks merit.

Oh? Why? If you claim that a company is liable for the criminal actions of a user, then I absolutely can make a connection that an employee is responsible for the criminal misdeeds of the company. Take a look at the VW people who have been arrested. There is more LEGAL precedent for my claim than for yours.
Should this company share some of the responsibility AND liability for the carnage in Las Vegas?

It's unclear how many have been sold. The industry leader is Slide Fire, the Abilene, Texas, where the company's Facebook page is filled with videos extolling its features, including one in which a woman gushed, "It's so easy because once you slid it forward and leaned into it, it just fires." In another video, a man fires off 58 rounds to celebrate his 58th birthday in just 12 seconds.

Once an obscure device, 'bump stocks' are in the spotlight

Nope- Use at own risk


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