Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

We aren't telling you what racism is. We are telling you, over and over, that no one will ever respect blacks until they DESERVE respect.
Conservatives don’t think “blacks” are human. Humans are afforded basic respect just for existing. White people get such respect. However, conservatives think black people have to “earn” respect.
Total unsupported bullshit, as is typical from you. I notice you didn't say anything about areas with the highest actual Covid deaths! Just vaccinations. You see asshole, the vaccine is very flawed, it works off just a small part of the virus and after three months, the effectiveness is way down. By six months, you might as well not have ever even had the shot, the reason for the booster. Real immunity works off the whole virus, and nowhere in your stupid tirade do you say anything about actual IMMUNITY! Because the goal here fuckknob is not to get the mRNA vax like some fucking Pavlov's dog robot, but to get IMMUNITY, real immunity, and right now, if you can afford the risk (ie, not 80 with advanced respiratory disease), the best immunity you can get is NOT through the vax but through getting exposed to several small viral loads building up natural immunity, but no one even tests for that, you could have the highest Covid immunity in the country but if you didn't get the stupid shot, idiots like you treat them as if they were lepers. In fact, unlike every other virus in history, we are treating this one exactly wrong, discouraging natural lasting immunity actually MAKING US more dependent on the temporary, inferior mRNA vax treatment! Say, are you on the board of Pfizer?

So you think US News a better source of medical data than the CDC? :auiqs.jpg: Because the CDC says that the areas with greatest actual Covid problems are around blue cities! Dummass, when I get the chance, I'll post the CDC data which you are trying to ignore that I mentioned and that will shut you up.
Already linked a reputable source. If you want to contract the virus and build your natural immunity, no one is stopping you. I'm not gonna sit here and try and convince you otherwise. You're just another alt-right tool.
Conservatives think only white people can be successful. It’s not “merit” when a non-white person gets into Harvard. Conservatives think that person only got in due to race.
First part is total crap, and I think you know it. However, the end may be partially correct. If there were not affirmative action, quotas, or lower score criteria there would be no reason for a conservative to think that, but since there is how can you blame them for that assumption? Same can be said for Asian. They require higher scores than whites, so there is the assumption if they are at Harvard they must be smarter than everyone else.
First part is total crap, and I think you know it. However, the end may be partially correct. If there were not affirmative action, quotas, or lower score criteria there would be no reason for a conservative to think that, but since there is how can you blame them. Same can be said for Asian. They require higher scores than whites, so there is the assumption if they are at Harvard they must be smarter than everyone else.
Of course I framed the conservative position accurately. Conservatives think only white people are successful.
Conservatives don’t think “blacks” are human. Humans are afforded basic respect just for existing. White people get such respect. However, conservatives think black people have to “earn” respect.
New Jersey taxpayers pay endless resources to the most ghetto cities in America. Corrupted Progressive Democrats blew endless free money from casinos in Atlantic City. Just like the corrupted blew free money in New York with Off Track Betting.
New Jersey taxpayers pay endless resources to the most ghetto cities in America. Corrupted Progressive Democrats blew endless free money from casinos in Atlantic City. Just like the corrupted blew free money in New York with Off Track Betting.
Who do you think is filling the chairs at the slot machines? The poor people. Think this shit through. Just once. Try it. Before posting.
Damn that is dumb. You people just don't care how stupid you make yourselves look, do ya?
You are a kid whose mom tells how to respond and you live in Podunk and not DC. We all know how you feel your feelings take precedent over actual life experiences.
Yup. I’m all for medical triage.

No, you aren't. You're all for "offended me/did what I wanted triage". What you want has nothing to do with medical anything; it's just about you thinking you have the first opportunity in your life to be superior, instead of the noxious vapor you normally are.

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