Should the unvaccinated be treated last or not at all?

  • An individual mandate;
  • Creation of purchasing pools;
  • Standardized benefits;
  • Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
  • A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.

All from Republicans, and all from the right. It's kind of of ironic that they then shit all over these things when the smiling Brown guy ate their lunch, considering it was the best Health Care reform idea they were able come up with a 25 years in response to the public option.. They counted on their base to be too ignorant to know that they were actually insulting themselves and shitting on their own ideas. Of course, they were right about their base.
The smiling brown guy never sweated a day in his life. Never made serious decisions. That is why.
The issue is you need facts. You can't just say I was treated poorly and it is because of my race. Sometimes crap happens no matter the color. Sometimes we do irresponsible things, and a white person protects themselves, etc. and they are called a racist. Even when a white person like Rittenhouse protects himself the left tries to divide us by saying it was somehow racist even though no black person was shot. This is what they do. Saying white cops kill blacks because they are black does not make it true. You have to show proof that the shooting was because the person was black, and we need to get back to innocent until proven guilty.
It wouldn’t be America without a white conservative telling a black man what racism is.
The areas with the lowest vaccination rates voted for Trump.
Total unsupported bullshit, as is typical from you. I notice you didn't say anything about areas with the highest actual Covid deaths! Just vaccinations. You see asshole, the vaccine is very flawed, it works off just a small part of the virus and after three months, the effectiveness is way down. By six months, you might as well not have ever even had the shot, the reason for the booster. Real immunity works off the whole virus, and nowhere in your stupid tirade do you say anything about actual IMMUNITY! Because the goal here fuckknob is not to get the mRNA vax like some fucking Pavlov's dog robot, but to get IMMUNITY, real immunity, and right now, if you can afford the risk (ie, not 80 with advanced respiratory disease), the best immunity you can get is NOT through the vax but through getting exposed to several small viral loads building up natural immunity, but no one even tests for that, you could have the highest Covid immunity in the country but if you didn't get the stupid shot, idiots like you treat them as if they were lepers. In fact, unlike every other virus in history, we are treating this one exactly wrong, discouraging natural lasting immunity actually MAKING US more dependent on the temporary, inferior mRNA vax treatment! Say, are you on the board of Pfizer?

Looks like a lot of red to me.
So you think US News a better source of medical data than the CDC? :auiqs.jpg: Because the CDC says that the areas with greatest actual Covid problems are around blue cities! Dummass, when I get the chance, I'll post the CDC data which you are trying to ignore that I mentioned and that will shut you up.
The smiling brown guy never sweated a day in his life. Never made serious decisions. That is why.
Haha, suuuuure. Why do you embarrass yourself by saying such fucking stupid things? You know that isn't why. You know how stupid you sound when you say it. But you say it anyway. Just.... baffling
Conservatives entire ideology is that white people are under attack. We get it- minorities are scary and holding you back from greatness. However, successful people don’t need scapegoats.
Incorrect. It is that free market and smaller government is best. And that we should base our opportunities and successes on merit.

Edit: And to have a military that is strong, and can protect our nation from foreign invaders.
Look how the conservative attacks fake arguments. He has to be intelligent enough to read, right?
You are retarded, apparently.
Saying "treat 'em last" is not how triage works. Those who need treatment most are prioritized, regardless of vaccination status.
Are you a teenager or something?
Your brain seems underdeveloped.
Incorrect. It is that free market and smaller government is best. And that we should base our opportunities and successes on merit.
Conservatives think only white people can be successful. It’s not “merit” when a non-white person gets into Harvard. Conservatives think that person only got in due to race.
Haha, suuuuure. Why do you embarrass yourself by saying such fucking stupid things? You know that isn't why. You know how stupid you sound when you say it. But you say it anyway. Just.... baffling
Tell us what he did in his life. It is like a foggy question mark. I get being proud of someone not white being important. I do not care about the corrupted though.
DC got along fine since about 1985 and then Barry had to shoot off his mouth and TDS has carried the fake narrative even further.
Tell us what he did in his life. It is like a foggy question mark. I get being proud of someone not white being important. I do not care about the corrupted though.
Oh no no no. You do t get to slither out from saying something so painfully fucking stupid and put the burden on me.
The Vaccinated are the super spreaders.
They spread variants
They are the ones dying.
Yet some imbecile in this thread thinks "triage" will allow him to push unvaccinated people to the back of the line, regardless of severity of infection.
Why? Because that's one of the narratives disseminated to the useful idiots recently.
Ignorance exemplified, that one.
It wouldn’t be America without a white conservative telling a black man what racism is.
We aren't telling you what racism is. We are telling you, over and over, that no one will ever respect blacks until they DESERVE respect. Killing people, robbing, rioting, looting, welfare, prostitution, none of that is going to get respect from us.
We aren't telling you what racism is. We are telling you, over and over, that no one will ever respect blacks until they DESERVE respect. Killing people, robbing, rioting, looting, welfare, prostitution, none of that is going to get respect from us.
Ah yes, the same racist trope for 80 years.

We know you are lying. We know this has nothing to do with anything. You fool nobody.

Be honest democrats, it makes you want government run health care, doesn't it.

Just think, all of your political opponents targeted by government run health care to die, much like the IRS targeted conservatives for audits under Obama.
The whining right playing the victim card – how tedious.

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