Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Did you know almost every state has that same requirement?

You still haven't figured out how to fix the alignment of your posts?

Great ... Maybe the States can start doing the job.
Which is pretty much what I said in the first place.

The alignment isn't broken ... Maybe you just have a hard time finding the middle.

That appears to present a false dilemma fallacy implying there are only two solutions: raise age or lower benefits.

This is untrue. There is are other options including: Maintain the current rates and increase the cap (SS), and Increase the rates (both).


Back to taxing the rich again.

If we want these programs (and most Americans do) then they have to be properly funded. Raise the employee contributions much higher than they are today.

The reason they don't is because at some point the public will demand we get out of providing these benefits and try something else, like the private market. The Democrats fear that the most. The less you depend on them, the less power they have over all of us. Look at what they did to GW when he proposed an option of allowing people to take 2% of their SS contributions to invest in their own IRA. They had a heart attack. It's not like anybody would miss the 2%, it's that as people seen how much better that plan was, they'd be demanding 4%, then 6%, then 10% and so on.
Republicans have been kicking at it for years...trying to "set the stage" to get rid of it.

Never happen. Political suicide. Unless they come up with some better plan, the only thing the left has to offer is the usual tax the rich.
The rich pay NO Social Security tax on any money they make above $110K. Remove that cap and the problem is solved...forever

If they pay more they should get more back IF they decide to collect which I'm sure many don't. Why should they pay for the benefits others will be using? Why not let the users pay the increase.
Why? Because of all those rich voters?

Newsflash they need YOU to vote in THEIR interest...and of course you do

No because even if you are not collecting SS, you know somebody who is: parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts. Get rid of SS or Medicare you might as well retire as a politician.
No because even if you are not collecting SS, you know somebody who is: parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts. Get rid of SS or Medicare you might as well retire as a politician.
That's not how the GOP does things.

They damage them and then say ..."Oh's not working...let's privatize it"

And what YOU said was that raising the cap would be political suicide

Try to keep up with your own comments
So rich is now anywhere above 110k? The maximum benefit coincides with the salary cap. If you want people to pay taxes on income above 110k then the maximum benefit should be raised as well.
The GOP ain't "fixing" anything.

You want it Dem
South Africa...a tale of two types of living. The village is impoverishing the citizens. They will be eating tree bark soon. Trevor Noah is of the Village. He is no smarter then his dumb comedy and nasty remarks. Has a great living off of it while demeaning hard workers who happen to be white. Elon musk is a visionary and creator of many jobs. Way beyond Noah, Yet Noah takes a larger percentage of the Village in salary and lives like royalty while offering nothing but venom.
No, they were just making Social Security solvent
Just like they need to do today

If you are under 35, the age goes to 70
35-45 the age goes to 69
45-55 the age goes to 68
55 and older, it stays as is

And that's all fine and dandy if you sit behind the desk and the heaviest thing to pickup is your briefcase. But what about the garbage man who has to pick up all those heavy bags or furniture? What about the roofer laborer who has to put those 40 lbs bundle of shingles on his shoulders and climb up three stories on a ladder? How about the iron worker that has to walk across those steel beams 20 stories high? Hell, I'll even use my own profession. Do you want to be in the car in front of my 80,000 lbs truck when traffic suddenly comes to a sudden stop?

There are some jobs you simply can't do when you're over 60 years old. Two of my cousins have their own remodeling business. One just barely made it to 65 and the other is a few years younger and has to hire people for all the heavy physical labor. For most people there is only so much your body can take.
That's not how the GOP does things.

They damage them and then say ..."Oh's not working...let's privatize it"

And what YOU said was that raising the cap would be political suicide

Try to keep up with your own comments

You misread. What I said was ending the programs would be political suicide.
You misread. What I said was ending the programs would be political suicide.
You misspoke. I read what you said and that wasn't it. Go back and reread it.

I didn't ever say that the GOP would outright end it. They pick at programs and damage them and then claim that privatizing them is the only way to "fix" them.

What they DON'T anything that would make them stronger

God you are stupid.
And that's all fine and dandy if you sit behind the desk and the heaviest thing to pickup is your briefcase. But what about the garbage man who has to pick up all those heavy bags or furniture? What about the roofer laborer who has to put those 40 lbs bundle of shingles on his shoulders and climb up three stories on a ladder? How about the iron worker that has to walk across those steel beams 20 stories high? Hell, I'll even use my own profession. Do you want to be in the car in front of my 80,000 lbs truck when traffic suddenly comes to a sudden stop?

There are some jobs you simply can't do when you're over 60 years old. Two of my cousins have their own remodeling business. One just barely made it to 65 and the other is a few years younger and has to hire people for all the heavy physical labor. For most people there is only so much your body can take.
You seem to understand the problem...but don't want to fix it

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