Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

I find that hard to believe when there are so many financial failures in this country, constantly crying how minimum wage needs to be raised so people could support a family. So many people who believe unless you are good at rap or sports, you have absolutely no future in this country.
The minimum wage is intended for young people with limited skills just entering the job market.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
Unfortunately most Americans are barely able to work when they're in their 50's and you expect them to work until 70. By that time they're dropping dead, they'd get no retirement at all.
Unfortunately most Americans are barely able to work when they're in their 50's and you expect them to work until 70. By that time they're dropping dead, they'd get no retirement at all.
Many people can work into their 70’s. People are living longer. People are remaining physically active longer. Turning 50 is not a big deal any more.
Weather? :abgg2q.jpg:

Raising the cap with no raise in benefits is a violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
I did not comment one way or another on how it may violate the constitution.

Do you honestly think the court would strike a law that removes the cap? I would bet my house that the court would uphold such a law. I do not think that is any indication whatsoever that they would strike it.
You don't have to worry about conservatives. We would do just fine. It's the Democrats that's the problem. It's the party of irresponsibility. It's the party where the constituents think that government should be the first to change your diaper and the first to put the shovel of dirt on your grave. It's the party that blame rich people for all their woes instead of themselves.
Democrats believe in a Government of the People, by the People and FOR the People

Republicans believe in Government for the rich
Horse shit.

NO one (barring absolutes) making average to below average pay can save that kind of money. You just can't set aside 10% of what is an already inadequate salary. Most of those people are living in a deficit to start with
Yes you are full of Horse Shit.

No on e and I mean no one will suffer if they save 10 cents of every dollar earned.
Part of why we're fat is that the shit that makes us fat (like corn syrup) is CHEAP

Gym memberships and gym equipment cost money and time that a big chunk of folks can't afford. Of course those telling us how easy all this is CAN afford those things as well as better healthier food
More horse shit

It's cheaper to buy real unprocessed food than it is to buy junk food.

You don;t need a gym or any equipment to get in shape. Push ups, sit ups, pull ups and literally hundreds of other exercises that use nothing but body weight are FREE and can be done anywhere
Yes you are full of Horse Shit.

No on e and I mean no one will suffer if they save 10 cents of every dollar earned.
You know how much someone making $40k can save without missing rent or car or food payments?

Nada. And certainly NOT four grand. In fact people on that situation have a hard time coming up with four HUNDRED when they sorely need it

Fuck off
Then how come everyone gets the same check?

Everyone in TN who draws gets a check for 1,800/month. That's it. Doesn't matter if you paid ten years or thirty five.
You really don’t know much about Social Security, do you?
Yeah, and you know that how? I'd like to see you behind the wheel of a truck when the fog is so thick you can't see the front of your hood, and then the traffic comes to a sudden stop. Or when they detour you because the road you need is closed, and they never calculated how trucks were going to get through these side streets or country roads.

No there are not a lot of truckers in their 70's and 80's. There are few but I'd hardly call them a lot. Like any other job you look forward to retirement and climbing out of that thing to have a real life.
I have an old black friend that was a trucker

He told me a story of driving through the Grand Tetons back in the day and had to stand up on the brakes, with both hands on the steering wheel going down a mountain hanging on for dear life...the way he told it was so funny, lol
You know how much someone making $40k can save without missing rent or car or food payments?

Nada. And certainly NOT four grand. In fact people on that situation have a hard time coming up with four HUNDRED when they sorely need it

Fuck off
Excuse really don't know the cost of living in the United States do you? It's way different in South Carolina compared to Los Angeles FYI..
Dude, we have people who voted for Trump. You know what would happen if idiots like that tried to plan their own retirement?

They'd have a portfolio of less than worthless penny stocks, an attic full of commemorative gold-plated coins, and a graduation certificate from Trump University.
You are projecting
More horse shit

It's cheaper to buy real unprocessed food than it is to buy junk food.

You don;t need a gym or any equipment to get in shape. Push ups, sit ups, pull ups and literally hundreds of other exercises that use nothing but body weight are FREE and can be done anywhere
It’s been widely reported that Americans living paycheck to paycheck is something like 70%. You are aware of this right? Now we can criticize all these people as dumb and lazy, but you know that’s dumb. Yes many don’t know how to effectively handle money and save for the future. However many have so little money, saving and investing is impossible.
When you really get down to it.... it is a divide among two people:

The sane.
The insane.
The sane see the problem is not how much the government take in, but how much they waste and overspend.
The Insane know this, but see the solution is to give them more.
It’s been widely reported that Americans living paycheck to paycheck is something like 70%. You are aware of this right? Now we can criticize all these people as dumb and lazy, but you know that’s dumb. Yes many don’t know how to effectively handle money and save for the future. However many have so little money, saving and investing is impossible.
It's so fricking easy to invest now a days with the apps, back in the 1980s I didn't know how or where to begin, thank God the owner of my first company taught me how.
Democrats believe in a Government of the People, by the People and FOR the People

Republicans believe in Government for the rich
Oh brother that’s hilarious. The Ds are no different from the Rs. Both are owned and controlled by the same people.

Damn dude, sometimes you post the most inane things.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.

SS and Medicare are so fucked up that they need to be wiped out.
It’s been widely reported that Americans living paycheck to paycheck is something like 70%. You are aware of this right? Now we can criticize all these people as dumb and lazy, but you know that’s dumb. Yes many don’t know how to effectively handle money and save for the future. However many have so little money, saving and investing is impossible.

An old friend of mine was losing her house about six years ago. I offered her an apartment at a discount because her only other choice was to move back with her mother; they didn't get along very well. She got back to me stating she couldn't even afford the apartment I offered her and opted to move back in with mom which she deeply regretted.

She started to give me a list of her expenses, one which was her car payment over $600.00. I was only going to charge her $500.00 a month for rent. I told her to get rid of that car pronto. She was on disability and didn't need it that much. Go buy a used car with no payments. She refused. She said her car meant everything to her.

Her choosing a car over a roof over her head is not uncommon these days. I would love to know the cable, cell phone, internet costs of all these people that are living paycheck to paycheck. That's why I don't pay attention to these reports.

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