Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

ACA is a scam to funnel money into crooked pols and their buddies pockets---it lowers the quality of health care (average life expectancy reversed course under Obama and got shorter because of that dipshit) and it raises the cost as people are forced to buy health insurance that pushes up the cost of medical service as health insurance providers reap billions $$$$ in profit from this shit and lower the standard of care as now your insurance company making billions tries to cut corners to increase their profits while your doctor makes you jump through hoops to maximize his bills.

Health care was cheaper and better before Obama forced the scam on us-
It was a start. Nothing more. Meant to built upon and improved.
Instead?..a decade long push by Republicans and conservatives to gut it..piece by piece.
And I don't know what reality you lived in before 2010, but a few of my colleagues with
pre-existing conditions either wouldn't be issued policies or had to pay through the nose for

And that major medical (with benefit limits) policy a lot of people had?... was useless.
THAT was profit for the insurance company.
Well, to be fair, the Republican and conservative push to gut the ACA for the last decade is leading toward the inevitable public option for healthcare. You righties helped make it happen. :)
Now, that being said, yes, it's time we start trying to salvage what's left of our healthcare system and stop the bleeding and overworking of staff. If you aren't vaccinated and get COVID, you
get sent home with whatever over the counter treatments they can give you (heard of one person sent home with an inhaler). But the time has come to stop bailing people out of their bad
decisions. We have the means of knocking down this virus.

Tell you what, I'd be for sending people home with a tube of ivermectin or a bottle of hydroxy and your choice of a podcast from Joe Rogan, Ben Shaprio, Dennis Prager, or Mark Levin.
Your choice. :)
Sorry…while that might feel good to say that, we aren’t like Republicans. We actually feel empathy. Nobody deserves to die because of this disease, not even stupid Trump supporters.
Sorry…while that might feel good to say that, we aren’t like Republicans. We actually feel empathy. Nobody deserves to die because of this disease, not even stupid Trump supporters.
That may be, but as I have a close family member who has experienced the consequences of the healthcare system stressed to the point of not being able to handle regular medical emergencies because of unvaccinated COVID sympathy is limited. This family member was in a serious amount of trouble. Something that wouldn't have happened in a non COVID time. There are a couple of pills from Pfizer and Merck that are showing great promised treating the virus and preventing hospitalization. The alternative seems to be the permanent destruction of our healthcare system.
That may be, but as I have a close family member who has experienced the consequences of the healthcare system stressed to the point of not being able to handle regular medical emergencies because of unvaccinated COVID sympathy is limited. This family member was in a serious amount of trouble. Something that wouldn't have happened in a non COVID time. There are a couple of pills from Pfizer and Merck that are showing great promised treating the virus and preventing hospitalization. The alternative seems to be the permanent destruction of our healthcare system.
Yeah, I get that too. My wife is about to start her second round of chemo for reoccurring cancer.
I am seeing increased heart issues from the vaxxed-------------lots of increase in heart conditions. The libs can only hide the facts so long before people start to notice the jump in heart attacks and congestive heart failures..
Long haul COVID-19 is far more damaging to the heart and vascular system than any vaccines.
That may be, but as I have a close family member who has experienced the consequences of the healthcare system stressed to the point of not being able to handle regular medical emergencies because of unvaccinated COVID sympathy is limited. This family member was in a serious amount of trouble. Something that wouldn't have happened in a non COVID time. There are a couple of pills from Pfizer and Merck that are showing great promised treating the virus and preventing hospitalization. The alternative seems to be the permanent destruction of our healthcare system.
So why are you just mad at people with COVID? Why not smokers, and fat people and drug users, and people who drink and people who engage in myriad other risky behaviors. Are these people also not taking up beds in hospitals due to "bad" life choices? That's weird part to me. For whatever reason some people have decided that COVID is the reason our healthcare system is stressed, but the reality is our society was unhealthy long before COVID showed up and that's why there's an issue, if there is one.

