Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.

I've absolutely no doubt you think she is an intellectual giant.
Here's a truly radical idea: Have the government spend less money.

That one will never work, though, because neither of the two major parties will embrace it.
Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.
Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.

These the same polls that said the shrilary was a shoo in? Thanks, i'll pay attention to non propagandists.
actually, The Hill is one of the more centrist and fair media outlets

this poll is discouraging, but we do know that polls aren't always super accurate
No problem as long as there is a plan to actually balance the budget and reduce the debt. The only way that's going to happen is with Constitutional restraints placed on lawmakers. Imo.
Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.

These the same polls that said the shrilary was a shoo in? Thanks, i'll pay attention to non propagandists.
So you’re never going to believe another poll? You’re not smart.

And your talking point is still wrong.
we did have a top rate of 90% at one point

seems to me to be the wrong approach & that it punishes people for being productive and innovative

why the hell aren't the progs going after accumulated wealth instead of earned income? there is a lot more to go after (I don't support that concept either, but it makes more sense)

oh wait, we know why, they refuse to attack the real power

I think jealousy is driving this...
Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.

I've absolutely no doubt you think she is an intellectual giant.
No, but you don’t need to be one to understand marginal tax rates.

Do you understand them? I doubt it.
They must have polled progressives or the question was worded for a "favorable" outcome. It's that or the majority are really fucking stupid, which is entirely possible.

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