Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

Just like any lovely liberal minority, they should be treated equally like everyone else. Why not?
I am not stopping you. Read away. If you are referring to something else that happened 10 years ago, you may want to post what you are referring to. My mind reading skills have gotten better since I was married, but still working on it.
  • An individual mandate;
  • Creation of purchasing pools;
  • Standardized benefits;
  • Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
  • A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.

All from Republicans, and all from the right. It's kind of of ironic that they then shit all over these things when the smiling Brown guy ate their lunch, considering it was the best Health Care reform idea they were able come up with a 25 years in response to the public option.. They counted on their base to be too ignorant to know that they were actually insulting themselves and shitting on their own ideas. Of course, they were right about their base.
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Doesn’t have to be. What are conservatives doing to stop anti-black racism?
If there were facts showing it was a huge problem then we could look at it, but because something happens to a black man by a white man does not make it racist. However, it is always looked at as such and someone screams there is this huge issue that doesn't exist.
If there were facts showing it was a huge problem then we could look at it, but because something happens to a black man by a white man does not make it racist. However, it is always looked at as such and someone screams there is this huge issue that doesn't exist.
Conservatives always dismiss the lived experience of blacks and minorities. It’s because conservatives don’t care about non-whites. Trump didn’t care about COVID-19 once he found out minority communities were most affected.
Insufficient. What are you doing to stop anti-black racism?
What are you doing to stop racism toward white people. They are not protected like the black community is. They have no affirmative action to help them. There are no quotas for them. There are no white scholarships, etc. This "race problem" is a narrative brought up by the left to keep blacks subservient to them.
Seven of the 10 have among the highest percentages of black population in the country. These are the people you want to discriminate against when it comes to providing medical care.
Uh-huh. Anything you say, Hoss. I'm sorry, where are NJ, NY, SC, Florida, CA...aww, you know where I'm going. :)
What are you doing to stop racism toward white people. They are not protected like the black community is. They have no affirmative action to help them. There are no quotas for them. There are no white scholarships, etc. This "race problem" is a narrative brought up by the left to keep blacks subservient to them.
Conservatives entire ideology is that white people are under attack. We get it- minorities are scary and holding you back from greatness. However, successful people don’t need scapegoats.
Conservatives always dismiss the lived experience of blacks and minorities. It’s because conservatives don’t care about non-whites. Trump didn’t care about COVID-19 once he found out minority communities were most affected.
The issue is you need facts. You can't just say I was treated poorly and it is because of my race. Sometimes crap happens no matter the color. Sometimes we do irresponsible things, and a white person protects themselves, etc. and they are called a racist. Even when a white person like Rittenhouse protects himself the left tries to divide us by saying it was somehow racist even though no black person was shot. This is what they do. Saying white cops kill blacks because they are black does not make it true. You have to show proof that the shooting was because the person was black, and we need to get back to innocent until proven guilty.
You left off (deleted) most of what I posted where I backed up what I stated, but I guess if you have no rebuttal , calling someone "stupid" is the next best thing.

This is you, isn't it ;).

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