40k people die every month of obesity and it's related diseases/medical conditions and it's an easily preventable condition. You don't have to have health insurance, you don't have to take an expensive pill, you don't have to do anything other than stop shoving food in the hole under your nose. It's really that simple. Oh and guess what the leading comorbidity of COVID deaths and hospitalizations is outside old age. You guessed it obesity. Probably has something to do with their shit health and the fact that their cardio-vascular system is fucked.
Yet some imbecile in this thread thinks "triage" will allow him to push unvaccinated people to the back of the line, regardless of severity of infection.
Why? Because that's one of the narratives disseminated to the useful idiots recently.
Ignorance exemplified, that one.

It's not ignorance
It's hate
Ah yes, the same racist trope for 80 years.
I had said that blacks won't be respected while their violent crime rate and unsocialized behavior rate is so high. I referred to murders, looting, thefts, muggings, prostitution, welfare, shoplifting, all the antisocial behaviors blacks do so much more of than we do.

Your reply is strange --- is your position that we should just tolerate this high level of crime and antisocial behavior and somehow respect you anyway?

I think that is what we HAVE been doing, in the hope you would change, but you don't change, you get worse and much worse --- these new bandit attacks by large bands of robbers, for instance.

I think we should stop tolerating this behavior. Certainly we have never respected it, who could?

I guess I can see how people like you would want us to keep being fooled into tolerating an ever-increasing amount of black crime, until black warlords take over America, but I'm hoping that won't happen.
Conservatives don’t think “blacks” are human. Humans are afforded basic respect just for existing. White people get such respect. However, conservatives think black people have to “earn” respect.
Even criminals? Respect for just existing, as criminals? Nobody respects those, whatever race they are. Naaaaaah, deserve respect, then you'll get it.
Even criminals? Respect for just existing, as criminals? Nobody respects those, whatever race they are. Naaaaaah, deserve respect, then you'll get it.
Conservatives have no respect for human life. Yes, even “criminals” should be dealt with humanely. Conservatives are turned on by suffering and death.
Conservatives have no respect for human life. Yes, even “criminals” should be dealt with humanely.
I can see you would be in favor of that, given that criminals are pretty much all you've got.

Deserve respect, then you'll get it.
A very good point.

....except Democrats have done and continue to do what they do best - LIE, DIVIDE, & CREATE AN ENEMY TO HATE....this time it is the un-vaccinated.

Democrats gave declared the vaccinated can not infect anyone with COVID-19, that if anyone gets the virus the unvacvinated are to blame.



The latest variant is highly contagious but is WEAK AS HELL. Symptoms are reported to he ACHY JOINTS & BEING TIRED.
- Ask any senior citizen who does NOT have the virus his they feel, & they will tell you their JOINTS ACHE & THEY ARE TIRED.

Any snowflake remember the Dimocrat motto, 'follow the science'? Any intelligent person knows every tome a virus mutates IT GETS WEAKER!

Kudos to the Democrat Governor (or was it Mayor?) who recently broke from his party & declared 'THE PANDEMIC IS OVER ' NO KORE MANDATES, QUARANTINES, ABD / OR LOCK-DOWNS!'


I can see you would be in favor of that, given that criminals are pretty much all you've got.

Deserve respect, then you'll get it.
Conservatives want justification for their torture and killings. They are wrong. All human life deserves basic respect- no exceptions.
Conservatives want justification for their torture and killings. They are wrong. All human life deserves basic respect- no exceptions.
Sounds like we've got another anti-abortionist, and in a surprising race group for that kind of belief.
No one takes conservatives seriously. Conservatives need their own safe spaces for validation.
Can't you do any better than try to accuse others of doing what you snowflakes pu$$ies created because you are too fragile to face the real world?

'Safe Spaces' are 100% Democrat / Snowflake!

Be honest democrats, it makes you want government run health care, doesn't it.

Just think, all of your political opponents targeted by government run health care to die, much like the IRS targeted conservatives for audits under Obama.

Also, Orange Man Bad.

Very very bad.

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