Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)
^ Thinks it's the Republicans blocking affordable health care.

So cute, but really shouldn't be voting.
Conservatives have no respect for human life. Yes, even “criminals” should be dealt with humanely. Conservatives are turned on by suffering and death.
Remember when Conservatives wanted to make it Kegan to murder a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion attempt...?
- Oh wait. That is Democrats / liberals.

But remember that time Conservatives declared we have to 'follow the science' then ignored the science yo claim babies in the womb don't react to stimuli, can't feel pain, etc...?
- Oh wait. That is Democrats / liberals.

But remember how Conservatives defended their favorite politicians for screwing children, committing sexual harassment / assault against women, and created a Congressional Committee whose sole reason for existing was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims of sexual misconduct over DECADES?
- Oh wait. That is Democrats / liberals.

Oh, but remember that time the Conservative President was so desperate to show the American people he could punish terrorists for killing 13 US military members that he ordered a drone strike he claimed was the planner of the attack on our military but it turned out he killed US Aid workers and children?!
- Oh wait. That was a Democrat.

Oh, but remember when the Conservative President abandoned Americans Being attacked by terrorists. Or when he promised not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans & allies were out...before abandoning over 400 Ameticans and declaring, 'We have turned a page (and aren't looking back)...
- Oh wait. Those were Democrats...

But remember when Conservatives bailed out of jail domestic terrorists who attempted to burn alive local and federal police officers?
- Oh wait. That was Democrats / liberals.

Conservatives have no respect for human life. Yes, even “criminals” should be dealt with humanely. Conservatives are turned on by suffering and death.

Yes, tell us all about your "respect for human life" and how we aren't meeting your standards - as though anyone respected you enough to want to - when you're advocating denying healthcare to people on the basis of "Do as you're told, peasant."
No, conservatives hate him because he is black.

Say hi to your governor for me!

Northam was REPUBLICAN prior to 2008.

Northam first ran for office in 2007 in the 6th Senate district, which includes the Eastern Shore of Virginia; Mathews County, on the Middle Peninsula; and parts of the cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. He was unopposed for the Democratic nomination.
He was never a republican. He voted for one republican, GWB, before he entered politics and he was roasted by the Dems for this, and he stated he had regret for his vote.

Also, CNN labeled him as republican back in 2019 when he got in trouble for doing the blackface thing (Shocker CNN misreported something ;)). But he has never been a republican, and is yet another example of racists on the left.

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Ralph is an example of a reformed ex-conservative. He used to be a good little Republican.

Oh, really? And when was this? Can you actually point us to this "Republicanism" of his? Or is this just another thing that you're "knowing" because your masters told you to?
Yep that is why covid is now targeting the VAXXED---and the long term effects of both being vaxxed haven't shown up yet OFFICIALLY----

I am seeing increased heart issues from the vaxxed-------------lots of increase in heart conditions. The libs can only hide the facts so long before people start to notice the jump in heart attacks and congestive heart failures..
Out of any group of 1000 souls...

I'll take my chances on being the one-in-a-thousand that develops cardio issues after Vax'ing...

Much better odds than dying from terminal stupidity in NOT getting vax'ed...

And, by the way, one has to be on this side of the ground in order to be dealing with a heart condition... :badgrin:
Northam was REPUBLICAN prior to 2008.

Oh? HE says he was apolitical before 2007, when he first ran for the Senate as a Democrat. But I guess that, the same way you ASSume you "know" more about Republicans than they themselves do, you also ASSume you know more about Ralph Northam than he himself does, because it's REALLY, REALLY important for you to believe your talking points.
Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)
This is an idea whose time might have come. Gang members with gun shots, the obese with heart attacks, skiers with broken legs, it's a target rich field.
Sorry…while that might feel good to say that, we aren’t like Republicans. We actually feel empathy. Nobody deserves to die because of this disease, not even stupid Trump supporters.
No no! Don't stop him. His hate tyraid is just warming up! He's showing us that the left really can't claim the moral high ground!

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