Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

It's so fricking easy to invest now a days with the apps, back in the 1980s I didn't know how or where to begin, thank God the owner of my first company taught me how.
It'd easy to gamble on your phone too. In fact for the ordinary person it's no different
Go ahead and wipe them out. The nation goes into a tailspin never seen before. It's over at that point.
An old friend of mine was losing her house about six years ago. I offered her an apartment at a discount because her only other choice was to move back with her mother; they didn't get along very well. She got back to me stating she couldn't even afford the apartment I offered her and opted to move back in with mom which she deeply regretted.

She started to give me a list of her expenses, one which was her car payment over $600.00. I was only going to charge her $500.00 a month for rent. I told her to get rid of that car pronto. She was on disability and didn't need it that much. Go buy a used car with no payments. She refused. She said her car meant everything to her.

Her choosing a car over a roof over her head is not uncommon these days. I would love to know the cable, cell phone, internet costs of all these people that are living paycheck to paycheck. That's why I don't pay attention to these reports.
Save your made up stories MMMMMKay?
SS and Medicare are so fucked up that they need to be wiped out.
But don’t you dare touch the war department budget, or the CIA budget, or all those wonderful subsidies and tax loopholes given to the ultra wealthy and big corporations.
Democrats believe in a Government of the People, by the People and FOR the People

Republicans believe in Government for the rich

So where is it written government of the people, for the people, by the people mean government support these people?

We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not a guarantee of it by the government.
He tells a lot of stories. He might even believe some of them
I heard similar story's from different people it's not a stretch of the imagination to believe them from the actions of people now a days
I would be surprised to find any in their 80’s. There’s not many in their 70’s either. It might not be physically grueling like some manual labor jobs, but it’s not a walk in the park.

Even before I got out of it I seen some of my reactions slow down. In all the years of driving I was never in an accident in my name. Oh, I've been hit before, but never hit anybody else.

You need to be a fast thinker in certain situations driving a truck, sometimes life or death decisions. Trying to stop a 75,000 lbs vehicle in a split second is different than stopping a 2,000 lbs vehicle.
I heard similar story's from different people it's not a stretch of the imagination to believe them from the actions of people now a days
You don't make policy based on anecdotes which may or may not be accurate
Even before I got out of it I seen some of my reactions slow down. In all the years of driving I was never in an accident in my name. Oh, I've been hit before, but never hit anybody else.

You need to be a fast thinker in certain situations driving a truck, sometimes life or death decisions. Trying to stop a 75,000 lbs vehicle in a split second is different than stopping a 2,000 lbs vehicle.
Yup my other trucker friend always said your only Good as your last load, he had a great 10 year run, his last one he couldn't get out of the way of a car that cut him off, crashed his truck got fired, now works as a garbage man in the yard
You know how much someone making $40k can save without missing rent or car or food payments?

Nada. And certainly NOT four grand. In fact people on that situation have a hard time coming up with four HUNDRED when they sorely need it

Fuck off
No one will miss 10 cents on the dollar from a weekly paycheck.

You think it has to be a one shot deal?

People do stupid things like letting the fucking IRS take too much money out of their pay so they can get a refund. If you just adjust your withholding do ir is equal yo what your tax burden will be you'd be surprised how much extra money you have every week

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